La paradoja de las nuevas tecnologías ( by @KPMG_ES)

Los modelos de negocio actuales se basan, cada vez en mayor medida, en la innovación. Dicha innovación se consigue, entre otras acciones, aplicando nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) a la cadena de valor del producto en cuestión. Este camino, que ofrece tremendas oportunidades, no está exento de riesgos, algunos de ellos todavía por explorar, pero quizá sea [...]

2019-04-29T21:57:45+02:00April 6th, 2019|innovación, tecnología, tendencias|

5 online-luxury-fashion trends (by @forbes via @wealthx)

  What Farfetch's IPO Filing Says About The $300 Billion Luxury Fashion Industry – Wealth-X1. By 2025, luxury fashion e-commerce will have a quarter of the industry's market share. Industrywide, online’s share of the personal luxury goods market is expected to rise to 25% by 2025 from about 9% last year as the entire market pie will see [...]

2018-08-26T13:00:00+02:00August 26th, 2018|consumismo, internet, lujo, marketing, tendencias|

Are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization?

 Global governance (amongst other interesting topics in exponential view newsletter #162)Dept of states and sovereigntyThere is a notion worth revisiting: are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization? This idea lies in contrast with the “end of history” theory of modernity. I’ve found the question of evolving the nation-state fascinating [...]

7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury Industry (by @cbinsights)

 Luxury is finally getting its tech upgrade. From renting designer clothes to personalized products and lab-grown diamonds, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping the luxury sector.The Future Of Luxury: 7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury IndustryAs corporate activity accelerates and startups targeting the luxury sector emerge, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping [...]

How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce (by @cbinsights )

 Retail’s Adapt-Or-Die Moment: How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce"Traditional and new-school retailers alike are using AI and robotics to automate various parts of the retail chain, from manufacturing to last-mile delivery."Despite the rise of AI-based solutions, only a handful of traditional brands have been effectively implementing AI strategies to drive business efficiency. But AI is reshaping [...]

A Look at How Technology is Reshaping the Global Economy (by @maxmarmer )

 via medium – The Industrial Era jobs and institutions decline towards death and the Information Era matures and blooms. The decline of the Industrial Era may have been subtler, and easy to ignore in years past.The global economy as a whole will also be in precarious place if Information Era companies do not continue to produce [...]

eHealth Market worth 132.35 Billion USD by 2023

 via @marketsmarkets According to latest research report "eHealth Market by Product (EHR, PACS & VNA, RIS, LIS, CVIS, Telehealth, eRx, HIE, Patient Portal, Medical Apps), Services (Remote Patient Monitoring, Diagnostic Services) End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Payers, Pharmacy) - Global Forecast to 2023", is expected to reach USD 132.35 Billion by 2023 from USD 47.60 Billion [...]

18 cambios exponenciales en tecnología que nos esperan en 2018 (de @techreview_es)

 by @azeem Azhar los 18 cambios exponenciales en tecnología en 2018 | MIT Technology Review en Español1. Las relaciones internacionales, la economía y la política necesitarán desesperadamente nuevas medidas para adaptarse a la revolución digital  2. Si bien Silicon Valley lidera el sector, la innovación y la escala de negocios se producen cada vez más en otra [...]

2018-01-15T08:30:00+01:00January 15th, 2018|innovación, tendencias|

10 predictions for 2018 (by @Nesta_UK)

10 trends, tech breakthroughs and social movements for the year ahead10 predictions for 2018 | NestaDrones deliver public benefit, not just parcelsHumans and machines will create prize-winning artThe year the internet goes greenGuiding the smart machinesTech giants race to buy a healthcare providerSimPolicy: smarter policy through simulationRegulators wake up to consumer dataThe collaborative economy changes [...]

2018-01-01T09:24:00+01:00January 1st, 2018|tendencias|

Carlos Barrabés entrevistado por Iñaki Gabilondo

 Gracias a @raulmartincalvo por la recomendación de esta interesante entrevista (en 4 partes) de Iñaki Gabilondo a Carlos Barrabés en 2010… ¡2010! hace más de siete años; sorprende ver algunos temas sobre la mesa ya entonces.Me ha servido para encontrar de paso la "continuación", con una primera parte muy centrada sobre China, y una segunda parte más global.Muy [...]

2017-12-25T10:00:00+01:00December 25th, 2017|internet, la vida misma, tendencias|
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