Forget thinking “outside the box”. This is why the box is useful (by @siftedeu )

…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking "outside the box". This is why the box is useful | Sifted We believe the business problem and customer problem [...]

The streaming business has a problem on the horizon, and so does the music business. ( @nytimes )

Have we entered into an age of music where artists are afraid to alienate people? Since the country is so polarized, am I afraid to alienate the other audience? Am I afraid to alienate a sponsor from my Instagram? Origen: Jimmy Iovine Knows Music and Tech. Here’s Why He’s Worried. - The New York Times [...]

Seguridad Apple: El espíritu de Apple o el fin de una era

La industria de los ordenadores personales ha continuado creciendo y cambiando desde la introducción del Macintosh original. Apple se ha convertido [en 1988] en una empresa de cuatro mil millones de dólares, y a menudo me temo que han perdido el contacto con sus valores originales. Sin embargo, recuerdo haber tenido preocupaciones similares justo antes [...]

2019-12-31T08:38:46+01:00December 31st, 2019|apple, gestión, innovación, innovation|

Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu

“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC should become Europe’s unicorn factory,” he tells Sifted in an interview. “We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund [...]

Disney’s secret sauce

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. Because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt E. Disney Origen: CB insights newsletter – Disney's secret sauce   Curiosity wins Here’s the winning quote. “Around here, however, [...]

World Energy Outlook 2019 (via @amturiel )

Este WEO está estructurado en tres partes: la parte A, sobre las tendencias globales en energía; la parte B, con un análisis regional en profundidad, en este caso sobre África; y la parte C, en la que se hace un análisis en profundidad sobre gases "bajos en carbono", a saber, hidrógeno y biometano, y también [...]

World Intellectual Property report 2019 released ( by @WIPO ) 

This year’s report focuses on “The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks”. Origen: World Intellectual Property Report 2019   Drawing on millions of patent and scientific publication records spanning over five decades, this year’s edition of the report offers new insights on: The geography and interconnectivity of innovation in the 21st century How the [...]

Conferencia “innovación, mi visión personal” por @nuriaoliver

Hace un par de semanas asistí a la conferencia que impartió en el Parc Cientific de la Universidad de Valencia, con motivo del 10º aniversario del centro, la siempre interesante Nuria Oliver. Tomé algunas notas, que pensaba volcar aquí, pero eran escasas para hacer justicia a lo interesantísima que fue. Afortunadamente, vía twitter Nuria compartió [...]

¿Qué es un proyecto innovador de éxito? @aalbaperez – innolandia

El objetivo que tiene que cumplir un proyecto innovador es VENDER. Siempre resulta agradable encontrar ideas similares que te hagan pensar que estás en el buen camino. Aunque las ideas contraria te hacen abrir más la mente… En este caso la entrada de innolandia me ha gustado porque comparte algunas ideas esenciales del artículo que [...]

How to Master Innovation (without the) Labs – via @MindtheProduct

Despite up to 96% of all innovation projects failing to make any return on investment and 97% of large businesses believing digital innovation to be critical to their future success, how do organisations find the balance between challenging the status quo and creating innovative products and services time and time again? ~ @andywicks2000 Strategy Lead at [...]

2019-08-26T11:03:45+02:00August 26th, 2019|innovación, innovation|
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