Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Cuando la carrera cobra más importancia que el destino
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; Tierra de los hombres, 1939"El uso de una herramienta inteligente no te ha convertido en un aburrido técnico. Me parece que esos que tanto se espantan de nuestros progresos confunden el fin [...]
The “17 Best” Online Form Builder Apps – Zapier
Origen: The 17 Best Online Form Builder Apps for Every Task - The Ultimate Guide to Forms and Surveys - Zapier Google Forms Wufoo JotForm Airtable Forms Formstack Typeform Paperform Formsite 123ContactForm Cognito Forms Zoho [...]
Podría ser una parte de la propia naturaleza de la inteligencia el hecho de que sólo una fracción está sujeta a explicaciones…
…resulta fácil imaginar que al recibir una recomendación de un restaurante, se quiera conocer el razonamiento subyacente.Smart Lighting – El secreto más oscuro de la inteligencia artificial: ¿por qué hace lo que hace?Adam FerrissLa misteriosa [...]
These 7 Forces Are Changing the World at an Extraordinary Rate
by @singularityhub based on @PeterDiamandis talk(s).if a genius was born in a remote village 100 years ago, she would likely not have been able to gain access to the resources needed to put its gifts [...]
5 ways to get out of your own way and communicate clearly
by @saralindberg13I still find some trouble listening to the intent behind the words and not making assumptions.Headspace blog – 5 ways to get out of your own way and communicate clearly BBe impeccable with your word.Avoid [...]
Designing For a Socially Valuable User Experience
@nicolashenchoz from @epflecallab Designing For a Socially Valuable User Experience - Billionaire“Design,” he says, “is not primarily about artistic form, but about a socially valuable user experience. One that combines cultural, functional and emotional dimensions.”“We don’t [...]
Designing For a Socially Valuable User Experience
@nicolashenchoz from @epflecallab Designing For a Socially Valuable User Experience - Billionaire“Design,” he says, “is not primarily about artistic form, but about a socially valuable user experience. One that combines cultural, functional and emotional dimensions.”“We don’t [...]
24 Industries Other Than Auto Driverless Cars Could Turn Upside Down
An Open Letter To CEOs
by @AlexOsterwalder & @ypigneur Strategyzer - An Open Letter To CEOsYou have been excellent at executing and improving your proven and successful business models. But as the research above shows, you have not yet found the [...]
How to Take a Full-Page Screenshot (with Chrome)
by @zapier How to Take a Full-Page ScreenshotStart by using the shortcut pairs below—enter the first shortcut, followed by the second—depending on your operating system:On Mac1. Alt + Command + I2. Command + Shift + POn Windows/Linux/Chrome OS1. Ctrl + Shift + I2. Ctrl + Shift + PThese keyboard shortcuts will open Chrome's developer menu. Just [...]
Forget manuals and Learning Management Systems
Origen: How to shake up conversions with stirring conversations Where the conversation happens matters. According to a 2016 Ovum study, 53 percent of American and German respondents stated that they favor talking with businesses through [...]
The 20 fastest-growing skills for freelancers (Q2 2017)
via @upwork releases the 20 fastest-growing skills for freelancers in Q2 2017 | Press, News & Media CoverageThe top 20 fastest-growing skills, Q2 2017:Virtual realityNatural language processingEconometricsLearning Management System (LMS)Neural networksPenetration testingSEO auditingImage processingAsana work trackingFacebook [...]
Top 10 Strategies for Learning New Skills
vía @zapier Top 10 Strategies for Learning New SkillsDitch Your Learning StyleMake It More Meaningful for YourselfLearn by DoingStudy the Greats, and then PracticeTeach What You LearnSpend More Time Practicing Things You Find DifficultTake Frequent BreaksTest [...]
¿La brecha es económica y no digital?
De alguna manera he visto estos tres artículos muy interrelacionados. ¯_(ツ)_/¯1.Un interesante artículo, en el que parece defenderse que la gente se independice, beba y fume (y se ponga a trabajar pronto para podérselo pagar) [...]
How To Spot and Spark Flow
by @uicynthia Track and Facilitate Your Engineers’ Flow States In This Simple Way | First Round Review‘The more a job inherently resembles a game — with variety, appropriate and flexible challenges, clear goals, and immediate feedback — [...]
The hard part is getting it (the data) organized and figuring out what’s relevant to your process.
