Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
¿Cómo compran online los Baby Boomers, la Generación X y los Millennials? | LUXONOMY
…la Generación X ha realizado el mayor número de transacciones online que cualquier otro grupo (18.6), frente a los Millennials (15.6) y Baby Boomers (15.1) Esto se debe a que el primer grupo es más estable económicamente, [...]
Necesitamos alternativas a Facebook, la gran ‘caja tonta’ de internet
Sí, se impone volver a los blogs (y a los sistemas independientes de valoración de contenidos).Lo ideal sería que las personas construyeran grandes comunidades en línea y participaran en la esfera pública sin permitir que [...]
8 great small business productivity and collaboration apps
1. Active Inbox 2. Asana 3. Google Calendar 4. Google Keep 5. Nimble 6. ProsperWorks 7. Todoist 8. Trello Origen: 8 great small business productivity and collaboration apps | CIO
El panorama europeo del Venture Capital
El Fondo Europeo de Inversión (European Investment Fund) parte del EIB Group cuyos accionistas son el Banco Europeo de Inversiones, la Unión Europea a través de la Comisión Europea, y entidades financieras y bancarias públicas [...]
The 6 Different Leadership Styles
Via @offficevibe The 6 Different Leadership Styles You Need To Know About
Vía @Sintetia ¿para el título de emprendedor?
por @resbla Repartiendo carnets de emprendedoresLlama mucho la atención cómo en cualquier evento de emprendimiento, y de la boca de estos mismos emprendedores que claman ante el intrusismo del sector, son ellos los primeros en utilizar [...]
Tips for Personal and Professional Efficiency
6 tips Glassdoor blog - A CEO's 7 Proven Tips for Personal and Professional EfficiencyHere are a few things that have significantly helped me as a person: I started sleeping at least seven hours every night. By far, [...]
How to motivate the modern tech worker
compensation packages, flexible work arrangements and perks are great, but it’s having an IT leader and set of colleagues who have your back that really keeps people around. How to motivate the modern tech worker | [...]
Best Free Project Management Apps
Reviewing: Fully Free Project Management Apps Trello MeisterTask KanbanFlow Freedcamp Allthings Bitrix24 Producteev Avaza Free Project Management Apps for Small Teams Asana Wrike Podio Redbooth Free Project Management Apps for a Single Project Teamwork Projects [...]
8 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Employee Engagement Surveys
8 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Employee Engagement Surveys — Impraise Blog - Employee performance management, reviews and 360 feedback1. On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you [...]
Use Your Work and Learning Styles to Work Better on Any Team
Zapier - Use Your Work and Learning Styles to Work Better on Any Team Identify Learning StylesA quick quiz can help you find your strongest learning style If you’re working extremely closely with someone (like a direct [...]
La empresa en la que creo
@sintetia Cadenas de inspiración … como dice Xavier Marcet en el artículo, rindamos homenaje a los buenos.Al menos a los que creemos que son buenos… que puede ser algo así (en sus palabras):Pero en las organizaciones hay [...]
La transformación digital
Llegó, la podemos tocar y deberíamos trabajar en sus oportunidades vía @sintetiaEl mundo asiste a una ola de digitalización masiva. Las grandes plataformas digitales y los líderes empresariales de la economía post-crisis van extendiendo su dominio a [...]
Changes in App stores policies to make life better for developers
These changes have come into effect since December 2015, when some better known indie developers chose to take their apps away from the Mac App Store. … Why this matters Services are critical to Apple’s future. Sure, [...]
La Transformación Digital – en @sintetia
El concepto de transformación digital está de moda. Es la última ola de la innovación. Pero la transformación digital no debe entenderse sólo como la informatización de los procesos empresariales, como se entendía hasta ahora. [...]
“click-and-collect” vs “dropshipping”
¿Qué es el famoso “click-and-collect” del que todo el mundo habla? | LUXONOMYExplicado rápidamente es lo siguiente: Los consumidores pueden aprovechar la flexibilidad que ofrece el comercio online para realizar su compra (Click), y la [...]
