66 Good News Stories You Didn’t Hear About in 2023

A lot of things went right this year. Almost none of them made the news. Origen: 66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023 Global Health 1. A record number of countries eliminated diseases this year 2. Progress in the fight against cancer 3. Malaria vaccines started arriving in Africa 4. New therapies [...]

“The End of Digital Health” by @heal_capital

Over the following years we will see as healthcare becomes inseparable from digital health, becoming one and the same. Origen: The End of Digital Health. 2020 ended with a global sigh of relief… | by Heal Capita Medium Patient Journey from A to Z …digitisation of our patient files. This brings about strong patient empowerment, [...]

Human API standardizes health records with AI by @venturebeat

Human API’s platform provides a means of accessing and sharing Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources-compatible (FHIR) health records among physicians, startups, enterprises, and insurers. Origen: Human API raises $20 million to standardize health records with AI Human API, a San Mateo, California-based company developing an AI pipeline that structures health data into a standardized format, this [...]

Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal (Observatorio de la crisis)

Esta parece ser la única manera en que se haga algo real por el clima: a la fuerza. Origen: Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal La deuda global en relación al PIB ha crecido un 322% en el último cuarto de 2019, sobrepasando los 253 billones $. Simplemente una recesión mediana conllevaría [...]

We’re not going back to normal – MIT @TechReview

…things won’t go back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will. Origen: We’re not going back to normal - MIT Technology Review To stop coronavirus we will need to radically change almost everything we do: how we work, exercise, socialize, shop, manage our health, educate our kids, [...]

El paciente del futuro @Ethic_

Cura a veces, trata con frecuencia, consuela siempre. ~ Hipócrates de Cos Origen: Foro de salud Healthinking de Abbvie: El paciente del futuro - Ethic : Ethic Apelar al humanismo es, quizá, la tarea más imperiosa en un mundo dominado por el dato. Esta revolución tecnológica coincide, además, con una deriva demográfica de envejecimiento progresivo, [...]

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