Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Crea un instalador de OS X El Capitan en una “llave” USB
En iDownload Blog How to create a bootable OS X El Capitan USB flash driveStep 1: Connect the flash drive to your MacStep 2: Download and install the latest version of DiskMakerXStep 3: Run DiskMakerXStep 4: Click Yosemite (10.10) since there [...]
Periodic Table of Unicorns
via @cbinsights The Periodic Table of Unicorns
Empieza ahora y continúa después
por @vorpalina Guía breve de pensamiento estratégico | iniciativa vorpalina y y no va de empresa (no sólo) ;-)Eres ahora, solo y absolutamente ahora rodeado de una gran cantidad de oportunidades para empezar ahora y continuar después.se [...]
La estrecha relación que existe entre el hedonismo filosófico de los naturalistas y la selección natural
por @hclasalle En defensa del placerLa naturaleza no nos da una opción:No ha habido filosofía mas vilificada que el hedonismo, incluso cuando es cualificado como racional, calculado o filosófico. La palabra misma, tras siglos de propaganda [...]
Apple podría dañar a más de 13 compañías con sus “novedades”
via @cbinsights Apple podría dañar a más de 13 compañíasWith big new product announcements ranging from Apple Music to Apple News, Apple’s annual WWDC event had quite a few implications for a host of venture-backed startups. [...]
Spanish VC: from oligarchy to democracy in five years
Vía @FundacionJME The Spanish VC industry: from oligarchy to democracy in five years - Novobrief…a significant number of funds have been created that are being led by General Partners who have little Venture Capital experience. These [...]
internet: 3ª “oleada”
Vía @FundacionJME Steve Case: Get ready, the Internet is about to change again. Here’s how. Third wave The third wave of the Internet is about to break. The opportunity is now shifting to integrating it [...]
¿Para qué “sirve” la filosofía? | The Book of Life
"The goal of wisdom is fulfilment." En inglés What is Philosophy for? | The Book of LifeBeing wise means attempting to live and die well, leading as good a life as possible within the troubled conditions of [...]
Get away from me, Mr. Zen
Vía @bigthink una entrada que me ha recordado a la mía del pasado abril (¿Seguirá la virtud estando en el término medio?)Get away from me, Mr. Zen:Every time you get a strong impulse to talk about [...]
2015 Internet Trends report
Vía @FundacionJME el informe de tendencias de internet en 2015 de KPCB Y un resumen magnífico en Tech Crunch Me gustaría destacar algunas diapositivas relevantes. Ojito que no crecerá siempre todo: Mercados por explotar: Para [...]
Aceptar el cambio
Vía @bkoflife "It would be so much simpler if human nature had only one way of getting it wrong around change."The Acceptance of Change | The Book of LifeFour key problems can occur around change:One: [...]
Be Kind
vía @felixpalazuelos : Being kind is fundamentally about taking responsibility for your impact on the people around you. Be KindI was just callously indifferent and on a long enough timeline that is indistinguishable from being mean. … [...]
Preserva el cuerpo y destruye el alma; eso es una escuela hoy
@dobertipablo escribe El Inversor: Opinar sin saber… en Pijamasurf OPINAR: ¿Qué piensas tú de tal o cuál cuestión? Esa pregunta no entra en la escuela. Opinar es constituirse, tomar posición, pensar. Opinar es mediatizar la entrada fría de [...]
However imperfect you still are, happiness is about knowing you’ve got the power to make things better
via @bigthink How Do You Pursue Happiness? | Big ThinkThis "friendly interest" is deceptively simple. Russell means a kind of warm, scientific curiosity, not raw vulnerability. He doesn't advocate letting other people emotionally destroy you. [...]
What the Dalai Lama Taught Daniel Goleman About Emotional Intelligence -HBR
"…compassion takes empathy a step further".What the Dalai Lama Taught Daniel Goleman About Emotional Intelligence HBR. Let’s start with some definitions here. What is compassion, as you are describing it? It sounds a lot like empathy, [...]
Towards Better Collaboration
vía @bkoflifeGrowing up isn’t ever quick, or really quite done. But to study these ten possible areas of immaturity signals a start of a journey towards solving some of the issues that bedevil office life [...]
