Consecuencias éticas de la irrupción de la IA (Miguel Fuster de @ITI_TIC)

El pasado 11 de junio, 26º aniversario de mi boda, tuiteé sobre la brillante charla que, prácticamente, abrió el VLC Softing (2019) que organiza el ITI, impartida por Miguel Fuster. Realmente me encantó la conferencia. Arranca muy interesante #VLCSOFTING19 con la ponencia de Miguel Fuster sobre los retos a los que se enfrenta el estado [...]

2ª Jornada #Legaltech de @FEBFValencia

@IGimenezFebf me invitó el viernes 27 de septiembre a la II #JornadaLegaltech organizada por la Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros y aunque no pude asistir a todas las sesiones, tuve la suerte de ver las siguientes ponencias: – “Robotización y envejecimiento” (D. Fernando Ariza, Subdirector General de Mutualidad de la Abogacía) – “The Deloitte [...]

Why I love Apple Inc. – Porqué adoro Apple Inc.

…it comes from a corporate culture that attracts and retains workers and executives that have principled values. Originals: –Why does Apple have a monopoly on responsive corporate values? by @danieler via @macdailynews – Apple will donate to ‘preserve and restore’ the Amazon rain forest via @9to5mac – Apple publishes FAQ page addressing Siri privacy and common [...]

It’s Product Management; not Software Engineering (by

Not only are you now responsible for making strategic decisions about what to build and why, but you feel you are forced do so in an alien environment Origen: It’s Product Management; not Software Engineering… - How could I possibly lead product design, when the very products themselves consisted of a complex network of [...]

Gartner Hype Cycle 2019 vs 2018 @resbla

Gartner ha sacado hasta 26 tecnologías que estaban el el Hype Cycle 2018 del Hype Cycle 2019. Teniendo en cuenta que hay 30 en total, este no es un año cualquiera. Origen: Hype Cycle 2019, ¿qué hay de nuevo? - @resbla Un interesante artículo valorando los cambios con detallada y ponderada opinión. Aunque Gartner sólo [...]

The hidden history of how Government kick-started Silicon Valley ( @hope_reese )

Dwight Eisenhower never declared, “I shall build a science city in Northern California.” Yet the military spending and space program spending that started under Eisenhower was the launching pad for Silicon Valley’s rocket. @medium: The Hidden History of How the Government Kick-Started Silicon Valley So in Silicon Valley, or the tech industry more broadly, you [...]

Master the Art of Trendspotting (by @Gartner_Inc)

The purpose of trendspotting is to answer three of the most crucial questions for EA and TI leaders: How can I tell which of today’s technology trends will be disruptive? How do I decide which trend to react to and which to ignore? How do I determine the right moment to respond to a trend [...]

Applying AI for social good | McKinsey

Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a library of about 160 AI social-impact use cases. They suggest that existing capabilities could contribute to tackling cases across all [...]

Sign in with Apple (@trendwatching’s take)

The must read trend watchers have considered Apple's Sign in with Apple as their June, 6th (2019) "innovation of the day" 😊 Origen: Sign in with Apple: our take This is a monumental update, here’s what it means for you: Convenience without sacrifice. … Apple’s move proves that a seamless UX needn’t force users to choose between [...]

Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations

Adoption and application of AI technologies 18% Pioneers: Understand, adopt, and invest in AI 33% Investigators: Understand AI but have not deployed beyond pilot stages 16% Experimenters: Are piloting AI projects but still learning its relevant applications 34% Passives: No significant understanding or adoption of AI Origen: Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations Six [...]

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