Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Mindfulness in Modern Times
Buddhism and the Brain: Mindfulness in Modern Times | Big ThinkI’m very concerned with what I would call a decontextualized — or maybe the proper word would be recontextualized — consumerist notion of mindfulness, where [...]
10 claves para crear equipos de trabajo excelentes
por @JALacoste 10 claves para crear equipos de trabajo excelentes1. Sea apasionado y comparta la visión. 2. Pregúntele a los candidatos y empleados actuales lo que desean.3. Deles algo que sus amigos en otras empresas no estén recibiendo.4. Comuníquese ampliamente con [...]
The 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking is live! – Compass
The 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking is live! - CompassThe rise of the startup ecosystems all around the world should also be seen in the context of the larger socioeconomic structural shift taking place. Information [...]
7 Obstacles to enterprise agility
“Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” Obstacle #1: Naive Resource Management Obstacle #2: Teams Organized by Functional Specialization Obstacle #3: Teams Organized by Architectural Components Obstacle #4: Distraction Obstacle #5: Reluctance [...]
No te sientas (tan) mal si el trabajo domina tu vida
tampoco dejes de intentar arreglarlo…We don’t realise to what an extent our feelings are guided by our sense of what is normal and of what we should expect from others. We are highly flexible creatures, [...]
claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio
Porque el criterio propio ayuda a conquistar ese territorio perdido por la sociedad de consumo recuperando lo que denomino derecho de sitio.@vorpalina claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio | iniciativa vorpalinaHABILIDADES PARA EL ENTRENAMIENTO DEL CRITERIO [...]
Más sobre Epicuro 🙂
Historia verdadera, de Luciano | Sociedad de Amigos de EpicuroDe su descripción divertida de un paraíso epicúreo, excluye a Platón (quien se había alejado a vivir en su propia República) y a los estoicos (que [...]
The 5 Essential Skills of a Successful Project Manager
Wield the Politician Inside You Use the Details to Shape the Strategy Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Lead by Example Create Balance
How Startup “Joiners” Are (and Aren’t) Like Founders – HBR
Looks like common sense… How Startup “Joiners” Are (and Aren’t) Like Founders - HBRThe researchers caution that not everyone who applies to work for an early stage startup necessarily has the personality of a “joiner,” and [...]
Entrepreneur, startups, founders… cuestión de matiz (y moda)
by @bfeld Do We Need A New Word For Entrepreneur? - Feld ThoughtsA raíz del "agotamiento" por exceso de uso del término emprendedor, Brad Feld plantea una serie de ideas interesante sobre la evolución del [...]
How to Manage a Team of B Players (spoiler: being an A Leader)
How to Manage a Team of B Players - HBRAlthough effective leaders can have a wide variety of styles, they do tend to share some common personality characteristics. First, they have better judgment than their [...]
Just Because You’re Happy Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Burned Out
My guess as to how these numbers can be reconciled would be that the overwhelming majority of these workers like the nature of the work they do. Perhaps, to borrow Gallup terminology, it gives them [...]
Cuando los leones de Cannes eran el acontecimiento del año
(para mi) agradecía mucho los anuncios como estos.Pasaba días atento esperando a grabar el especial en Canal Plus… y los especiales relacionados (como el de Jasper Carrott) algún día tendría que luchar por digitalizar esos [...]
Is Remote Working Good For Business?
Is Remote Working Good For Business?Businesses with remote teams don’t have the luxury of as much face time as others, which is why they have to work harder to create strong cultures. …Culture is about [...]
35 Crucial Stats Every B2B Sales Professional Should Know – OpenView Labs
35 Crucial Stats Every B2B Sales Professional Should Know - OpenView LabsSpending on cloud technology is set to greatly expand in the coming years… Increased spending and relative ease associated with purchasing cloud-based solutions means key [...]
Why Steve Jobs was no lone hero
“My model for business is the Beatles”: Why Steve Jobs was no lone hero - Salon.comThe simple answer is that during this period Apple managed to introduce a series of four monumental products and services—the [...]
