Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
11 must-watch movies about Facebook, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Theranos and more ( via @TechRepublic )
Origen: 11 must-watch movies about Facebook, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Theranos, and more - TechRepublic The Great Hack The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates Bombshell: The Hedy [...]
Forget thinking “outside the box”. This is why the box is useful (by @siftedeu )
…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking [...]
¿Te molesta que el artista no te pueda/quiera explicar su obra?
Me gusta que las obras tengan propósito. ¿Te gusta que te expliquen un cuadro o una escultura? ¿O prefieres imaginar las razones motivos y objeto de la obra? Para mi, en el arte "moderno" es [...]
Fun With Charts: A decade of Apple growth – (by @jsnell for @sixcolors )
See the iPhone revenue chart at scale below! Origen: Fun With Charts: A decade of Apple growth - Six Colors The iPhone chart at scale with the rest of charts
Welcome to Apple, a one-party state. Part II: Apple’s constitution
Jobs had previously articulated his vision in more detail. In what is considered one of Apple’s founding documents, a memo sent out in September 1981 set out 12 values. These included: “We are all in [...]
Computación cuántica, de fermiones a bosones (vía @KPMG_ES )
Origen: Claves de la nueva década: Computación cuántica,física del tercer milenio Los procesadores y otros elementos de los ordenadores actuales, nos explica Igor Blanco, se basan en la electrónica digital, que podemos decir es la [...]
🔮 Preparing for 2030 (vía @ExponentialView #251 by @azeem )
If I could summarise the next decade: it will be ten years of very interesting times. Of difficult, complex systems problems that will demand deeper thinking, more reading, nuanced approaches. Origen: 🔮 Preparing for 2030 [...]
The streaming business has a problem on the horizon, and so does the music business. ( @nytimes )
Have we entered into an age of music where artists are afraid to alienate people? Since the country is so polarized, am I afraid to alienate the other audience? Am I afraid to alienate a [...]
Carta abierta: los jóvenes explican a los adultos su relación con la tecnología | MIT @techreview_es
encontramos la visibilidad en la tecnología. Nuestros selfis no son solo fotos; representan nuestra idea de cómo somos. Origen: Carta abierta: los jóvenes explican a los adultos su relación con la tecnología | MIT Technology Review en [...]
Seguridad Apple: El espíritu de Apple o el fin de una era
La industria de los ordenadores personales ha continuado creciendo y cambiando desde la introducción del Macintosh original. Apple se ha convertido [en 1988] en una empresa de cuatro mil millones de dólares, y a menudo [...]
Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth (by @nikhyl via @firstround )
The ability to iterate on something until it works is underrated. …a PM who’s taken a product from version two to eight at a smaller startup, vs. someone who’s worked at scale, but only shipped [...]
Billionaires John and Laura Arnold’s Data-Driven Philanthropy ( @Bloomberg vía @luxury )
…the majority of pledged money sits unspent, as U.S. tax rules make it easy to procrastinate… John and Laura Arnold want to change that… Origen: Billionaires John and Laura Arnold’s Data-Driven Philanthropy - Bloomberg Over [...]
Six Reasons Why iOS 13 and Catalina Are So Buggy ( @TidBITS )
Vía uno de los muy sabios integrantes (nro tech) de la lista de correo Lista de Soluciones Planeta Mac, una interesante entrada, en inglés, sobre cómo gestiona Apple sus bugs. Es tan interesante, que me [...]
“La inteligencia artificial es una de las pocas oportunidades que tiene España” (via @adolfoplasencia )
"Muchas de las narrativas que nos llegan no son sobre las oportunidades, sino sobre los riesgos". Origen: Innovadores | “La inteligencia artificial es una de las pocas oportunidades que tiene España” José Hernández-Orallo carrera académica de [...]
From #tech4good to #tech4commongood via @Nesta–UK
Ten predictions for 2020 – Nesta No more ‘what ifs’: Meet your digital twin The new voting system that could save our democracies The cash crash reaches a tipping point Fireworks have their last big [...]
