Las pymes en España: no es solo cuestión de tamaño | Funcasblog

Alrededor de 2.940.000 pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) se encuentran actualmente inscritas en la Seguridad Social. Estas empresas de menos de 250 asalariados representan (incluyendo a los autónomos propiamente dichos) el 99,8 % de todas las empresas de España y generan el 62,1 % de nuestro empleo empresarial. Ninguno de estos dos porcentajes destaca particularmente en el [...]

Manifesto for the Data-Informed – by Julie Zhuo @juolee

Why is the promise of big data so much better than the reality? Data has been extolled as the vanquisher of uncertainty, the harbinger of a robotic future, a necessity in every role from product management to engineering, sales to design. Origen: Manifesto for the Data-Informed | by Julie Zhuo | Medium Yet many of [...]

The Global Risks report 2021 (por @MarshGlobal)

El @IGobernanzaEmp (instituto de gobernanza empresarial) nos ha invitado a la presentación del informe global de riesgos 2021 de Marsh. Para que no me pase como en otras ocasiones, comparto "ya" las diapositivas de la presentación de esta mañana  que, como en años anteriores, nos ha ofrecido maravillosamente bien José María Carulla –Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia– [...]

“The End of Digital Health” by @heal_capital

Over the following years we will see as healthcare becomes inseparable from digital health, becoming one and the same. Origen: The End of Digital Health. 2020 ended with a global sigh of relief… | by Heal Capita Medium Patient Journey from A to Z …digitisation of our patient files. This brings about strong patient empowerment, [...]

¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! (por @javicreus en @idees_cat)

Arquitectura vegetal, criterio humano, potencia artificial. Origen: ¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! – Idees El ciclo de desarrollo basado en los combustibles fósiles se agota. Hemos desenterrado reservas que tardaron decenas de millones de años en formarse y las hemos proyectado en forma de plásticos y gases a los confines de la Tierra y a la [...]

Billionaires John and Laura Arnold’s Data-Driven Philanthropy ( @Bloomberg vía @luxury )

…the majority of pledged money sits unspent, as U.S. tax rules make it easy to procrastinate… John and Laura Arnold want to change that… Origen: Billionaires John and Laura Arnold’s Data-Driven Philanthropy - Bloomberg Over the past few decades, the surging wealth of the top 0.1% has spurred many promises of lavish donations. But the [...]

Applying AI for social good | McKinsey

Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a library of about 160 AI social-impact use cases. They suggest that existing capabilities could contribute to tackling cases across all [...]

Facebook releases Prophet, its free forecasting tools, for Python and R

Facebook has open-sourced its Prophet forecasting tool, designed "to make it easier for experts and non-experts to make high-quality forecasts," according to a blog post by Sean J. Taylor and Ben Letham in the company's research team. "Forecasts are customizable in ways that are intuitive to non-experts," they wrote. The code is available on GitHub [...]

Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends

Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends - CB Insights CB Insights Trends provides an objective, real-time, and data-driven perspective on the technologies and trends that business strategists, chief innovation officers, R&D leaders, product marketers, emerging technology teams, investors, and governments should consider in developing their strategies and responses to emerging [...]

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