Examinando la desigualdad (y el factor suerte)

Vía @elblogsalmon, un estudio de #goalkeepers (Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates) sobre el que una entrada en @microsiervos arroja luz… Años de teoría económica para llegar a una conclusión: los suertudos de nacer ricos, tienen más facilidad de ser ricos. Leí la entrada La desigualdad al descubierto: el factor que influye más en nuestro futuro [...]

Are You Developing Skills That Won’t Be Automated? (@HarvardBiz)

Our ability to manage and utilize emotion and to take into account the effects of context are key ingredients of critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, adaptive learning, and good judgment.   Origen: Are You Developing Skills That Won’t Be Automated? Contrast being a barista with being a bartender. People often strike up a [...]

The Morals That Determine Whether We’re Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian (@openculture via @aeonmag)

Ditto identifies five broad, universal moral categories, or “pillars,” that predict political thought and behavior: harm reduction fairness loyalty authority/tradition & purity Original: The Morals That Determine Whether We’re Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian These concerns receive different weighting between self-identified liberals and conservatives in surveys, with liberals valuing harm reduction and fairness highly and generally overlooking [...]

¿Por qué necesitamos un nuevo contrato social? en @ELPAÍS_Retina via @virginiog

"El cambio es la forma que tiene el futuro de invadir nuestras vidas”. ~ Alvin Toffler  Origen: Trabajo: ¿Por qué necesitamos un nuevo contrato social? Seis tendencias y una propuesta | Tendencias | EL PAÍS Retina Seis tendencias y una propuesta Los trabajos que desempeñamos, sea por ganarnos la vida, por vocación o ambas a la [...]

La ‘trampa sueca’ o por qué deberías utilizar más efectivo en tus compras by @merca2_es

Un artículo con el que no estoy muy de acuerdo, es interesante ver los retos que se plantean para ir en la dirección contraria a la que propone el título. Origen: La ‘trampa sueca’ o por qué deberías utilizar más efectivo en tus compras ¿Los suecos han caído en su propia ‘trampa’? Suecia es el [...]

The hidden history of how Government kick-started Silicon Valley ( @hope_reese )

Dwight Eisenhower never declared, “I shall build a science city in Northern California.” Yet the military spending and space program spending that started under Eisenhower was the launching pad for Silicon Valley’s rocket. @medium: The Hidden History of How the Government Kick-Started Silicon Valley So in Silicon Valley, or the tech industry more broadly, you [...]

The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos

Origen: The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos A customer-first mindset A focus on the road map for the future Continuous creation of new businesses Creating multiple paths to yes Acting as ‘chief slowdown officer’ for big bets A willingness to take risks and acquire new institutional skills Turning institutional skills into [...]

Applying AI for social good | McKinsey

Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a library of about 160 AI social-impact use cases. They suggest that existing capabilities could contribute to tackling cases across all [...]

Empathy-Driven Development by @AndreaGoulet via @FirstRound

Following the interesting Andrea Goulet article about technical debt, First Round brings another surprising and indeed very interesting interview with Andrea Goulet. Origen: Empathy-Driven Development: How Engineers Can Tap into This Critical Skill | First Round Review FIRST, DISPEL THESE EMPATHY MYTHS Myth #1: Empathy is just a feeling. “And it definitely involves feelings. However, that conceptualization [...]

Every company is bound by its capabilities…

…but the best companies re-shape these bounds because they are defined by priorities. Origen: The iPhone is the most successful product of all time (by @asymco) | appletalk:entremaqueros Excerpts on "innovation drivers", taken from Horace Dediu's blog post (about Apple) "The pivot". …no business is good if it is static. What makes a business great [...]

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