Why your small business needs a mobile app
…a mobile app and a mobile compatible website serves two very distinct functions. Where a mobile site is integral to your site's overall online presence, SEO and discovery, a mobile app is essential to customer [...]
Working with different personality types, “it starts with education, not assumptions”
How to manage introverts and extroverts | Network WorldWe asked managers in the tech world to share what they've learned about working with different personality types. One fundamental lesson emerged: It starts with education, not [...]
There are risks and costs to a program of action…
but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. ~ John F. KennedyThe Doing Mindset > The Thinking Mindset – The Mission – MediumWhen you value “the thinking mindset” more than “the [...]
Move toward a transparent culture by making employee salaries open
@FirstRound How Chewse Operationalized Transparency — Starting With Salaries | First Round Review In Chewse’s early days, Lawrence and Schenck debated how to best show appreciation to their employees. “We considered different benefits programs, but it [...]
People in superstar mode want a world they can change. Those in rock star mode seek a world they can stabilize.
@FirstRound Warning: This Is Not Your Grandfather’s Talent Planning | First Round ReviewHow to Tell Your Stars ApartThere’s a lot of jargon to describe superior performers on teams: 10x engineer, sales wizard, growth ninja. “Superstar” and [...]
It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
~Steve Jobs in @InVisionApp blog Why developers should learn design - InVision Blog
Your Company’s Culture is Who You Hire, Fire & Promote
Your Company’s Culture is Who You Hire, Fire & PromotePart 2, anatomy of an asshole
Nunca te equivocarás haciendo lo correcto
Atribuida a mark Twain, el autor legó una auténtica retahíla de frases "sarcásticas"
11 must-watch movies about Facebook, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Theranos and more ( via @TechRepublic )
Origen: 11 must-watch movies about Facebook, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Theranos, and more - TechRepublic The Great Hack The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates Bombshell: The Hedy [...]
Forget thinking “outside the box”. This is why the box is useful (by @siftedeu )
…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking [...]
¿Te molesta que el artista no te pueda/quiera explicar su obra?
Me gusta que las obras tengan propósito. ¿Te gusta que te expliquen un cuadro o una escultura? ¿O prefieres imaginar las razones motivos y objeto de la obra? Para mi, en el arte "moderno" es [...]
Fun With Charts: A decade of Apple growth – (by @jsnell for @sixcolors )
See the iPhone revenue chart at scale below! Origen: Fun With Charts: A decade of Apple growth - Six Colors The iPhone chart at scale with the rest of charts
Welcome to Apple, a one-party state. Part II: Apple’s constitution
Jobs had previously articulated his vision in more detail. In what is considered one of Apple’s founding documents, a memo sent out in September 1981 set out 12 values. These included: “We are all in [...]
Computación cuántica, de fermiones a bosones (vía @KPMG_ES )
Origen: Claves de la nueva década: Computación cuántica,física del tercer milenio Los procesadores y otros elementos de los ordenadores actuales, nos explica Igor Blanco, se basan en la electrónica digital, que podemos decir es la [...]
🔮 Preparing for 2030 (vía @ExponentialView #251 by @azeem )
If I could summarise the next decade: it will be ten years of very interesting times. Of difficult, complex systems problems that will demand deeper thinking, more reading, nuanced approaches. Origen: 🔮 Preparing for 2030 [...]
The streaming business has a problem on the horizon, and so does the music business. ( @nytimes )
Have we entered into an age of music where artists are afraid to alienate people? Since the country is so polarized, am I afraid to alienate the other audience? Am I afraid to alienate a [...]
Carta abierta: los jóvenes explican a los adultos su relación con la tecnología | MIT @techreview_es
encontramos la visibilidad en la tecnología. Nuestros selfis no son solo fotos; representan nuestra idea de cómo somos. Origen: Carta abierta: los jóvenes explican a los adultos su relación con la tecnología | MIT Technology Review en [...]