How project managers can master transformational change | CIO.

Breaking down the three levels of change management

Individual change management is the most basic level where changes can have a detrimental impact on each individual within an organization first. When projects create change, some individuals adapt quickly and remain flexible while others may react with fear, anger and resistance. This can be a difficult area to navigate since change impacts each individual differently. These situations will require tailored communication, training, and guidance.

Organizational change management is where specific teams, departments or groups of individuals are impacted by changes that occur. Leaders can more easily plan for, communicate with, guide and train various groups on changes and the resulting impact. Moving teams towards improvements and new processes can help them to more easily adapt. Team members can also assist, educate and support each other in this effort.

Transformational management provides for managing change at a higher level, and involves the recognition of the impact to the overall strategic planning, organizing, communicating, leading and operating of the business. All initiatives and their impact should be factored in from an overall company-wide vantage point.


Mastering transformational change

  • Recruit a change management expert
  • Recognize the challenges for project and company leaders
  • Work towards addressing the human reaction to change
  • Put in sufficient time identifying, planning and analyzing