Cuando el diseño sale por la puerta, el desastre de producto entra por la ventana

When design goes through the door, product failure comes in through the window. Product innovation is one way that large corporations stay competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace, but it doesn’t always work out when big brands attempt innovation. Below are what we consider to be 132 of the biggest product flops of all time. [...]

La paradoja de las nuevas tecnologías ( by @KPMG_ES)

Los modelos de negocio actuales se basan, cada vez en mayor medida, en la innovación. Dicha innovación se consigue, entre otras acciones, aplicando nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) a la cadena de valor del producto en cuestión. Este camino, que ofrece tremendas oportunidades, no está exento de riesgos, algunos de ellos todavía por explorar, pero quizá sea [...]

2019-04-29T21:57:45+02:00April 6th, 2019|innovación, tecnología, tendencias|

China Is Quickly Becoming an AI Superpower (by @singularityhub)

Propelled by an abundance of government funds, smart infrastructure overhauls, leading AI research, and some of the world’s most driven entrepreneurs, China’s AI ecosystem is unstoppable.China Is Quickly Becoming an AI SuperpowerAs discussed by Kai-Fu Lee in his soon-to-be-released book AI Superpowers, four main drivers are tipping the balance in China’s favor… 1. Abundant dataPerhaps China’s biggest [...]

With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America (by @filloux)

With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America – Monday Note, Frederic Filloux…In the end, local taxpayers will subsidize Amazon shareholders…Hi-tech firms are prominent among recent tax-break “megadeals” awarded by cities and states. Tesla’s battery factory ($1.3bn from Nevada), Foxconn’s display-screen plant in Wisconsin ($4.8bn) and Apple’s data centre in Iowa ($214m) [...]

Arquitectura y tecnología – Mies van der Rohe, 1950

 tal como aparece en "Conversaciones con Mies van der Rohe", de Ed. Gustavo Gili, ed. Moisés Puente) La tecnología tiene sus raíces en el pasado.Domina el presente y tiende al futuro.Es un verdadero movimiento histórico;uno de los grandes movimientos que dan forma yrepresentan su época.Sólo puede compararse con el descubrimiento clásicodel hombre como persona,con la [...]

2018-08-26T08:53:00+02:00August 26th, 2018|arquitectura, ideas, tecnología|

Shouldn’t we be investing more in quantum computing? (by @azeem )

Exponential View #174 – Dept of quantum computingBCG reportGiven the large potential of quantum computing, the actual investment levels are low (with one exception, see at the end of this). We reckon, from a rough LinkedIn count, that fewer than 2,000 people are involved in companies working in any part of the quantum stack (and [...]

Are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization?

 Global governance (amongst other interesting topics in exponential view newsletter #162)Dept of states and sovereigntyThere is a notion worth revisiting: are nation states nearing their end as our preferred scale of the political and socio-economic organization? This idea lies in contrast with the “end of history” theory of modernity. I’ve found the question of evolving the nation-state fascinating [...]

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