Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Cuando el diseño sale por la puerta, el desastre de producto entra por la ventana
When design goes through the door, product failure comes in through the window. Product innovation is one way that large corporations stay competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace, but it doesn’t always work out when [...]
Métodos de valoración de empresas (by @abrainvest )
Una serie de entradas explicando diferentes métodos de valoración de empresas… pongo aqui un brevísimo resumen dejo el enlace a la entrada original mucho más amplia. Valoración por el Método de Venture Capital Este método se [...]
Para el futuro del trabajo, la cuestión más importante es anticipar el futuro de la educación.
Para mi, la conclusión más relevante de la sesión organizada por @Startup_VLC "El Futuro del Trabajo" ayer en #spacefitapp Si las soft skills de verdad ganan fuerza en un mercado de trabajo en que la [...]
Tips for using Google’s productivity suite, including Docs, Sheets and Drive (by @itpro )
Origen: How to get more out of Google Drive | IT PRO Google Docs Type less Publish and be damned Put on a brave face Style it out Automatic translation Headers and footers A helping [...]
Product Manager vs. UX (by @ProductFocus)
…what is the difference between a Customer, User and Buyer? What is the difference between Customer Experience (CX), User Experience (UX), Service Design and Experience Design (XD)? … Remember your goals Product managers and UX [...]
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019 (by Gartner)
The tech trends and the recommendations to follow on them… Autonomous Things Consider how AI-driven autonomous capabilities could integrate with a physical object in your organization or customer environment. Remember — these devices are best [...]
The Difference Between Innovators and Entrepreneurs (by @sgblank)
Steve Blank in thinkgrowth.org Most great technology startups — Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla — were built by a team led by an entrepreneur. It doesn’t mean that if you have technical skills you can’t build a successful [...]
The Most Hyped Technology of Every Year From 2000-2018 ( by @visualcap )
A retrospective look ( by Visual Capitalist via @exponentialview ) at which trends scaled the summit of the Hype Cycle each year since 2000. Origen: The Most Hyped Technology of Every Year From 2000-2018 - [...]
La paradoja de las nuevas tecnologías ( by @KPMG_ES)
Los modelos de negocio actuales se basan, cada vez en mayor medida, en la innovación. Dicha innovación se consigue, entre otras acciones, aplicando nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) a la cadena de valor del producto en cuestión. [...]
How to build a Startup ecosystem
vía @trustedinsight @Forbes - How To Build A Startup Ecosystem Startup ecosystems are popping up all across the country and the world, with varying levels of success. I wanted to talk about the mix of [...]
#Bonilista (Starcraft) el proyecto de software peor gestionado de la historia
Origen: #Bonilista El proyecto de software peor gestionado de la Historia El equipo trabajaba 60-80 horas a la semana, sin descansar ni siquiera sábados o domingos. Algunos desarrolladores programaban durante 16 horas seguidas, dormían bajo [...]
Are “millennials” really killing some industries? (by @CBInsights )
12 Industries Experts Say Millennials Are Killing — And Why They're Wrong - CB Insights ResearchWhat’s really ‘killing’ these industriesIndustries are not being threatened by millennials themselves. The threat comes from younger, more adaptive brands [...]
The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam by @susie_c
What came next wasn’t sharing. Power and control wasn’t decentralized — it was even more concentrated in the hands of large and valuable platforms.The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam – OneZeroEarly sharing champions were [...]
Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan (por @harari_yuval en @elpais_inter )
La propaganda y la manipulación no son ninguna novedad, desde luego. Antes actuaban mediante bombardeos masivos; hoy, son, cada vez más, munición de alta precisión contra objetivos escogidos. Yuval Noah Harari: Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan [...]
En estos casos siempre recuerdo el chiste de la película Philadelphia.–¿Qué son dos abogados en el fondo del mar?–…–Un buen comienzo.¿A qué viene esto? A cuenta de que el conflicto entre los VTC y los [...]
Managing Remote Teams, a Crash Course – by Andreas Klinger
#mustread from: Startup Lessons Learned Overall hiring remote is about four things: - being able to hire the best possible people independent of where they (or you) are - optimizing for the quality of life [...]
