“Mis (7) predicciones para 2021” por @mike_arias

7. Me equivocaré en al menos 3 de estas 7 predicciones. Origen: Mis predicciones para 2021 - Emprender a golpes Junto con la masiva digitalización y el cambio de paradigma del trabajo presencial, llevo unas semanas dando la tabarra sobre la tormenta perfecta de disrupción que se avecina con el IOT, y todas esas cosas [...]

Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo by @techreview_es

esta transformación no va a afectar a todos por igual. Origen: Cómo la tecnología se convirtió en aliada y enemiga del trabajo – MIT Technology Review en español – la automatización se llevará por delante más empleo en zonas rurales – para hacer una transformación digital inclusiva se necesita aumentar la inversión en infraestructura digital [...]

Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (resumen)

OBJETIVOS DE LA ESTRATEGIA La Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial de España tiene siete objetivos estratégicos: Excelencia científica e innovación en Inteligencia Artificial. Situar a España como país comprometido a potenciar la excelencia científica y la innovación en Inteligencia Artificial. Proyección de la lengua española. Liderar a nivel mundial el desarrollo de herramientas, tecnologías y [...]

Projects 5.0 – Changing project management by @McKinsey

Projects 5.0: A cleansheet approach to project delivery The time is ripe for radical change in delivering large capital projects: starting with a clean sheet and rebuilding the project-delivery model from the ground up. Over the past year, we have worked with industry leaders and experts from around the world to reimagine how such a [...]

Apple  Hypercompetitive vs Anticompetitive(by @stratechery’s @benthompson via @aleks_muse in @AngelList )

…to draw the line between anticompetitive behavior, which is illegal under federal antitrust law, and hypercompetitive behavior, which is not. Origen: Apple, Epic, and the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson   What makes this distinction particularly challenging is that the question as to what is anticompetitive and what is simply good business changes [...]

Design Thinking Case Study: Innovation at Apple

Apple’s history with innovation provides a clear lesson about how design and innovation can turn company failure to market success and a leading position in a competitive market. Design thinking helped Apple to innovate while placing their consumers at the heart of the process. Origen: Designorate – Design Thinking Case Study: Innovation at Apple   [...]

What product managers do

Everyone has their view of what the perfect product manager should be doing –it’s helping them do their job! In truth, Product Management should be greasing the wheels of all business functions because they put the product's holistic success at the centre of what they do. Origin: Stream 121 product management – How everyone else views [...]

A time-traveller from 2025 (by @varun_mathur)

A plausible dystopian future after COVID-19 via tweets. Folow the thread… I am a time-traveller from 2025. I lived through the events of 2020 which ruptured the fabric of society as we knew it then. As humans, we adapted, and survived. Here is what my world looks like now. This is my new normal. A [...]

¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! (por @javicreus en @idees_cat)

Arquitectura vegetal, criterio humano, potencia artificial. Origen: ¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! – Idees El ciclo de desarrollo basado en los combustibles fósiles se agota. Hemos desenterrado reservas que tardaron decenas de millones de años en formarse y las hemos proyectado en forma de plásticos y gases a los confines de la Tierra y a la [...]

“I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros

Origen: “I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros The story of the iPad goes way back beyond before the phone. It started out as this project called Q79. Q79 was the product that was built around multitouch exploration. So we were, at [...]

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