Manual de decisionomía para la buena gente
vía @vorpalina"Para lograr una vida, una sola vida, tiene que morir toda una humanidad”Manual de decisionomía para la buena gente | iniciativa vorpalinaRafael Reig escribió una vez: ”Dicen que la vida discurre en zigzag, y que [...]
Decía “yo creo” para no ser “tajante”…
…pero el problema está en el "yo".Borges sobre Buda, karma y nirvana - PijamasurfUna de las desilusiones capitales es la del yo. El budismo concuerda así con Hume, con Schopenhauer y con nuestro Macedonia Fernández. [...]
Herramientas “en la red”, via @teragrowth
Tres recopilaciones de herramientas para tus proyectos, por Jordi Mañé Business Plan: Plantillas y mejores herramientas Herramientas de internet para generar IDEAS y plasmarlas Herramientas de internet para definir la Estrategia Y su agredador social [...]
Nuestras acciones son autónomas y libres, y es a ellas que corresponden naturalmente la censura y la alabanza
Epístola de Epicuro a Meneceo | Sociedad de Amigos de Epicuro2. El que dice que el tiempo de filosofar no le ha llegado o ya ha pasado es semejante al que dice que todavía no [...]
Qué es el “internet de la cosas”
Magnífica infografía en Visual Capitalist.
McKinsey: the reality of Growth in the software industry
McKinsey: The reality of Growth in the software industry I think the first thing is build a culture, bring the processes, and bring the talent in the organization. If you manage those three things correctly, [...]
¿Seguirá la virtud estando en el término medio?
Meditar para ser mas productivo… Surge la duda de si está bien utilizar técnicas "espirituales" para cuestiones "terrenales".Corporate Meditation Can Promote a Workaholic Culture | Big ThinkMeditar para estar mejor, con uno mismo y con [...]
O tenemos aulas expositivas o tenemos aulas interactivas.
Este es uno de los ejes más relevantes que enfrentamos en la discusión de la educación del siglo XXI.El Inversor: Hay debates y debates – Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativaQuiero centrarme en una cuestión [...]
Time for us to quietly contemplate who and what we are.
by @gassee Valley Spirituality – Monday NoteWhile our range of worship choices is, in general, commendable, it’s easy to become disconcerted by the anything-goes, make-your-own-religion attitude. But I’m not completely confused: Even if they intersect, I [...]
Why do digital health startups keep failing?
Origen: Why do digital health startups keep failing? Digital health products need to appeal not just to individual consumers but to a complicated landscape of stakeholders–from doctors and patients to regulators and insurers–all of whom [...]
La Educación
No soy filósofo, ni sociólogo, pero creo que el conflicto armado, la disputa con las manos, la intolerancia, la violencia … no son posibles cuando entre las dos partes en confrontación se es capaz, a [...]
How Doug Engelbart Pulled off the Mother of All Demos (by @wired)
Engelbart: It was the very first time the world had ever seen a mouse, seen outline processing, seen hypertext, seen mixed text and graphics, seen real-time videoconferencing. … van Dam: At the time, I had [...]
Second annual AI index report (@verge via @exponentialview)
an interesting article The AI boom is happening all over the world, and it’s accelerating quickly - The Verge…findings from a group of experts were published in an ongoing effort to help answer those questions. The [...]
Testing the resilience of Europe’s inclusive growth model,
The New McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) research, focuses on prospects for inclusive growth in the period to 2030—possibly the largest driver of citizens’ life satisfaction.Europe’s inclusive growth model and the European Union’s (EU) welfare-based social [...]
The Spatial Web
The Spatial Web Will Map Our 3D World—And Change Everything In the ProcessOver the next two to five years, the world around us is about to light up with layer upon layer of rich, fun, [...]
How Apple, Google, and Microsoft stack up in education technology: Hardware, software, and deployment | ZDNet
Origen: How Apple, Google, and Microsoft stack up in education technology: Hardware, software, and deployment | ZDNet With Apple re-emphasizing its push for the education market with its new iPad and software updates, it's [...]
Microsoft Is Worth as Much as Apple. How Did That Happen?
via @azeem's @exponentialviewMicrosoft Is Worth as Much as Apple. How Did That Happen? - The New York TimesIt was big and still quite profitable, but the company had lost its luster, failing or trailing in [...]