Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Management skills are support skills; people skills.
@Trello's People VP talks about how the company is doing with on boarding, management, performance reviews, company culture and goals and compensation setting…Management skills are support skills; people skills. It’s about figuring out what makes [...]
5 ideas para comprender por qué la sensibilidad y los negocios será el binomio del futuro
@sintetia 5 ideas para comprender por qué la sensibilidad y los negocios será el binomio del futuroSer PAS es un reto diario, no es fácil ni todo es color de rosa. De hecho lo fácil es [...]
Trump y los negocios en USA
algunas notas de la interesante charla en la Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros "La era Trump y los negocios en USA" (a cargo de Ramón Trénor, de Garrigues NYC).Lo divertido y alternativo ya no [...]
Duda ética “vehicular”
Aston Martin RapideMaserati GhibliPorsche PanameraMercedes-Benz AMG GT
La vida del COO
Dadas las muchas areas que salpican el trabajo y las atribuciones que competen a un director de operaciones… este es un puesto que requiere gran esfuerzo y adaptabilidad, así como una visión holística 😉 Un [...]
Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?
HBR – Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?Because they’re focusing only on Esther’s sociability, sensitivity, and likability, they’re missing critical elements of emotional intelligence that could make her a [...]
Deep Work vs. Messy: How to Balance Productivity and Creativity
via @zapier Deep Work vs. Messy: How to Balance Productivity and CreativityDo you want to be remembered for answering your text messages promptly, or would you rather achieve impactful work while still having time for hobbies [...]
Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’
by @thisissethsblog Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’Me ha recordado a este otro post sobre "skills" convenientes en la vida.The five categories might include:Self Control — Once you’ve decided that something is important, are you able to persist [...]
9 Reasons Governments Favor Open Source Software
9 Reasons Governments Favor Open Source Software. Keeping IT Budgets under Control Taking Advantage of Competitive Bidding Benefiting from the Perennially Taking Advantage of Mutualization Ensuring Security and Privacy Ensuring Robustness and Reliability Enhancing Transparency [...]
¿Quizá el Mac (el ordenador) es el verdadero futuro del PC?
Vía @MacDailyNews llegó al artículo Perhaps the Mac is the real future of personal computing.El artículo sugiere que el iPad no sustituirá al ordenador, al menos en cuanto a herramienta de creación de contenidos (edición de [...]
Great Teams Are About Personalities, Not Just Skills – HBR
Great Teams Are About Personalities, Not Just Skills…who you are affects how you behave and how you interact with other people, so team members’ personalities operate like the different functions of a single organism.… In our [...]
Respect – The Real Reason People Are Leaving Your Company
@officevibe The Real Reason People Are Leaving Your CompanyRespect.How to earn more respect?Trust Your EmployeesGive Them AutonomyCollect Frequent FeedbackListen More Than You SpeakBe More TransparentRespect People’s Time
La confusa línea entre datos y conocimiento
via @sintetia por @jsobejano Sintetia • La difícil línea entre datos y conocimiento: claves para que no te engañen con la posverdad¿Una breve introducción al pensamiento crítico?1.- Empieza centrándote en la cantidad.2.- Diversifica fuentes.3.- Trabaja la [...]
The Downsides of Being Very Emotionally Intelligent
by @HarvardBiz ¡Vaya con Gemma!Though definitions vary, EQ always comprises intrapersonal and interpersonal skills — in particular high adjustment, sociability, sensitivity, and prudence. Thousands of scientific studies have tested the importance of EQ in various domains [...]
PSED: Todo el problema… cortoplacismo
Me ha dicho que se pide aval de socio porque el dinero se le anticipa a la empresa, no al cliente de la empresa: "entonces, yo he visto que el cliente es solvente y lo [...]
Make Operations Your Secret Weapon – Here’s How
@firstround Make Operations Your Secret Weapon - Here’s How | First Round Review& more https://hbr.org/2006/05/second-in-command-the-misunderstood-role-of-the-chief-operating-officerKozlowski is part of a new crop of COOs who are harnessing know-how from a range of roles to create systems that elevate [...]
