Un lugar de trabajo sostenible, estudio de @ieseinsight

En resumen, la virtud está en el término medio que diría Gracián. Teletrabajar dos o tres días a la semana, la opción óptima. Solo un 12% de los empleados afirma que le gustaría teletrabajar siempre y apenas un 4% querría trabajar todos los días en la oficina. Origen: IESE Insight Un lugar de trabajo sostenible [...]

How to use tools to remotely manage teams, @Siftedeu

Be strategically clustered That makes it easy to meet up for things like onboarding, team getaways or in-person brainstorming. Create a hybrid approach to onboarding If possible, meet your new team members in person, as it helps build personal relationships. Don’t expect people to know how a tool works …your company may use them differently to how [...]

Digital nomad visas by @wef

any non-EU citizen could apply for a special visa to work in Spain as a digital nomad for up to five years. They will need to have lived outside Spain for at least five years to qualify.   Origen: Spain is the latest country to consider digital nomad visas | World Economic Forum   Why [...]

The future of remote work, according to 6 experts – Vox (@voxdotcom)

Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely? Origin: The future of remote work, according to 6 experts - Vox I think that number will never exceed 30 percent fully remote. What percentage will have some remote work? Probably 60 to 65 percent. There are some roles that will never [...]

How we work

Distributed work is an approach to work, not just 'working from home.' Origen: How we work   Here are some principles of distributed work: ✅  What is distributed work Hiring and working from all over the world instead of from one central location. Flexible working hours over set working hours. The results of work over [...]

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