De “sintetia”: Soy consultor, ¡con perdón! Y mi futuro está cambiando radicalmente
¿Qué aporta un consultor a tu empresa? Los servicios de asesoramiento son tan antiguos como la historia. Desde los ancianos que asesoraban a los jefes de las tribus a los consejeros de reyes y príncipes, [...]
How to Overcome the Midday Slump – HBR
How to Overcome the Midday Slump - HBRDo:Meditate or perform breathing exercises when you start to feel your energy wane.Put down your device an hour before you go to bed, and try to get 7-8 [...]
A un clic (de las nuevas aulas) – Pijamasurf
No se trata de cambiar todo, se trata de cambiar el sentido de todo.El Inversor: A un clicSaber es estar en conocimiento, estar enterado de las cosas; ser capaces de reproducirlas. Y como eso a [...]
Notas sobre estrategia para startups tecnológicas de reciente creación
Un largo artículo que recoge una gran cantidad de conceptos/cuadrantes/técnicas que podemos haber visto aquí y allá para la toma de decisiones. Aunque al final la toma de (buenas y malas) decisiones viene refrendada por [...]
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil at all.
Ray Davies - Quiet LifeSomething's happenin' but I'm just gonna turn a blind eye.If I see no evil, ask no questions, and I hear no lies.Can't communicate with minds that are small,With some people it's like [...]
Me parece que el Papa Francisco toca puntos muy interesantes
But in THE HUMAN ROOTS OF THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS, the pope is pretty clear where those roots lie. The BIG enemy, he says, is a world under the control of the Technocratic Paradigm. Not technology per se, [...]
Las 50 empresas más disruptivas de 2015
Vía MIT technology review en castellano
Hyperloop Is Real: Meet The Startups Selling Supersonic Travel
Via @Forbes_es (en papel) El "original" en inglés. ¿Lo veremos?
#Bonilista (Starcraft) el proyecto de software peor gestionado de la historia
Origen: #Bonilista El proyecto de software peor gestionado de la Historia El equipo trabajaba 60-80 horas a la semana, sin descansar ni siquiera sábados o domingos. Algunos desarrolladores programaban durante 16 horas seguidas, dormían bajo [...]
Are “millennials” really killing some industries? (by @CBInsights )
12 Industries Experts Say Millennials Are Killing — And Why They're Wrong - CB Insights ResearchWhat’s really ‘killing’ these industriesIndustries are not being threatened by millennials themselves. The threat comes from younger, more adaptive brands [...]
The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam by @susie_c
What came next wasn’t sharing. Power and control wasn’t decentralized — it was even more concentrated in the hands of large and valuable platforms.The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam – OneZeroEarly sharing champions were [...]
Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan (por @harari_yuval en @elpais_inter )
La propaganda y la manipulación no son ninguna novedad, desde luego. Antes actuaban mediante bombardeos masivos; hoy, son, cada vez más, munición de alta precisión contra objetivos escogidos. Yuval Noah Harari: Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan [...]
En estos casos siempre recuerdo el chiste de la película Philadelphia.–¿Qué son dos abogados en el fondo del mar?–…–Un buen comienzo.¿A qué viene esto? A cuenta de que el conflicto entre los VTC y los [...]
Managing Remote Teams, a Crash Course – by Andreas Klinger
#mustread from: Startup Lessons Learned Overall hiring remote is about four things: - being able to hire the best possible people independent of where they (or you) are - optimizing for the quality of life [...]
I have a 300-year plan ~Masayoshi Son
via @exponentialview Why SoftBank's Masayoshi Son is Silicon Valley's power broker by @fastcompany‘The entrepreneur’s ambition is the only cap to the company’s potential,’ There is no one on the planet right now in a better position to influence [...]
Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship
via @detoolbox Building a Bulletproof Startup: Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship:An in-depth overview of the methodologies reveals a hidden truth: none of them is universally valid. As I said, there is no [...]
Jean-Louis Gassée’s memories on Apple
excerpts from @Gassee memories on its years at AppleStarting Apple FranceAfter two rounds of interviews, I sign my employment agreement over dinner at the (now defunct) Le Duc restaurant in Geneva on December 12th, 1980… [...]