Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Solutions to Humanity’s Global Grand Challenges Are Within Our Reach
Solutions to Humanity’s Global Grand Challenges Are Within Our ReachSingularity University in Medium
Forget Technical Debt. Here’s How to Build Technical Wealth.
Forget Technical Debt — Heres How to Build Technical Wealth | First Round Review. This means code that isn’t written cleanly, that lacks explanation, that contains zero artifacts of your ideas and decision-making processes. A [...]
Tim Cook: ‘Our goal has never been to make the most. It’s always been to make the best.’ | The Washington Post
I thought the visibility went with Steve, not the company.Tim Cook, the interview: Running Apple 'is sort of a lonely job' | The Washington PostThe global sales of PCs each year are about 275 million [...]
Tim Cook On Apple’s Values, Mistakes, And Seeing Around Corners
"I’ve always thought that Apple’s primary role is to delight its customers."Fast Company interview"I think the smartphone itself as a window to the Internet, and as a window to people’s digital life, has a lot [...]
Juan Arnau: “La transformación social también tiene que ser interior”
No puedes nadar y guardar la ropa.El siglo XX europeo se entretuvo demasiado con las filosofías del lamento (existencialistas) y las filosofías del lenguaje (analíticas). Es hora ya de acometer una filosofía de la percepción, una [...]
The Secret Link Between Jazz and Physics: How Einstein & Coltrane Shared Improvisation and Intuition in Common
The Secret Link Between Jazz and Physics: How Einstein & Coltrane Shared Improvisation and Intuition in Common | Open CultureAlexander describes his jazz epiphany as occasioned by a complex diagram Coltrane gave legendary jazz musician [...]
Developing User Empathy | Sachin Rekhi
Explore your Passion for the Humanities: Music, Film, Literature The humanities are often described as the study of how people process and document the human experience, making it so relevant to developing empathy. Steve Jobs [...]
Professionalize a Startup Without Stifling It
vía Professionalize a Startup Without Stifling It – Harvard NBusiness Review Don't They try to codify their genius. They start recruiting like incumbents. They want to harmonize everything. Do Translate strategy into a [...]
Employee #1: Apple – The Macro
Employee #1: Apple • The Macro
RECONSIDER — Signal v. Noise
RECONSIDER — Signal v. Noise. … The distortion is exacerbated by the fact that people building profitable companies outside the sphere of the VC dominion have little systemic need to tell their story. VCs, [...]
6 ways to be a better project manager | CIO
6 ways to be a better project manager | CIO. Communication Time management & productivity Building your community Framework, workflow and project schedule Leadership and Collaboration Management tools
Los pilares esenciales del “engagement” (en inglés) -infografía-
This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the platform foremployee pulse surveys to measure and improve your company culture.
When is creative too creative?
Nulla sit amet nunc massa. Praesent sed est pellentesque, varius tellus non, efficitur nisi. Sed sit amet purus in odio varius tincidunt. Mauris ut ante lobortis, elementum orci efficitur, bibendum leo.
Would A Basic Income Make Us Happier At Work?
Would A Basic Income Make Us Happier At Work? - office vibeWe want to run a large, long-term study to answer a few key questions: how people’s happiness, well-being, and financial health are affected by [...]
Design Basics: Always carry a notebook
Vestibulum cursus in ligula lacinia lobortis. Morbi at velit at velit auctor efficitur ut ac justo. Donec quam est, suscipit vel ligula ut, aliquet maximus libero. Pellentesque finibus tellus vitae dolor lacinia eleifend.
Ask good questions and get better answers
Nulla sit amet nunc massa. Praesent sed est pellentesque, varius tellus non, efficitur nisi. Sed sit amet purus in odio varius tincidunt. Mauris ut ante lobortis, elementum orci efficitur, bibendum leo.
Work to live, don’t live to work
Vestibulum cursus in ligula lacinia lobortis. Morbi at velit at velit auctor efficitur ut ac justo. Phasellus porttitor, elit vitae scelerisque vestibulum, nunc libero bibendum massa.
El renacer de la “ciudad–estado”
Los círculos concéntricos… el encanto de lo pequeño gestionable y como su réplica alrededor (cómo los círculos concéntricos de una muchas piedras cayendo en el agua) podría ser una nueva forma de solidaridad sin naciones [...]
