Entradas seleccionadas

“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan

Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño

La ¿nueva? educación

¿Individualismo colectivo? 😮

Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado

¿Qué es eso de COO?

Habilidades para la vida actual

Etica empresarial ¿necesaria sólo por RSC?

9 Reasons Governments Favor Open Source Software

February 11th, 2017|corporate IT, open source, project management, seguridad, trends|

9 Reasons Governments Favor Open Source Software. Keeping IT Budgets under Control Taking Advantage of Competitive Bidding Benefiting from the Perennially Taking Advantage of Mutualization Ensuring Security and Privacy Ensuring Robustness and Reliability Enhancing Transparency [...]

The Downsides of Being Very Emotionally Intelligent

January 27th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, el critico como artista, la vida misma, psicología|

by @HarvardBiz ¡Vaya con Gemma!Though definitions vary, EQ always comprises intrapersonal and interpersonal skills — in particular high adjustment, sociability, sensitivity, and prudence. Thousands of scientific studies have tested the importance of EQ in various domains [...]

Make Operations Your Secret Weapon – Here’s How

January 22nd, 2017|cosillas empresariales, el critico como artista, gestión|

 @firstround Make Operations Your Secret Weapon - Here’s How | First Round Review& more https://hbr.org/2006/05/second-in-command-the-misunderstood-role-of-the-chief-operating-officerKozlowski is part of a new crop of COOs who are harnessing know-how from a range of roles to create systems that elevate [...]

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age (libro vía @samuelgil )

November 3rd, 2019|0 Comments

En su newsletter, suma positiva, nos enlazaba Samuel este hilo (click en el tuit): https://twitter.com/eriktorenberg/status/1188999781617524737?s=20 E indicaba: Un hilo que resume de manera brillante “The Sovereign Individual”, un libro que ha predicho con sorprendente acierto muchos [...]

”…technology alone is not enough –it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”
~Steve Jobs