La historia detrás de las tipografías (que usas a diario)
by @lacabezallena Times, Helvetica, Arial, Gotham, Calibri, Gill Sans, Futura y… sí: comic sans.La historia detrás de las tipografías que usas a diario – La cabeza llena
is innovation an over-rated distraction for big companies?
via @wef innovation is an over-rated distraction | World Economic ForumIn sum, growth is essential, but innovating like a startup is not the only way for a big company to grow. A clearly viable alternative is to1. Clarify [...]
Habilidades básicas de una persona innovadora
by @jsobejano Sintetia • Habilidades básicas de una persona innovadoraHabilidades de descubrimiento1.- La Asociación, o capacidad de generar uniones sorprendentes entre ideas, conceptos, teorías… Supone una apertura total de mente y estar dispuesto a no poner [...]
Critical Thinking Gaps ~ Future of CIO
Critical Thinking Gaps ~ Future of CIOThe gap between proactive thinking and passive thinkingThe gaps between impoverished thinking and resourceful/ imaginable thinkingThe gaps between convenience thinking and mindful thinkingDue to the hyperconnected and over-complex nature [...]
Qué es lo que hace a un superhombre, según el Buda
Qué es lo que hace a un superhombre, según el Buda - Pijama Surf Así tenemos la versión budista del Superhombre; no es un hombre que busca el poder sobre el mundo, está en el mundo [...]
How China Built ‘iPhone City’ With Billions in Perks for Apple’s Partner – The New York Times
A hidden bounty of benefits for Foxconn’s plant in Zhengzhou, the world’s biggest iPhone factory, is central to the production of Apple’s most profitable product.
5 myths of digital transformation
vía Busted! 5 myths of digital transformation | InfoWorld. Myth No. 1: “Digital” is a noun Myth No. 2: Digital business strategy is driven by the cloud, big data + analytics, mobility, and social media [...]
Never Hire People Without These 3 Characteristics
via @huffingtonpost Never Hire People Without These 3 Characteristics | The Huffington Post Exceptional Communication Skills •Proactive •Flexible •Team-first Ability to Problem Solve •Break the problem down and analyze it •Determine what information or resources [...]
Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu
“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC [...]
Epicureísmo vs. Estoicismo (by newepicurean.com via sociedad de amigos de Epicuro)
Actitudes problemáticas y posturas vitales empeoradas por el estoicismo y curadas por la filosofía epicúrea Origen: Actitudes problemáticas y posturas vitales empeoradas por el estoicismo y curadas por la filosofía epicúrea | Sociedad de Amigos de [...]
99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2019 (Future Crunch #90 & @angushervey)
If we want to change the story of the human race in the 21st century, we have to change the stories we tell ourselves. Origen: 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn't Hear About in [...]
Disney’s secret sauce
“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. Because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt [...]
Comparing France and US Systems: NYT Opinionators Wear Blinkers (via @gassee )
The Stephens piece was brought to me by a learned friend who also pointed to a December 5th David Brooks opinion piece titled I Was Once a Socialist. Then I Saw How It Worked. Just [...]
How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus
Origen: How to Avoid Tool Overload and Apathy | Product Focus Communications overload Research shows that communication overload is a significant source of productivity loss. In this study by software company RescueTime, their analysis of [...]
9 Ways the Internet Has Changed the Workplace (by @broadbandsearch )
A new era is on the horizon. Origen: 9 Ways the Internet Has Changed the Workplace - BroadbandSearch The changes in the workplace brought on by the internet will cause us to reinvent [...]
World Energy Outlook 2019 (via @amturiel )
Este WEO está estructurado en tres partes: la parte A, sobre las tendencias globales en energía; la parte B, con un análisis regional en profundidad, en este caso sobre África; y la parte C, en [...]
World Intellectual Property report 2019 released ( by @WIPO )
This year’s report focuses on “The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks”. Origen: World Intellectual Property Report 2019 Drawing on millions of patent and scientific publication records spanning over five decades, this year’s [...]