Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Arquitectura y tecnología – Mies van der Rohe, 1950
tal como aparece en "Conversaciones con Mies van der Rohe", de Ed. Gustavo Gili, ed. Moisés Puente) La tecnología tiene sus raíces en el pasado.Domina el presente y tiende al futuro.Es un verdadero movimiento histórico;uno [...]
The difference between a platform and an aggregator
by @benthompsonBen via @exponentialview Source: The difference between a platform and an aggregator (video) | Philip Elmer‑DeWitt As explained by Stratechery’s Ben Thompson, there is another divide between different types of platforms, with some more [...]
Unicorns, Cheshire Cats, and the New Dilemmas of Entrepreneurial Finance (by BRIE from @UCBerkeley)
Interesting report on the "new economy" by BRIE, Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy.…It is difficult to be certain which of the changes we describe are permanent and which are transient. The technical changes that [...]
Strategic Options for Mature Products (by @RomanPichler )
Origen: Strategic Options for Mature Products | Roman Pichler Option 1: Extend the Product Life Cycle A number of techniques can help you make an ageing product attractive again including enhancing its capabilities and adding [...]
The agile manager (@McKinsey)
Origen: The agile manager | McKinsey & Company Today’s agile organizations are building on these ideas (for more on the shift underway, see sidebar, “The agile revolution”). The squad leader is now a part of [...]
¿Cómo hacer una empresa atractiva para el talento? ( by @KPMG_ES )
¿Cómo hacer una empresa atractiva para el talento? - KPMG Tendencias?Hay varios factores que inciden entre los elementos que hacen que una organización sea atractiva en el mercado laboral y que van desde los valores y la cultura [...]
The 70-20-10 Rule for Leadership Development
The 70-20-10 Rule for Leadership DevelopmentA research-based, time-tested guideline for developing managers says that you need to have 3 types of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio: challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and [...]
Growth Mindset in Product Management | Roman Pichler
First time I read about this book I was so impressed When you create a product strategy for the first time, for instance, you are likely to make plenty of mistakes. You may not use [...]
Shouldn’t we be investing more in quantum computing? (by @azeem )
Exponential View #174 – Dept of quantum computingBCG reportGiven the large potential of quantum computing, the actual investment levels are low (with one exception, see at the end of this). We reckon, from a rough [...]
Global Innovation Index 2018 (by @WIPO )
Global Innovation Index 2018The 2018 edition of the GII reveals that China broke into the world’s top 20 most-innovative economies as Switzerland retained its number-one spot. Rounding out the GII 2018 top five: the Netherlands, Sweden, the [...]
SME Instrument, actually smart money
Origen: Presenting Europe's Innovation Kitchen - SME Instrument Report 2018 - European Commission Since its start in 2014, the SME Instrument has invested €1.3 billion in a unique selection of 3.200 small and medium-sized enterprises [...]
How Did I Get Here? (by @juliemariemeyer)
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. ~Niccolo MachiavelliHow Did I Get [...]
American tech giants are making life tough for startups (by @TheEconomist)
Big, rich and paranoid, they have reams of data to help them spot and buy young firms that might challenge them. American tech giants are making life tough for startups - Into the danger zone IT [...]
Stay hungry, my friend (by @asanwal)
from his @cbinsights June, 6th newsletterBeing hungry means many things.It is ambition, resourcefulness, scrappiness, having a get-isht-done attitude, etc.It is very tied to humility as well, because it means realizing that no matter how many [...]
La ‘smart city’ se ha centrado más en los datos que en las personas (@antonigr en @techreview_es)
Lo que no resolvamos bien en la ciudad, no lo resolveremos en los estados ni en el planeta. "La 'smart city' se ha centrado más en los datos que en las personas" | MIT Technology Review [...]
Disruption: Apple vs. Amazon (by @stratechery’s @benthompson )
from Divine Discontent: Disruption’s Antidote – Stratechery by Ben Thompson I mean it when I say these companies are the complete opposite: Apple sells products it makes; Amazon sells products made by anyone and everyone. Apple [...]
