100 Tips for a Better Life – LessWrong
100 Tips for a Better Life by Ideopunk Origen: 100 Tips for a Better Life - LessWrong
100 Tips for a Better Life by Ideopunk Origen: 100 Tips for a Better Life - LessWrong
7. Me equivocaré en al menos 3 de estas 7 predicciones. Origen: Mis predicciones para 2021 - Emprender a golpes Junto con la masiva digitalización y el cambio de paradigma del trabajo presencial, llevo unas semanas dando la tabarra sobre la tormenta perfecta de disrupción que se avecina con el IOT, y todas esas cosas [...]
…being aware of how to ask semi-structured and open-ended questions, making as few assumptions as consciously possible, understanding my own subjectivity… Origen: UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX Researchers with Anthropology Backgrounds | by Paige Nuzzolillo | Oct, 2020 | Medium Synthesis and Storytelling Skills UX Researchers are [...]
…to draw the line between anticompetitive behavior, which is illegal under federal antitrust law, and hypercompetitive behavior, which is not. Origen: Apple, Epic, and the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson What makes this distinction particularly challenging is that the question as to what is anticompetitive and what is simply good business changes [...]
Cultivating an understanding of the VC investment landscape of US-based biotech & pharma startups. Origin: PitchBook Analyst Note: Betting on Biotech Key takeaways: Over the last few decades, the biotechnology & pharmaceuticals (biotech & pharma) industry has seen a shift from drug development through internal R&D efforts at large-cap public incumbents to an M&A-based model. The drug [...]
Si te ríes de una cosa, esa cosa pierde poder…pero si te ríes de alguien, el que pierde poder eres tú. Origen: Sergio de la Calle: «El uso del humor en el ámbito profesional eleva la percepción de estatus y confianza» – Sintetia "Lamentablemente muchos han confundido la seriedad con la profesionalidad." La risa [...]
When you boil it down, NEUMORPHISM is a focus on HOW LIGHT MOVES in three-dimensional space. Origin: 9 to 5 Mac – Neumorphism is not a return to skeumorphism from: Input magazine – Apple, Big Sur, and the rise of Neumorphism There are, he suggests, two key differences between skeuomorphism and neumorphism. First, neumorphic elements don’t have [...]
Esta parece ser la única manera en que se haga algo real por el clima: a la fuerza. Origen: Crisis mundial, coronavirus y capitalismo moribundo: un cóctel mortal La deuda global en relación al PIB ha crecido un 322% en el último cuarto de 2019, sobrepasando los 253 billones $. Simplemente una recesión mediana conllevaría [...]
No te fíes de un artículo que confunde las herramientas digitales de aprendizaje con las herramientas de aprendizaje digital. Las herramientas de aprendizaje digital se definen como "páginas web, aplicaciones, tutoriales online, juegos online y vídeos o programas utilizados para enseñar y apoyar el aprendizaje y el trabajo escolar de los alumnos". Todo eso son [...]
…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking "outside the box". This is why the box is useful | Sifted We believe the business problem and customer problem [...]