Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
How corporate incentives within the FTSE 350 inhibit innovation (@nesta_uk)
The study suggests that remuneration packages are dominated by measures that inhibit corporate innovation. One would expect that the incentives given to company management would, on balance, encourage innovation. Origen: The Invisible Drag on UK [...]
G7 Inequality: A persisting challenge and its implications | @McKinsey
While the wealth gap has narrowed globally, inequality within advanced economies has increased since the 1980s. My own take: G-7 is no more a convenient focus group for worldwide studies… <iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/1971571337001/HkOJqCPWdb_default/index.html?videoId=6049611314001' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe> Origen: [...]
Vinod Khosla on How to Build the Future
Excerpts from a @vkhosla interview selected by @jmegias (thanks). "If you want to achieve a really ambitious vision, then you have to get a think tank of unreasonable people together, and below that layer, set [...]
The Invention of Money – @NewYorker
worth read article on this interesting system we all live into, built upon trial and error. …the man who almost bankrupted a country and the supreme advocate of bankers’ bailouts would be amused to see [...]
11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson by @CBInsights Research
–Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive —instead, focus on market fit— –Growth isn’t always worth it Origen: 11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson - CB Insights Research Product development Keep your vision simple [...]
Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture
A company’s culture is its operating system. Everything that happens runs on it. Origen: Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture The daily priorities for most organizational leaders and managers look something [...]
Europa: La pérdida de la inocencia por @XavierFerras
Enlazaba @nonoregaa esta entrada en respuesta a la reflexión de @AndresGReche que cayó ante mis ojos justo después de leer un artículo que ha estado bastante tiempo en una pestaña de mi navegador sobre la [...]
The hidden history of how Government kick-started Silicon Valley ( @hope_reese )
Dwight Eisenhower never declared, “I shall build a science city in Northern California.” Yet the military spending and space program spending that started under Eisenhower was the launching pad for Silicon Valley’s rocket. @medium: The [...]
Release of the Global Innovation Index 2019 by @wipo
Switzerland is the world’s most-innovative country followed by Sweden, the United States of America, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, according to the 2019 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII). Outside of Europe and [...]
Silver Surfers 😉 El mundo tras la revolución demográfica ( @Ethic_ via @Antropologia20 )
…La percepción de la vejez, el transcurso del tiempo, está cambiando en el planeta, sobre todo en las sociedades más desarrolladas. Es cierto que el reloj aún sigue reproduciendo, impertérrito, su tictac de injusticia. Duele, [...]
¿Alguna vez os han pedido “un steak tartar poco hecho”, algo con “tomate disecado” o “aceite de Módena”?
Divertido hilo colaborativo de @moniquecestmoi (Mónica Escudero). https://twitter.com/moniquecestmoi/status/1151448869957513216?s=20
La innovación llega al consejo de dirección, el único sitio en el que puede estar
Me proponen escribir sobre el significado de la llegada de la innovación al Consejo de Administración. Es gracioso que llegue la propuesta en una época en la que, cuanto más se habla de innovación más [...]
Master the Art of Trendspotting (by @Gartner_Inc)
The purpose of trendspotting is to answer three of the most crucial questions for EA and TI leaders: How can I tell which of today’s technology trends will be disruptive? How do I decide which [...]
Blog posts worth read from June’s 2019 last week
How to Work Alone Skill #1: Silencing the inner demons and going with the flow. Skill #2: The ability to face distractions head on. Listen to sounds of nature. Accept imperfection. Skill #3: The ability [...]
2019 Global CEO Outlook — Ágil o irrelevante. Redefiniendo la resiliencia.
Se puede acceder en el siguiente enlace al pdf del estudio publicado por @KPMG_ES. Al final están las conclusiones, pero he querido destacar dos gráficos que me llamaron, entre otras cosas, la atención. La verdad es [...]
The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos
Origen: The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos A customer-first mindset A focus on the road map for the future Continuous creation of new businesses Creating multiple paths to yes Acting as [...]
Applying AI for social good | McKinsey
Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a [...]