Automate Your Inbox with these Tips, Tools, and Templates
Particularly I find this tool amazing…"Unsolicited requests are a real challenge for many industry influencers and company executives. These people get frequent interview requests from journalists, requests for advice from marketers looking to build influencer [...]
State of Innovation (report by @CBinsights )
While corporations worry about disruption, do they actually invest in preventing it? ANSWER = NO Link to .pdf •667 strategy leaders surveyed •66% are $1B in revenue or more •Covering all major industries: financial [...]
Are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization?
Global governance (amongst other interesting topics in exponential view newsletter #162)Dept of states and sovereigntyThere is a notion worth revisiting: are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization? [...]
Radiografía del ‘business angel’ español ( by @IESEInsight & @AEBAN_es )
Datos del Informe business angels 2018. La inversión en startups: actividad y tendencias, elaborado por el profesor Juan Roure y Amparo de San José, directora de la Red de Inversores Privados y Family Offices del IESE.IESE Insight ¿Cómo es y [...]
3 big dumb assumptions (via @ProductFocus )
…sometimes you start reading something and realize the author is making one of 3 big dumb assumptions. From April, 18th newsletter 1. The first is that every company is digital and using Agile. OK, [...]
10 Most Common Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid Making (by @zapier)
If you want to polish your prose—whether you're writing a blog post, an email, or a report for your team—the next time you get to typing, consult this checklist of common writing mistakes.Write Better: The [...]
7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury Industry (by @cbinsights)
Luxury is finally getting its tech upgrade. From renting designer clothes to personalized products and lab-grown diamonds, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping the luxury sector.The Future Of Luxury: 7 Trends Reshaping The [...]
How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce (by @cbinsights )
Retail’s Adapt-Or-Die Moment: How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce"Traditional and new-school retailers alike are using AI and robotics to automate various parts of the retail chain, from manufacturing to last-mile delivery."Despite the rise of AI-based [...]
Again with the ‘new’ capitalism
To the last year articles on capitalism "reviewed"… La refundación del capitalismo Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal El Futuro del Capitalismo …I'm adding some, in a similar subject: The Clash [...]
“Mis (7) predicciones para 2021” por @mike_arias
7. Me equivocaré en al menos 3 de estas 7 predicciones. Origen: Mis predicciones para 2021 - Emprender a golpes Junto con la masiva digitalización y el cambio de paradigma del trabajo presencial, llevo unas [...]
Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo by @techreview_es
esta transformación no va a afectar a todos por igual. Origen: Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo – MIT Technology Review en español – la automatización se llevará por delante [...]
Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (resumen)
OBJETIVOS DE LA ESTRATEGIA La Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial de España tiene siete objetivos estratégicos: Excelencia científica e innovación en Inteligencia Artificial. Situar a España como país comprometido a potenciar la excelencia científica y [...]
Metatrends shaping the next decade by @PeterDiamandis
Over the next decade, waves of exponential technological advancements are stacking atop one another, eclipsing decades of breakthroughs in scale and impact. Emerging from these waves are 20 “Metatrends” which include augmented human longevity, the [...]
Projects 5.0 – Changing project management by @McKinsey
Projects 5.0: A cleansheet approach to project delivery The time is ripe for radical change in delivering large capital projects: starting with a clean sheet and rebuilding the project-delivery model from the ground up. Over [...]
UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists (by Paige Nuzzolillo)
…being aware of how to ask semi-structured and open-ended questions, making as few assumptions as consciously possible, understanding my own subjectivity… Origen: UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX [...]
Can You Lead the Age of Agile? by @braininspa at @GlobalPlaybook
Digital transformation and all its technologies are difficult for most people who grew up and were educated in an industrial-age-type setting. Origen: Can You Lead the Age of Agile? 2 dimension where great leaders have [...]
Human API standardizes health records with AI by @venturebeat
Human API’s platform provides a means of accessing and sharing Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources-compatible (FHIR) health records among physicians, startups, enterprises, and insurers. Origen: Human API raises $20 million to standardize health records with AI [...]