The hidden history of how Government kick-started Silicon Valley ( @hope_reese )

Dwight Eisenhower never declared, “I shall build a science city in Northern California.” Yet the military spending and space program spending that started under Eisenhower was the launching pad for Silicon Valley’s rocket. @medium: The Hidden History of How the Government Kick-Started Silicon Valley So in Silicon Valley, or the tech industry more broadly, you [...]

The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos

Origen: The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos A customer-first mindset A focus on the road map for the future Continuous creation of new businesses Creating multiple paths to yes Acting as ‘chief slowdown officer’ for big bets A willingness to take risks and acquire new institutional skills Turning institutional skills into [...]

Applying AI for social good | McKinsey

Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a library of about 160 AI social-impact use cases. They suggest that existing capabilities could contribute to tackling cases across all [...]

Empathy-Driven Development by @AndreaGoulet via @FirstRound

Following the interesting Andrea Goulet article about technical debt, First Round brings another surprising and indeed very interesting interview with Andrea Goulet. Origen: Empathy-Driven Development: How Engineers Can Tap into This Critical Skill | First Round Review FIRST, DISPEL THESE EMPATHY MYTHS Myth #1: Empathy is just a feeling. “And it definitely involves feelings. However, that conceptualization [...]

Every company is bound by its capabilities…

…but the best companies re-shape these bounds because they are defined by priorities. Origen: The iPhone is the most successful product of all time (by @asymco) | appletalk:entremaqueros Excerpts on "innovation drivers", taken from Horace Dediu's blog post (about Apple) "The pivot". …no business is good if it is static. What makes a business great [...]

Arquitectura y tecnología – Mies van der Rohe, 1950

 tal como aparece en "Conversaciones con Mies van der Rohe", de Ed. Gustavo Gili, ed. Moisés Puente) La tecnología tiene sus raíces en el pasado.Domina el presente y tiende al futuro.Es un verdadero movimiento histórico;uno de los grandes movimientos que dan forma yrepresentan su época.Sólo puede compararse con el descubrimiento clásicodel hombre como persona,con la [...]

2018-08-26T08:53:00+02:00August 26th, 2018|arquitectura, ideas, tecnología|

How To Become A Centaur (by @ncasenmare)

 AIs are best at choosing answers. Humans are best at choosing questions.via @mit_jods How To Become A Centaur by Nicky Case…we’ve told ourselves that our relationship between ourselves and our AI is like a chess game: Zero-sum — one player’s win is another player’s loss.…They invited all kinds of contestants — supercomputers, human grandmasters, mixed teams of humans and AIs [...]

is the world coming to an end?

I quote one of the last Peter Diamandis' newsletters… as it sets up the right mindset (in my opinion) to "front facing" the future.We’re living in a period of rapid change, and over the next 5 years, we’re going to see significant disruptive advancements that will reshape the world as we know it. So many people fear [...]

How to Unlock Insightful Conversation

6 Tips from IDEO Designers on How to Unlock Insightful Conversation - IDEO U1. Always say yes to an offer. Whether the other person offers you a glass of water, snacks, or even a tour of their home, you should always accept.2. Wear generic clothing. Oftentimes, clothing can communicate social status, or reflect personal taste [...]

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