Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
AI, Apple and Google (by Benedict Evans)
Machine learning offers the promise that a lot of very large and very boring analyses of data can be automated - not just running the search, but working out what the search should be to find the [...]
How to follow up with investors who have rejected… – Bringing transparency to seed investing…
A “no” or non-response today isn’t forever. How to follow up with investors who have rejected... - Bringing transparency to seed investing.... When… 1) The investor doesn’t / no longer invests in your vertical / [...]
Done is better than perfect
A study by the University of San Diego looked at if exceeding expectations was symmetrical with disappointment — meaning, if going above and beyond was perceived with the same intensity as failing. It wasn’t. The study showed [...]
el arte de conversar
el arte de conversar | iniciativa vorpalinaMuchos lingüistas y expertos en comunicación desde Saussure dicen que los condicionamientos culturales son los que más influyen para el entendimiento humano. Sin embargo, a raíz de los últimos [...]
Disruption – Lessons by Kodak (Peter Diamandis)
Lessons from Kodak - Peter Diamandis Eight Don’ts – How Not To Be Disrupted Don’t close out your options too early: For Kodak, they decided they weren’t going to be in the digital camera business. As [...]
The assumption is the mother of all mistakes
How To Write Project Task Descriptions…We are all familiar with this scenario: We start our workday as we open our team’s task list and our eyes pop in front of something reading “Upgrade website”, “X [...]
How To Create A Career Plan For Your Employees
How To Create A Career Plan For Your Employees. A really interesting study by a company called EdAssist explored the perceptions of both employees and managers of whose responsibility it is to drive career development. [...]
Los 10 mejores consejeros sobre filantropía
Si necesitas saber en que invertir tu fortuna (si la tienes, debes hacerlo)… en A Ranking of the World’s Top 10 Philanthropy Advisers - BillionaireGeneva Global (US)Wise (Switzerland)Boncerto (UK)Dasra (India)McKinsey Social Sector (US)King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium)NVPC [...]
Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends
Beyond the Hype Cycle: Quantifying Media Attention to Predict Technology Trends - CB Insights CB Insights Trends provides an objective, real-time, and data-driven perspective on the technologies and trends that business strategists, chief innovation officers, [...]
La excelencia operativa de la Apple de Tim Cook
Inside Apple and Tim Cook's Operational Brilliance -- The Motley FoolMore recently, Apple added Pegatron, that's a name I mentioned earlier, as another contract manufacturer. I think this was maybe 2012 or so, 2013. I [...]
How to encourage creativity
How to encourage creativity? Avada News • June 2, 2016 ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at gravida [...]
Finding the assets you need
Finding the assets you need Avada News • June 2, 2016 ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at [...]
Why You Need To Develop A Growth Mindset
…a person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable)… For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you [...]
The best creative tools to use
The best creative tools to use! Avada News • June 2, 2016 ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, [...]
Forming client relationships
Forming client relationships Avada News • June 2, 2016 ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at gravida mi [...]
Control, or Be Controlled: Sales Forecasting Done Right – Andreessen Horowitz
"Don’t trust your forecast roll up to spreadsheets and CRM tools alone!" …some of the archetypes behind common forecasting errors at all levels of a sales organization: Rose-colored Glasses Glen is too optimistic about every opportunity [...]
11 lecciones de un sabio para comprender el cambio
"…creo en las personas…"iniciativa vorpalina - 11 lecciones de un sabio para comprender el cambio
Liderazgo y regulación emocional
… escuchando a @alvaromerinoEstas son las notas de lo que nos contó o lo que yo entendí:En el mundo de la empresa no se entrena, solo se compite. Como en el deporte de élite, esto no [...]
La ciencia ficción es la Filosofía vestida de fantasía
por Calum Chace y Fundación Bankinter"science fiction is philosophy in fancy dress" line is "science fiction is philosophy in fancy dress". I think someone else invented it, but I've not found them.Hace algo más de [...]
Estuve en Tora Taberna Japonesa…
con la suerte de ir con un amante de la comida japonesa (y de Japón) que pidiera por todos:- tataki de bonito- niguiris de caballa- berenjena al agedashi- agedashi tofu- okonomiyaki- sopa de miso- bolitas [...]
Apple’s Organizational Crossroads
another #worthreading piece by Apple's Organizational Crossroads - Stratechery by Ben ThompsonDevices vs. ServicesThe problem is that everything that goes into creating these jewel-like devices works against being good at services:You only get one shot to [...]
Culture is Not an Endless Series of Perks
Via @OpenViewVenture This Company Thinks Everyone Should Love Going to Work Every Day. Here’s Their Plan to Make It Happen.The few levers companies need to pull in order to build a strong culture fall into three main [...]
How to catalyze front-line engagement
Admitting one's limits actually helps build engagement.A perspective on front-line engagement from Japan | Opensource.comArmed with what they've learned at these parties, these inexperienced (but smart) managers begin finding ways they can be helpful. Rather [...]
Tech Slowdown Threatens the American Dream
Tech Slowdown Threatens the American DreamFor the records…
¿Qué es un proyecto innovador de éxito? @aalbaperez – innolandia
El objetivo que tiene que cumplir un proyecto innovador es VENDER. Siempre resulta agradable encontrar ideas similares que te hagan pensar que estás en el buen camino. Aunque las ideas contraria te hacen abrir más [...]
Cinco preguntas de “coaching” para ayudar a tus profesionales
Origen: Qué es realmente un "coach" y cómo puede ayudar a las empresas No es objeto de este artículo proponer una metodología de coaching, pero me parece interesante ofreceros estas preguntas-herramienta (Harvard Business Review, 14 [...]
La ‘trampa sueca’ o por qué deberías utilizar más efectivo en tus compras by @merca2_es
Un artículo con el que no estoy muy de acuerdo, es interesante ver los retos que se plantean para ir en la dirección contraria a la que propone el título. Origen: La ‘trampa sueca’ o [...]
Why I love Apple Inc. – Porqué adoro Apple Inc.
…it comes from a corporate culture that attracts and retains workers and executives that have principled values. Originals: –Why does Apple have a monopoly on responsive corporate values? by @danieler via @macdailynews – Apple will donate [...]
It’s Product Management; not Software Engineering (by ProductCoalition.com)
Not only are you now responsible for making strategic decisions about what to build and why, but you feel you are forced do so in an alien environment Origen: It’s Product Management; not Software Engineering… [...]
Por qué las generaciones más jóvenes tendrán menos dinero y poder
Origen: Por qué las generaciones más jóvenes tendrán menos dinero y poder - technology review …al final, no son los jóvenes los que toman las grandes decisiones, sino las personas de mediana edad. Las personas [...]
How to Master Innovation (without the) Labs – via @MindtheProduct
Despite up to 96% of all innovation projects failing to make any return on investment and 97% of large businesses believing digital innovation to be critical to their future success, how do organisations find the balance [...]
Gartner Hype Cycle 2019 vs 2018 @resbla
Gartner ha sacado hasta 26 tecnologías que estaban el el Hype Cycle 2018 del Hype Cycle 2019. Teniendo en cuenta que hay 30 en total, este no es un año cualquiera. Origen: Hype Cycle 2019, [...]
Las capacidades del consejo en tiempos de cambio – @KPMG_ES
El papel del consejo ha adquirido en los últimos tiempos una relevancia crucial. La sostenibilidad de las compañías está sujeta a su capacidad de adaptación a unos riesgos crecientes e interconectados, una disrupción constante y [...]