Robo-Advisors Aren't A Difficult Tech Problem And Are Already On Their Way To Being CommoditizedRobin: Well, the buzzwords, I’ve noticed, are very much in the financial industry… Is machine learning. But, basically, using more modern artificial [...]
How to Unlock Insightful Conversation
6 Tips from IDEO Designers on How to Unlock Insightful Conversation - IDEO U1. Always say yes to an offer. Whether the other person offers you a glass of water, snacks, or even a tour [...]
The Best Invoicing Software: 16 Apps to Get Paid for Your Work
featured Origen: The Best Invoicing Software: 16 Apps to Get Paid for Your Work …three apps stood out in particular. Hiveage lets you make an invoice online without an account—perfect for sending one-off invoices quickly. [...]
En educación, no tiene sentido establecer políticas en torno a algo que va a desplazarse en otra dirección…
“Aprender a programar debería ser obligatorio” • Tim Cook en MIT tech review | appletalk:entremaquerosLos robots, con el tiempo, van a ocuparse de la mayor parte del montaje. Probablemente no tiene sentido establecer políticas, universidades públicas [...]
Growth is getting hard…
from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation by @andrewchenGrowth is getting hard from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation"The reason for the above is that there are multiple trends – happening right now – that impede growth for [...]
Sobre la buena vida
Dos entradas para pensar… soy de los toca pelotas de "tenemos suerte".O de los que dicen que la cosa va bien, que podría ir mejor… pero que podría ir peor y por tanto prefiero no [...]
The Scale Fallacy
The Scale Fallacy (And How I Learned the Value of Success That Was Steady, Not Spectacular)Services businesses don’t scale because they are based on manpower: to double your revenue, you need to double the hours [...]
Los agujeros negros del progreso: clusters globales de innovación
@sintetia Los agujeros negros del progreso: clusters globales de innovación–> …las universidades y centros públicos de investigación tienen un rol significativo: en Barcelona dichos agentes registran el 17’3% de las patentes mientras que en Madrid aportan un [...]
Robots aren’t taking our jobs –they’re becoming our bosses– by @verge via @exponentialview
This is not the future we were looking for. This why UBI will become a need, as no human would allow another human the job conditions the system seems to be bringing in. If industries [...]
The Global Risks report – 2019 y 2020 (vía @igobernanzaemp )
En septiembre 2019 asistí a un coloquio organizado por el instituto de Gobernanza Empresarial, en la que José María Carulla, Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia de Marsh Risk Consulting nos presentaba un interesantísimo resumen [...]
Consejos de Administración y Consejos Asesores via @SamuelGil e @igobernanzaemp
Hace algo más de un año finalizamos la 5ª promoción de la Acreditación Internacional en Consejos de Administración y Buen Gobierno, organizado por el instituto de gobernanza empresarial (iGE) vía la Universidad Europea. El postgrado se [...]
Origins of the Apple Human Interface (via @cdespinosa )
Chris Espinosa shared this video in memory of Larry Tessler. Very interesting… I really loved from minute 12 to 17 and that sense of urgency Apple always lived under… https://twitter.com/cdespinosa/status/1229996808052469760?s=20 “Origins of the Apple Human Interface” [...]
El Futuro del Capitalismo ( via @frdelpino )
Interesante entrevista a Paul Collier a cargo de José Ignacio Torreblanca. Pau Collier propone Naturaleza - Tecnología + Regulación = Inanición Naturaleza + Tecnología - Regulación = Saqueo Naturaleza + Tecnología + Regulación (Buen gobierno) = [...]
“I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros
Origen: “I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros The story of the iPad goes way back beyond before the phone. It started [...]
UXPressia: nuestro aliado secreto – (by @antropología20 Blog)
UXpressia es una herramienta en línea que facilita la construcción de mapas de experiencias, “User Personas” y Mapas de Impacto, para su uso en procesos de análisis y mejora de la experiencia del cliente. En [...]
Global tax rules set for overhaul as states seek to avoid new trade war
Governments agreed in Paris that the new rules would apply not only to digital service companies like search engines, social media platforms and cloud computing services but also more traditional companies selling directly to end [...]
How Will You Measure Your Life? ( @HarvardBiz )
Your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape your life’s strategy. "No me da la vida" Origen: HBR – How Will You Measure Your Life? (by Clayton M. Christensen) I have [...]