Sign in with Apple (@trendwatching’s take)
The must read trend watchers have considered Apple's Sign in with Apple as their June, 6th (2019) "innovation of the day" 😊 Origen: Sign in with Apple: our take This is a monumental update, here’s what [...]
Empathy-Driven Development by @AndreaGoulet via @FirstRound
Following the interesting Andrea Goulet article about technical debt, First Round brings another surprising and indeed very interesting interview with Andrea Goulet. Origen: Empathy-Driven Development: How Engineers Can Tap into This Critical Skill | First Round [...]
Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations
Adoption and application of AI technologies 18% Pioneers: Understand, adopt, and invest in AI 33% Investigators: Understand AI but have not deployed beyond pilot stages 16% Experimenters: Are piloting AI projects but still learning its [...]
Every company is bound by its capabilities…
…but the best companies re-shape these bounds because they are defined by priorities. Origen: The iPhone is the most successful product of all time (by @asymco) | appletalk:entremaqueros Excerpts on "innovation drivers", taken from Horace [...]
Markets Are 10X Bigger Than Ever (by @eladgil)
& I'd dare to say that more competition is also on the way. Markets are bigger and faster than ever before. In general, software markets and businesses are 10X bigger than they were 10-15 years [...]
Behavioral Economics y nuestro yo futuro: Reflexiones sobre la procrastinación del ahorro (by @tcanalysis)
…mostrar imágenes renderizadas de nuestro yo futuro influye positivamente en nuestra propensión al ahorro dedicado a la jubilación. Origen: Marketing News, citado en "Qué leemos en The Cocktail" En Behavioral Economics se estudian en profundidad toda [...]
Guide to a product manager’s daily routines: tools, processes and tips
If you want answers to the following questions, go deeper in the links 😉 1. Is it even possible to be a remote product manager? 2. Daily Schedule 3. Weekly Schedule 4. How to improve [...]
12 “More or Less Resolutions” you could start today to improve your life forever
1. Own less stuff. 2. Watch less television. 3. Eat a healthier diet. 4. Spend less money on unnecessary purchases. 5. Read more books. 6. Become more generous. 7. Ask more questions. 8. Complain less. [...]
Secular Outlook 2022 – A major inflection point by @juliusbaer
What are the key trends that will shape the economy and markets this decade? Origen: Secular Outlook 2022 – A major inflection point Pinpointing trends This year, the identification of structural forces has proved to [...]
Keeping it in the family: 9 things to know about generational perspectives in family enterprise
It’s often assumed that generations clash. This is particularly crucial for family businesses, where the transfer of knowledge and power between generations is essential for long-term business success. However, as the new Family Enterprise Global [...]
Global Innovation Index 2021: Which are the most innovative countries?
Release of the Global Innovation Index 2021 Origen: Global Innovation Index 2021: Which are the most innovative countries? The GII 2021 finds that Scientific output, expenditures in R&D, intellectual property filings and venture capital [...]
The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? by @oreillymedia
Understanding four trends that may shape the future of Silicon Valley is also a road map to some of the biggest technology-enabled opportunities of the next decades: Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills [...]
Análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación
A continuación, un extracto de las conclusiones del diagnóstico en el contexto actual del análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación (pdf) para 2021. Los énfasis son míos 😉 Los sectores [...]
Corporate innovation in the entrepreneurial age (a @dealroomco report)
In summary. Nearly everything’s about software (except handbags and champagne) Scale is a commodity. Competition is about entrepreneurship Talent is flocking to startups. And startups are built from anywhere More than ever, corporates would benefit [...]
The 9 Industries Amazon Could Disrupt Next – @CBInsights Research
Origen: The 9 Industries Amazon Could Disrupt Next - CB Insights Research The 5 industries Amazon will disrupt in the next 5 years Pharmacies: Making drugs a low-margin commodity Small business lending: A direct, data-driven [...]
Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle, by @gabekleinman
The reason VC’s are gaining ESG altitude is simple: institutional investors and family offices are now leaning in. Origen: Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle. Upstream investment strategy remains… | by Gabe Kleinman | May, 2021 | [...]