The next decade (by @baptist_simon from @TheEIU –The Economist–)
The first is changing patterns of growth.…growth can no longer be taken as a given, even over the longer term. In the last decade a dozen or so countries ended up with a lower level [...]
2020-2030 – Tendencias para la nueva década ( @AEDtweets )
Tecnología, Sociedad, Organizaciones Origen: 2020-2030 Tendencias para la nueva década (I): tecnología - Asociación Española de Directivos Ciberseguridad Robotización Inteligencia artificial Big Data Mobile Internet Regulación Origen: 2020-2030 Tendencias para la nueva década (II): [...]
Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu
“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC [...]
Epicureísmo vs. Estoicismo (by newepicurean.com via sociedad de amigos de Epicuro)
Actitudes problemáticas y posturas vitales empeoradas por el estoicismo y curadas por la filosofía epicúrea Origen: Actitudes problemáticas y posturas vitales empeoradas por el estoicismo y curadas por la filosofía epicúrea | Sociedad de Amigos de [...]
99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2019 (Future Crunch #90 & @angushervey)
If we want to change the story of the human race in the 21st century, we have to change the stories we tell ourselves. Origen: 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn't Hear About in [...]
Disney’s secret sauce
“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. Because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt [...]
Comparing France and US Systems: NYT Opinionators Wear Blinkers (via @gassee )
The Stephens piece was brought to me by a learned friend who also pointed to a December 5th David Brooks opinion piece titled I Was Once a Socialist. Then I Saw How It Worked. Just [...]
How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus
Origen: How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus Communications overload Research shows that communication overload is a significant source of productivity loss. In this study by software company RescueTime, their analysis of [...]
9 Ways the Internet Has Changed the Workplace (by @broadbandsearch )
A new era is on the horizon. Origen: 9 Ways the Internet Has Changed the Workplace - BroadbandSearch The changes in the workplace brought on by the internet will cause us to reinvent [...]
The Anti-Billionaires by @billionaire magazine
Billionaires are giving it all back. Well, some of them. Origen: The Anti-Billionaires - BILLIONAIRE Magazine | BLLNR.com MacKenzie Scott’s 2019 announcement to give away her entire fortune to charitable causes; in the last three [...]
Hype Cycle 2022, ¿qué hay de nuevo? – @resbla
Origen: Hype Cycle 2022, ¿qué hay de nuevo? - @resbla Como cada año, Roberto Espinosa nos resume y repasa la curva "Hype Cycle" de Gartner 2022 (se publica en agosto). Recordad que Roberto ofrece "una [...]
Empathy in Product Management (by @romanpichler)
What is Empathy and What is It Not? Empathy is our capacity to understand other people’s feelings and needs, to take the perspective of another person. Empathy entails a warm-hearted, open, and kind attitude. This [...]
Radiografía de la inversión privada en I+D+i + TIC en la Comunitat Valenciana, 2022 por @FundaciónLAB
Empresas innovadoras con sede en la Comunitat Valenciana y gasto en I+D+i que realizan sobre el total nacional Origen: Informe 2022 - Fundación LAB : Fundación LAB La inversión de I+D+i + TIC sobre la [...]
The future of remote work, according to 6 experts – Vox (@voxdotcom)
Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely? Origin: The future of remote work, according to 6 experts - Vox I think that number will never exceed 30 percent fully [...]
Is globalisation over? (by @knightfrank)
Back in March I claimed in The Wealth Report that the wealthy were choosing globalisation as an investment strategy. This was evidenced through expanding demand for international property and diversified portfolios as well as by [...]
How we work
Distributed work is an approach to work, not just 'working from home.' Origen: How we work Here are some principles of distributed work: ✅ What is distributed work Hiring and working from all over [...]
El SCRUM es un marco de trabajo prácticamente aplicable a cualquier equipo de personas en entornos productivos en los que la demanda del cliente evoluciona rápidamente, centrándose en los equipos de las personas más que [...]
The Future of Manufacturing Technology by @CBinsights
Facing enormous pressure to stay competitive, manufacturers are turning to technology to digitize and automate operations. We take a look at the evolution of manufacturing and where technology is bringing it next, from human-powered exosuits [...]