Will the EU unlock private capital for European tech?

In the European tech bubble, not many have heard of the term “capital markets union” (CMU) — but in Brussels, Eurocrats have been talking about it for almost a decade. This jargon-ish slogan is an umbrella term to describe a set of ideas designed to help unlock additional pools of private capital for EU’s most [...]

OCDE pide reformas fiscales y avisa: “las multinacionales juegan con ventaja” (@economia3)

Las pymes suponen en nuestro país el 99,8% de las empresas, representan poco más del 62% del Valor Añadido Bruto (VAB) y el 66% del empleo empresarial total, según los datos del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Origen: OCDE pide reformas fiscales y avisa: "las multinacionales juegan con ventaja" Concretamente, las pymes con asalariados [...]

¿Cómo lo estaremos haciendo? @wef  en Davos 2023, 6 expertos ofrecieron predicciones sobre áreas clave para el futuro

  Origen: Davos 2023: 6 expertos ofrecen predicciones sobre áreas clave para el futuro | Foro Económico Mundial   Jim Leape “Blue Carbon” capture & storage Global treaties for ecosystem protection Ocean data spurring innovation Leveraging blue foods https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/6d72fc2b56154106ae6352fc7bce3964   Magdalena Skipper Opportunities for loss and damage finance Ethics of AI driven solutions Focus on [...]

4 world wide macro risks from @WEF

2023's top risks 6 months on - according to Chief Risk Officers Origen: 4 macro risks that chief risk officers are focusing on now | World Economic Forum 1. Macroeconomic indicators Inflation is falling, but in many countries, it’s still “stubbornly high” and continues to significantly impact the economic risk landscape… One major consequence is [...]

Advancing precision medicine through agile governance (by @BrookingsInst via @wef )

Leveraging the latest technologies to improve treatment regimens, store patient data, and track outcomes is essential for a country to reach their healthcare goals amidst changing environmental, economic, and social conditions. Precision medicine uses personal information, such as DNA sequences, to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. From targeting late-stage cancers to curing rare genetic diseases, [...]

The Global Risks report 2021 (por @MarshGlobal)

El @IGobernanzaEmp (instituto de gobernanza empresarial) nos ha invitado a la presentación del informe global de riesgos 2021 de Marsh. Para que no me pase como en otras ocasiones, comparto "ya" las diapositivas de la presentación de esta mañana  que, como en años anteriores, nos ha ofrecido maravillosamente bien José María Carulla –Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia– [...]

The Global Risks report – 2019 y 2020 (vía @igobernanzaemp )

En septiembre 2019 asistí a un coloquio organizado por el instituto de Gobernanza Empresarial, en la que José María Carulla, Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia de Marsh Risk Consulting nos presentaba un interesantísimo resumen del análisis de riesgos que presentaron en Davos en enero de 2019. De una parte el trabajo y de otra [...]

The next decade (by @baptist_simon from @TheEIU –The Economist–)

The first is changing patterns of growth.…growth can no longer be taken as a given, even over the longer term. In the last decade a dozen or so countries ended up with a lower level of real GDP than they started with… Over the next decade the world will have to get used to a slowing [...]

World Intellectual Property report 2019 released ( by @WIPO ) 

This year’s report focuses on “The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks”. Origen: World Intellectual Property Report 2019   Drawing on millions of patent and scientific publication records spanning over five decades, this year’s edition of the report offers new insights on: The geography and interconnectivity of innovation in the 21st century How the [...]

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