Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo by @techreview_es

esta transformación no va a afectar a todos por igual. Origen: Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo – MIT Technology Review en español – la automatización se llevará por delante más empleo en zonas rurales – para hacer una transformación digital inclusiva se necesita aumentar la inversión en infraestructura digital [...]

Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (resumen)

OBJETIVOS DE LA ESTRATEGIA La Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial de España tiene siete objetivos estratégicos: Excelencia científica e innovación en Inteligencia Artificial. Situar a España como país comprometido a potenciar la excelencia científica y la innovación en Inteligencia Artificial. Proyección de la lengua española. Liderar a nivel mundial el desarrollo de herramientas, tecnologías y [...]

Metatrends shaping the next decade by @PeterDiamandis

Over the next decade, waves of exponential technological advancements are stacking atop one another, eclipsing decades of breakthroughs in scale and impact. Emerging from these waves are 20 “Metatrends” which include augmented human longevity, the surging smart economy, AI-human collaboration, urbanized cellular agriculture and high-bandwidth brain-computer interfaces... just to name a few. This is where [...]

2020-12-06T08:20:38+01:00December 6th, 2020|ideas, technology, tecnología, tendencias, trends|

UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists (by Paige Nuzzolillo)

…being aware of how to ask semi-structured and open-ended questions, making as few assumptions as consciously possible, understanding my own subjectivity… Origen: UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX Researchers with Anthropology Backgrounds | by Paige Nuzzolillo | Oct, 2020 | Medium Synthesis and Storytelling Skills UX Researchers are [...]

Apple  Hypercompetitive vs Anticompetitive(by @stratechery’s @benthompson via @aleks_muse in @AngelList )

…to draw the line between anticompetitive behavior, which is illegal under federal antitrust law, and hypercompetitive behavior, which is not. Origen: Apple, Epic, and the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson   What makes this distinction particularly challenging is that the question as to what is anticompetitive and what is simply good business changes [...]

The UIs that changed the way we design (by @InVisionApp )

…we asked some of the most influential names in design about the UIs that changed the way we think about digital product design—both the big shifts that indisputably rocked the tech world at large, as well as the more subtle shifts that changed a more personal approach. Origen: InVision • The UIs that changed the [...]

“Betting on Biotech” report by @pitchbook

Cultivating an understanding of the VC investment landscape of US-based biotech & pharma startups. Origin: PitchBook Analyst Note: Betting on Biotech Key takeaways: Over the last few decades, the biotechnology & pharmaceuticals (biotech & pharma) industry has seen a shift from drug development through internal R&D efforts at large-cap public incumbents to an M&A-based model. The drug [...]

A time-traveller from 2025 (by @varun_mathur)

A plausible dystopian future after COVID-19 via tweets. Folow the thread… I am a time-traveller from 2025. I lived through the events of 2020 which ruptured the fabric of society as we knew it then. As humans, we adapted, and survived. Here is what my world looks like now. This is my new normal. A [...]

¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! (por @javicreus en @idees_cat)

Arquitectura vegetal, criterio humano, potencia artificial. Origen: ¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! – Idees El ciclo de desarrollo basado en los combustibles fósiles se agota. Hemos desenterrado reservas que tardaron decenas de millones de años en formarse y las hemos proyectado en forma de plásticos y gases a los confines de la Tierra y a la [...]

El CEO de BlackRock predice una rápida recuperación económica y Roubini no lo tiene tan claro (as usual)

Todavía no hemos resuelto la crisis del CoVID-19 en el mundo y ya estamos pensando en la recuperación de la crisis económica que ha provocado. Esa es la actitud. O tal vez no… Origen: El CEO de BlackRock predice que "la economía se recuperará rápidamente" | Expansion Origen: 🦠 What Dr Doom told me about the [...]

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