Projects 5.0 – Changing project management by @McKinsey

Projects 5.0: A cleansheet approach to project delivery The time is ripe for radical change in delivering large capital projects: starting with a clean sheet and rebuilding the project-delivery model from the ground up. Over the past year, we have worked with industry leaders and experts from around the world to reimagine how such a [...]

UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists (by Paige Nuzzolillo)

…being aware of how to ask semi-structured and open-ended questions, making as few assumptions as consciously possible, understanding my own subjectivity… Origen: UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX Researchers with Anthropology Backgrounds | by Paige Nuzzolillo | Oct, 2020 | Medium Synthesis and Storytelling Skills UX Researchers are [...]

Apple  Hypercompetitive vs Anticompetitive(by @stratechery’s @benthompson via @aleks_muse in @AngelList )

…to draw the line between anticompetitive behavior, which is illegal under federal antitrust law, and hypercompetitive behavior, which is not. Origen: Apple, Epic, and the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson   What makes this distinction particularly challenging is that the question as to what is anticompetitive and what is simply good business changes [...]

Product vs. Feature Teams (by @cagan for SVPG Silicon Valley Product Group)

In the tech world, there are really three distinct types of, loosely speaking, “product teams.” Origen: Product vs. Feature Teams | Silicon Valley Product Group …while this article might be painful to read, if you’ve been frustrated with the contradictory and confusing messaging from people in the product world, if you bear with me here, [...]

“El uso del humor en el ámbito profesional eleva la percepción de estatus y confianza” (by @sergiodlacalle9 en @sintetia )

Si te ríes de una cosa, esa cosa pierde poder…pero si te ríes de alguien, el que pierde poder eres tú. Origen: Sergio de la Calle: «El uso del humor en el ámbito profesional eleva la percepción de estatus y confianza» – Sintetia "Lamentablemente muchos han confundido la seriedad con la profesionalidad."   La risa [...]

What product managers do

Everyone has their view of what the perfect product manager should be doing –it’s helping them do their job! In truth, Product Management should be greasing the wheels of all business functions because they put the product's holistic success at the centre of what they do. Origin: Stream 121 product management – How everyone else views [...]

Robots aren’t taking our jobs –they’re becoming our bosses– by @verge via @exponentialview

This is not the future we were looking for. This why UBI will become a need, as no human would allow another human the job conditions the system seems to be bringing in. If industries are able to produce more efficiently without the costs of workers, their taxes would allow for a universal basic income. [...]

The Global Risks report – 2019 y 2020 (vía @igobernanzaemp )

En septiembre 2019 asistí a un coloquio organizado por el instituto de Gobernanza Empresarial, en la que José María Carulla, Head of Client Advisory Services Iberia de Marsh Risk Consulting nos presentaba un interesantísimo resumen del análisis de riesgos que presentaron en Davos en enero de 2019. De una parte el trabajo y de otra [...]

Consejos de Administración y Consejos Asesores via @SamuelGil e @igobernanzaemp

Hace algo más de un año finalizamos la 5ª promoción de la Acreditación Internacional en Consejos de Administración y Buen Gobierno, organizado por el instituto de gobernanza empresarial (iGE) vía la Universidad Europea. El postgrado se orienta principalmente a la formación de consejeros, principalmente para consejos de administración, pero se abre un campo de aplicación mucho [...]

Origins of the Apple Human Interface (via @cdespinosa )

Chris Espinosa shared this video in memory of Larry Tessler. Very interesting… I really loved from minute 12 to 17 and that sense of urgency Apple always lived under… “Origins of the Apple Human Interface” is a lecture delivered by Larry Tesler and Chris Espinosa. Held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, [...]

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