¿Qué podemos esperar de la economía mundial en la segunda mitad de 2024? por Pedro Videla y Javier Díaz Giménez en IESE Insight

"España es la suma de sus hogares, empresas y administraciones públicas". "Si observamos los datos de la economía española en 2023, vemos que, a pesar de su deuda pública, España tuvo un superávit de 40.000 millones de euros en su balanza por cuenta corriente. Esto significa que el país financió al resto del mundo con [...]

Ultra Wealthy Philanthropy 2024 report – @AltrataOfficial

Altrata’s latest report provides a unique and detailed view of wealthy donor activity. It focuses on the world’s ultra high net worth (UHNW) population, people with a net worth of $30m or more. The report provides an overview of the global giving landscape and recent UHNW developments. It explores the upward trend in overall philanthropic [...]

OCDE pide reformas fiscales y avisa: “las multinacionales juegan con ventaja” (@economia3)

Las pymes suponen en nuestro país el 99,8% de las empresas, representan poco más del 62% del Valor Añadido Bruto (VAB) y el 66% del empleo empresarial total, según los datos del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Origen: OCDE pide reformas fiscales y avisa: "las multinacionales juegan con ventaja" Concretamente, las pymes con asalariados [...]

Secular Outlook 2023 –the end of the peace dividend– by @juliusbaer

One major consequence of the global pandemic has been the transition from a world led by neoliberal principals, which is characterised by fiscal conservatism and falling inflation, to a world of state-sponsored capitalism, where expansive fiscal and monetary policies work together to reduce inequalities, ultimately reflating developed economies. Many of the developments in 2022, including [...]

Is globalisation over? (by @knightfrank)

Back in March I claimed in The Wealth Report that the wealthy were choosing globalisation as an investment strategy. This was evidenced through expanding demand for international property and diversified portfolios as well as by burgeoning demand for global citizenship. Origen: Is globalisation over?   Almost as soon as we published the report the world [...]

Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis

Top 5 common blunders that investors may encounter during a crisis. Origen: Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis   Mistake 1:  “Let’s sell for now and wait for the dust to settle.”    The equivalent for cash-rich investors would be “Let’s keep the cash and wait for the dust to settle”. The S&P500 [...]

Very High Net Worth Handbook 2020 (by @wealthx )

The always interesting report of the rich ;) Origen: Very High Net Worth Handbook 2020: Exceptional Growth Source Assets Women outperform men in 'non-profit and social organizations' industry.   Wealth tiers   Number of VHNW by country and density by country. The most notable country findings: ■ The top 10 countries accounted for three-quarters of [...]

Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal (Observatorio de la crisis)

Esta parece ser la única manera en que se haga algo real por el clima: a la fuerza. Origen: Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal La deuda global en relación al PIB ha crecido un 322% en el último cuarto de 2019, sobrepasando los 253 billones $. Simplemente una recesión mediana conllevaría [...]

World Ultra Wealth Report 2019 (by @wealthx)

…the combined net worth of the UHNW population saw a decrease… (but) forecasts robust growth for the UHNW population, with a projected population increase to 353,550 individuals possessing a total combined wealth of $43 trillion by 2023 Origen: Ultra-Wealthy Population Analysis: World Ultra Wealth Report 2019   UHNW wealth slumps for the first time in [...]

2019-09-29T22:27:41+02:00September 29th, 2019|economía, financial, sociología, tendencias, trends|

The Invention of Money – @NewYorker

worth read article on this interesting system we all live into, built upon trial and error. …the man who almost bankrupted a country and the supreme advocate of bankers’ bailouts would be amused to see just how little we have learned… Origen: The Invention of Money | The New Yorker How did these once wild [...]

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