Working with different personality types, “it starts with education, not assumptions”

 How to manage introverts and extroverts | Network WorldWe asked managers in the tech world to share what they've learned about working with different personality types. One fundamental lesson emerged: It starts with education, not assumptions.  As someone who self identifies as an introvert, I find that the label is not binary, but rather a [...]

There are risks and costs to a program of action…

 but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. ~ John F. KennedyThe Doing Mindset > The Thinking Mindset – The Mission – MediumWhen you value “the thinking mindset” more than “the doing mindset” you will eventually end up with a note app or notebook full of dozens or even hundreds of [...]

People in superstar mode want a world they can change. Those in rock star mode seek a world they can stabilize.

@FirstRound Warning: This Is Not Your Grandfather’s Talent Planning | First Round ReviewHow to Tell Your Stars ApartThere’s a lot of jargon to describe superior performers on teams: 10x engineer, sales wizard, growth ninja. “Superstar” and “rock star” are also thrown about liberally, but Scott is on a mission to reclaim them —not as labels for [...]

The No Excuses Culture

 by @sgblank (Steve Blank) Think Growth - The No Excuses CultureMaking excuses instead of producing timely deliverables meant we were failing as an organization. We weren’t supporting the mission of the company (generate revenue and profit), and the lack of honesty diminished our credibility, and our integrity. …with no consequences our entire department acted as if schedules [...]

Los CEO psicópatas abundan en Silicon Valley

 y tal vez fuera… ;-)Psychopathic CEOs are rife in Silicon Valley, experts say – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home"Hay una alta proporción de CEOs psicópatas en Silicon Valley, permitido por inversores protectores y departamentos de recursos humanos débiles, según un panel de expertos en el festival SXSW", informa Olivia Solon para The Guardian. Aunque el término" [...]

Yes, charisma can be learnt

It's all about personal mindsets you can adopt, and the nonverbal cues you can use to present them. If you want to boost your charisma, practice a combination of power, warmth and presence.Finally, learn to be a great storyteller.Leadership Qualities To Develop At Work — Impraise Blog - Employee performance management, reviews and 360 feedbackPowerPower [...]

Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?

 HBR – Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?Because they’re focusing only on Esther’s sociability, sensitivity, and likability, they’re missing critical elements of emotional intelligence that could make her a stronger, more effective leader. A recent HBR article highlights the skills that a kind, positive manager like Esther might lack: [...]

Why You Need To Develop A Growth Mindset

…a person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable)… For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. Believing that your qualities are [...]

Liderazgo y regulación emocional

 … escuchando a @alvaromerinoEstas son las notas de lo que nos contó o lo que yo entendí:En el mundo de la empresa no se entrena, solo se compite. Como en el deporte de élite, esto no es saludable. A mayor responsabilidad, menor salud.Se debe entrenar:- la comunicación- la toma de decisiones- el pensamiento críticoEn realidad desde [...]

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