Tú en 6 segundos: cómo escribir un CV para ser leído (inglés)
You in 6 seconds: how to write a résumé that employers will actually read — Free Code Camp…Don’t include a photo.Typos kill.Use keywords carefully.Use a headline.Be brief.Explain your gaps honestly.Don’t waste time customizing a cover [...]
Is the traditional office a thing of the past?
Vestibulum cursus in ligula lacinia lobortis. Morbi at velit at velit auctor efficitur ut ac justo. Phasellus porttitor, elit vitae scelerisque vestibulum, nunc libero bibendum massa.
innovación y desempeño económico en la empresa valenciana
@isidremch, director del Master “ei” de la UV (Universidad de Valencia) presentó hace casi una mes el interesante estudio sobre la capacidad de innovación y el desempeño económico de la empresa valenciana entre 2007 y [...]
¿Dices que eres business-coach, mentor? Te interesará esto (inglés)
Vision is very important, he believed -- and so is operational excellence.7 Leadership Lessons From (Bill Campbell) the Coach Who Mentored Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, and Jeff Bezos | Inc.com1. Care about people more than [...]
Why Measuring Employee Happiness Is A Huge Mistake
Employee happiness and engagement are two different things. As an employee, you could be happy at work, but if you do not receive enough recognition, feedback, or have any opportunities for personal growth, you will never [...]
The obsession for efficacy is dooming our companies
via @mattermark… A growing startup needs to increase its efficacy without losing its capacity to adapt. And a big company facing disruptions needs to increase its adaptability without diminishing its efficacy. In other words: startups [...]
Casi 40 años después nos seguimos preguntando si la tecnología será buena, o mala
…a 21st-century bicycle that amplifies a certain intellectual ability that man has… (Steve Jobs on Apple computers) Original: Open Culture – 26-Year-Old Steve Jobs Debates the Utopian & Dystopian Promise of the Computer (1981) As ususal, [...]
Are You Developing Skills That Won’t Be Automated? (@HarvardBiz)
Our ability to manage and utilize emotion and to take into account the effects of context are key ingredients of critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, adaptive learning, and good judgment. Origen: Are [...]
Consecuencias éticas de la irrupción de la IA (Miguel Fuster de @ITI_TIC)
El pasado 11 de junio, 26º aniversario de mi boda, tuiteé sobre la brillante charla que, prácticamente, abrió el VLC Softing (2019) que organiza el ITI, impartida por Miguel Fuster. Realmente me encantó la conferencia. [...]
The Morals That Determine Whether We’re Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian (@openculture via @aeonmag)
Ditto identifies five broad, universal moral categories, or “pillars,” that predict political thought and behavior: harm reduction fairness loyalty authority/tradition & purity Original: The Morals That Determine Whether We’re Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian These concerns receive [...]
World Ultra Wealth Report 2019 (by @wealthx)
…the combined net worth of the UHNW population saw a decrease… (but) forecasts robust growth for the UHNW population, with a projected population increase to 353,550 individuals possessing a total combined wealth of $43 trillion [...]
2ª Jornada #Legaltech de @FEBFValencia
@IGimenezFebf me invitó el viernes 27 de septiembre a la II #JornadaLegaltech organizada por la Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros y aunque no pude asistir a todas las sesiones, tuve la suerte de ver [...]
¿Por qué necesitamos un nuevo contrato social? en @ELPAÍS_Retina via @virginiog
"El cambio es la forma que tiene el futuro de invadir nuestras vidas”. ~ Alvin Toffler Origen: Trabajo: ¿Por qué necesitamos un nuevo contrato social? Seis tendencias y una propuesta | Tendencias | EL PAÍS Retina [...]
“Cultura y valores en la era digital” con @aliciaasin
Digitalización = trabajar mejor Digitalización ≠ trabajar menos Coloquio en el Hub de Empresas de Banco de Sabadell organizado por APD. Lunes 16 de septiembre de 2019. Alicia Asín de @libelium Digitalización = trabajar mejor [...]
El paciente del futuro @Ethic_
Cura a veces, trata con frecuencia, consuela siempre. ~ Hipócrates de Cos Origen: Foro de salud Healthinking de Abbvie: El paciente del futuro - Ethic : Ethic Apelar al humanismo es, quizá, la tarea más [...]