Presentation Zen: The Incomparable Carl Sagan: Scientist & Presenter Extraordinaire

Más allá del diseño, Garr Reynolds nos trae en esta entrada algunas de las ideas más interesantes que Sagan pudo expresar…Presentation Zen: The Incomparable Carl Sagan: Scientist & Presenter ExtraordinaireSagan's words here remind us that we as a species are the most remarkably intelligent, creative, and innovative species on the planet, yet paradoxically and incomprehensibly, [...]

Keep on Learning (by learning how to learn)

"…I like a six step process that I came across and the acronym M-A-S-T-E-R as a way to master any topic…"Learning How to Learn: What Business Leaders Need to Know | Experts' Corner | Big ThinkYour grandfathers may well have had one job their entire lives. Your parents probably had two or three jobs. Today’s [...]

¿Ser una buena persona?

Un par de artículos de Harvard Business Review que me han resultado interesantes…Conflict Strategies for Nice PeopleI meet people every day who admit that they aren’t comfortable with conflict. They worry that disagreeing might hurt someone’s feelings or disrupt harmonious team dynamics. They fret that their perspective isn’t as valid as someone else’s, so they [...]

Historia del Sushi

Historia del Sushi – Las IndiasHaciendo balance, lo que ha hecho posible que el sushi sea hoy uno de los bocados más apreciados de la cocina global es el desarrollo del comercio: desde los mercados de las primeras ciudades a las reuniones de negocios internacionales de los primeros atisbos de globalización que siguieron a la [...]

Stateless Mindset

Stateless Mindset : zenhabitsIn programming, there is the concept of statelessness. It means that each request is treated anew, without memory of previous requests.This is extremely limiting in some ways, but in another way it’s a great way to deal with a ton of requests.Imagine if you as a person dealt with millions of requests [...]

Marca y motivación. Motivación y marca.

Un par de frases que han marcado la última parte del año…de Alfonso Alcántara @yoriento"Motivación no es tener ánimo, motivación es tener motivo."de Andres Pérez Ortega @marcapersonal"Una marca no es algo que se tiene, es algo que se deja."Las dos se dijeron en un coloquio en el cierre del Día de la Persona Emprendedora de la Comunidad [...]

Insisto: cambiar no es fácil

If You Want to Change, Don’t Read This - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Harvard Business Review…A seminal review showed that we become more prudent, emotionally stable, and assertive with age, while our energy and intellectual curiosity dwindle after adolescence. In other words, as we grow older we become more calm and mature, but also more passive [...]

El camino es la recompensa

El título de este blog expresa muy bien algunos conceptos…- la mente del principiante (siempre dispuesta a llenarse y reaprender -el aprendizaje continuo-)- el yo no busco, encuentro –Picasso– (encuentras porque buscas, lo importante es no dejar de buscar para seguir encontrando –a veces nos gustará lo hallado y otras no–)- la educación paciente, dejando [...]

Why Self-Discipline Will Make You Unstoppable

Why Self-Discipline Will Make You Unstoppable | Entrepreneur.comIt’s not that I’m devoid of emotion, nor that I didn't love my mother. However, I learned long ago the vital importance of regimen, ritual, commitment and discipline in relationship to successful achievement. So it takes a lot to derail me. Most people are much more easily distracted. [...]

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