Projects 5.0 – Changing project management by @McKinsey

Projects 5.0: A cleansheet approach to project delivery The time is ripe for radical change in delivering large capital projects: starting with a clean sheet and rebuilding the project-delivery model from the ground up. Over the past year, we have worked with industry leaders and experts from around the world to reimagine how such a [...]

What have you got to give? (Caroline Piraud from @juliusbaer)

Good intentions are not enough Caroline Piraud, Philanthropy Advisor Origen: What have you got to give? Your four-T approach to philanthropy   Global trends among wealthy philanthropists include education, health, arts, culture and sport, and the environment.… “You don’t need a lot of money to be a philanthropist, because everyone has something to give. Everyone [...]

“El uso del humor en el ámbito profesional eleva la percepción de estatus y confianza” (by @sergiodlacalle9 en @sintetia )

Si te ríes de una cosa, esa cosa pierde poder…pero si te ríes de alguien, el que pierde poder eres tú. Origen: Sergio de la Calle: «El uso del humor en el ámbito profesional eleva la percepción de estatus y confianza» – Sintetia "Lamentablemente muchos han confundido la seriedad con la profesionalidad."   La risa [...]

What product managers do

Everyone has their view of what the perfect product manager should be doing –it’s helping them do their job! In truth, Product Management should be greasing the wheels of all business functions because they put the product's holistic success at the centre of what they do. Origin: Stream 121 product management – How everyone else views [...]

¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! (por @javicreus en @idees_cat)

Arquitectura vegetal, criterio humano, potencia artificial. Origen: ¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! – Idees El ciclo de desarrollo basado en los combustibles fósiles se agota. Hemos desenterrado reservas que tardaron decenas de millones de años en formarse y las hemos proyectado en forma de plásticos y gases a los confines de la Tierra y a la [...]

Laurene Powell Jobs Is Putting Her Own Dent in the Universe (via @faqmac )

profound learning I took from him was that we don’t have to accept the world that we’re born into as something that is fixed and impermeable Origen: Laurene Powell Jobs Is Putting Her Own Dent in the Universe - The New York Times 35th-richest person in the world, who is funding efforts on immigration, education [...]

“I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros

Origen: “I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros The story of the iPad goes way back beyond before the phone. It started out as this project called Q79. Q79 was the product that was built around multitouch exploration. So we were, at [...]

The streaming business has a problem on the horizon, and so does the music business. ( @nytimes )

Have we entered into an age of music where artists are afraid to alienate people? Since the country is so polarized, am I afraid to alienate the other audience? Am I afraid to alienate a sponsor from my Instagram? Origen: Jimmy Iovine Knows Music and Tech. Here’s Why He’s Worried. - The New York Times [...]

La refundación del capitalismo  (por @DerBlaueMond en el @elblogsalmon)

…en la vida (y en la socioeconomía) real, son precisamente las segundas partes las que tienen verdaderas opciones de ser más evolucionadas y traer progreso real, efectivamente mejorando de esta manera lo presente Origen: La refundación del capitalismo irrumpe en el debate político al más alto nivel Pero, al contrario de lo que le acusan [...]

Amateurs vs. Professionals (also via @samuelgil )

Origen: Farnam Street blog – The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals Why is it that some people seem to be hugely successful and do so much, while the vast majority of us struggle to tread water? The answer is complicated and likely multifaceted. One aspect is mindset—specifically, the difference between amateurs and professionals. Most of us [...]

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