I have a 300-year plan ~Masayoshi Son
via @exponentialview Why SoftBank's Masayoshi Son is Silicon Valley's power broker by @fastcompany‘The entrepreneur’s ambition is the only cap to the company’s potential,’ There is no one on the planet right now in a better position to influence [...]
Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship
via @detoolbox Building a Bulletproof Startup: Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship:An in-depth overview of the methodologies reveals a hidden truth: none of them is universally valid. As I said, there is no [...]
Jean-Louis Gassée’s memories on Apple
excerpts from @Gassee memories on its years at AppleStarting Apple FranceAfter two rounds of interviews, I sign my employment agreement over dinner at the (now defunct) Le Duc restaurant in Geneva on December 12th, 1980… [...]
Time for us to quietly contemplate who and what we are.
by @gassee Valley Spirituality – Monday NoteWhile our range of worship choices is, in general, commendable, it’s easy to become disconcerted by the anything-goes, make-your-own-religion attitude. But I’m not completely confused: Even if they intersect, I [...]
Why do digital health startups keep failing?
Origen: Why do digital health startups keep failing? Digital health products need to appeal not just to individual consumers but to a complicated landscape of stakeholders–from doctors and patients to regulators and insurers–all of whom [...]
La Educación
No soy filósofo, ni sociólogo, pero creo que el conflicto armado, la disputa con las manos, la intolerancia, la violencia … no son posibles cuando entre las dos partes en confrontación se es capaz, a [...]
How Doug Engelbart Pulled off the Mother of All Demos (by @wired)
Engelbart: It was the very first time the world had ever seen a mouse, seen outline processing, seen hypertext, seen mixed text and graphics, seen real-time videoconferencing. … van Dam: At the time, I had [...]
Second annual AI index report (@verge via @exponentialview)
an interesting article The AI boom is happening all over the world, and it’s accelerating quickly - The Verge…findings from a group of experts were published in an ongoing effort to help answer those questions. The [...]
Diseccionando unicornios: mitos vs. realidades; by @SamuelGil
Todos sabemos que la valoración no es la única ni quizás la mejor métrica para definir el éxito de una empresa. Pero, ante la ausencia de datos sobre ingresos, beneficios o impacto social, parece un [...]
😂😂 AI ethics buzzwords (by @_KarenHao for @techreview)
Really funny and ironic insider’s guide to decoding Big Tech's language… Origen: Big Tech’s guide to talking about AI ethics | MIT Technology Review an insider’s guide to decoding Big Tech's language and challenging the [...]
bio tech #tech4good
Una traducción automática (apple translator) de un par de artículos que he estado compartiendo porque son uno de mis temas recurrentes… https://www.exponentialview.co/p/ev-317 Aquí hay dragones 🧬 Los avances en aprendizaje automático e IA están alimentando [...]
How a musician shaped my life
As I sum up my feelings from saturday to friday next week, this 3rd edition started with the notice that the company I work for is closing after 15 years of effort trying “to make [...]
New projects “fortuna audentes iuvat” – What I thought about, even briefly, on 2021 weeks 12-13
Good vibes, it looks like we have a new work space Spaces seem bigger in real state pictures… …but views look much more real Slack as an IM app You can now message any other [...]
2021 w #11-12
Thinking about the economic cycles of industrial and technological revolutions It’s taken for granted that the cycle is as it is, what if it stops being so? If we anticipate the initial inequality derived from [...]
Lecciones aprehendidas: El brillo en los ojos (por @gmfdsr) para la #bonilista
"si no hay resultados, no hay valores, no hay misión, no hay visión" Origen: La Bonilista de @david_bonilla - Lecciones aprehendidas: El brillo en los ojos Por edad yo siempre he sido empresario más que [...]
The Global Risks report 2021 (por @MarshGlobal)
El @IGobernanzaEmp (instituto de gobernanza empresarial) nos ha invitado a la presentación del informe global de riesgos 2021 de Marsh. Para que no me pase como en otras ocasiones, comparto "ya" las diapositivas de la presentación de [...]
Why People Share: The Psychology Behind “Going Viral” by @nfx
Too often, we miss the forest for the trees — we focus overly on A/B testing, optimizing conversion funnels and landing pages and app designs, while not focusing enough on the psychological and language fundamentals [...]