Goirigolzarri advierte: los populismos y la desglobalización son “inflacionarios”

y yo añado "y van de la mano" ;-) Origen: Economía 3 – Goirigolzarri advierte: los populismos y la desglobalización son "inflacionarios" Goirigolzarri ha advertido de que en el medio plazo pueden darse tasas de inflación no tan bajas como en el pasado por varias razones, entre ellas el populismo, la desglobalización y la demanda [...]

Ultra Wealthy Philanthropy 2024 report – @AltrataOfficial

Altrata’s latest report provides a unique and detailed view of wealthy donor activity. It focuses on the world’s ultra high net worth (UHNW) population, people with a net worth of $30m or more. The report provides an overview of the global giving landscape and recent UHNW developments. It explores the upward trend in overall philanthropic [...]

start (it) up

Recupero una página de un viejo blog que ya no mantengo… empezó en 2013 y la actualicé por última vez en 2016. Febrero 2013: Hablando en #MITEDP (el Entrepreneurship Development Program @ MIT-Sloan) con Paul Maeder, co-fundador de Highland Capital Partners, se le preguntó: "aprovechando que hay aquí una nutrida representación de una determinada región y algún [...]

2023-07-08T16:16:37+02:00July 8th, 2023|start-it-up|

Secular Outlook 2023 –the end of the peace dividend– by @juliusbaer

One major consequence of the global pandemic has been the transition from a world led by neoliberal principals, which is characterised by fiscal conservatism and falling inflation, to a world of state-sponsored capitalism, where expansive fiscal and monetary policies work together to reduce inequalities, ultimately reflating developed economies. Many of the developments in 2022, including [...]

Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis

Top 5 common blunders that investors may encounter during a crisis. Origen: Avoid these 5 investment blunders during a crisis   Mistake 1:  “Let’s sell for now and wait for the dust to settle.”    The equivalent for cash-rich investors would be “Let’s keep the cash and wait for the dust to settle”. The S&P500 [...]

El ¿alto? salario de los desarrolladores no es una burbuja, solo la realidad (@david_bonilla)

Una interesante primera parte de #labonilista sobre el salario de los programadores. El COVID no ha hecho más que acelerar las cosas, imponiendo a las empresas una digitalización y —sobre todo— una deslocalización a marchas forzadas, pero todo este ruido no debe impedirnos ver la imparable tendencia que hay detrás: cada año hacen falta más programadores y cada [...]

Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle, by @gabekleinman 

The reason VC’s are gaining ESG altitude is simple: institutional investors and family offices are now leaning in. Origen: Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle. Upstream investment strategy remains… | by Gabe Kleinman | May, 2021 | World Positive Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) standards are having a moment with climate change (and climate risk), broad socioeconomic [...]

“Betting on Biotech” report by @pitchbook

Cultivating an understanding of the VC investment landscape of US-based biotech & pharma startups. Origin: PitchBook Analyst Note: Betting on Biotech Key takeaways: Over the last few decades, the biotechnology & pharmaceuticals (biotech & pharma) industry has seen a shift from drug development through internal R&D efforts at large-cap public incumbents to an M&A-based model. The drug [...]

11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson by @CBInsights Research

–Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive —instead, focus on market fit— –Growth isn’t always worth it Origen: 11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson - CB Insights Research Product development Keep your vision simple at the beginning Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive — instead, focus on market fit “A hard charging sales [...]

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