No te sientas (tan) mal si el trabajo domina tu vida

 tampoco dejes de intentar arreglarlo…We don’t realise to what an extent our feelings are guided by our sense of what is normal and of what we should expect from others. We are highly flexible creatures, but with a generally strong desire to fit in. There are many ways we could be living fine – if [...]

claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio

Porque el criterio propio ayuda a conquistar ese territorio perdido por la sociedad de consumo recuperando lo que denomino derecho de sitio.@vorpalina claves para el entrenamiento del pensamiento propio | iniciativa vorpalinaHABILIDADES PARA EL ENTRENAMIENTO DEL CRITERIO PROPIO. ENTRENAR:EL SENTIDOLA AUTOAFIRMACIÓNLA PERSISTENCIALA PRESENCIALA ACEPTACIÓNLA RESPONSABILIDADLA AUTOCRÍTICAEL APRENDIZAJELA CERTEZALA COMPASIÓN

How to Manage a Team of B Players (spoiler: being an A Leader)

How to Manage a Team of B Players - HBRAlthough effective leaders can have a wide variety of styles, they do tend to share some common personality characteristics. First, they have better judgment than their counterparts, meaning they can make good decisions, learn from experience, and avoid repeating mistakes. Second, they have higher EQ, which [...]

2015-07-19T11:03:00+02:00July 19th, 2015|coaching, eficiencia, gestión|

Empieza ahora y continúa después

 por @vorpalina Guía breve de pensamiento estratégico | iniciativa vorpalina y y no va de empresa (no sólo) ;-)Eres ahora, solo y absolutamente ahora rodeado de una gran cantidad de oportunidades para empezar ahora y continuar despué suele identificar el término “estrategia” con un halo de violencia (asociado a palabras como superioridad, victoria, imposición, competencia, conflicto) unido también [...]

Get away from me, Mr. Zen

 Vía @bigthink una entrada que me ha recordado a la mía del pasado abril (¿Seguirá la virtud estando en el término medio?)Get away from me, Mr. Zen:Every time you get a strong impulse to talk about meditation and how wonderful it is, or how hard it is, or what it's doing for you these days, or [...]

2015-06-02T18:17:00+02:00June 2nd, 2015|coaching, filosofía|

What the Dalai Lama Taught Daniel Goleman About Emotional Intelligence -HBR

 "…compassion takes empathy a step further".What the Dalai Lama Taught Daniel Goleman About Emotional Intelligence HBR. Let’s start with some definitions here. What is compassion, as you are describing it? It sounds a lot like empathy, one of the major components of emotional intelligence. Is there a difference?Goleman: Yes, an important difference. As I’ve written about recently in HBR, [...]

¿Seguirá la virtud estando en el término medio?

Meditar para ser mas productivo… Surge la duda de si está bien utilizar técnicas "espirituales" para cuestiones "terrenales".Corporate Meditation Can Promote a Workaholic Culture | Big ThinkMeditar para estar mejor, con uno mismo y con su entorno. Esto redunda en otros beneficios. La virtud esta en el término medio, si todo se mercantiliza y corporativiza deja [...]

Signs That You Lack Emotional Intelligence

You think being liked at work is overrated. Harvard Business Review – Signs That You Lack Emotional IntelligenceHere are some of the telltale signs that you need to work on your emotional intelligence:You often feel like others don’t get the point and it makes you impatient and frustrated.You’re surprised when others are sensitive to your comments [...]

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