eHealth Market worth 132.35 Billion USD by 2023

 via @marketsmarkets According to latest research report "eHealth Market by Product (EHR, PACS & VNA, RIS, LIS, CVIS, Telehealth, eRx, HIE, Patient Portal, Medical Apps), Services (Remote Patient Monitoring, Diagnostic Services) End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Payers, Pharmacy) - Global Forecast to 2023", is expected to reach USD 132.35 Billion by 2023 from USD 47.60 Billion [...]

¿Ha mutado la economía colaborativa en un capitalismo salvaje de plataformas?

 este artículo en El Mundo me ha hecho recordar esta otra entrada en el blog en base a un artículo de HBR.Es un tema sobre el que ya he tenido alguna conversación, siempre defendiendo que compàrtido no me parece exactamente lo que se vende muchas veces… y que merece una reflexión.En cualquier caso merece la [...]

¿Qué trampas engañan a tu mente como inversor?

 ¡Conócelas y conseguirás tus metas financieras! Trampas para tu mente • MediolanumEl sesgo de confirmación, mediante el cual el inversor tiende a obviar toda aquella información que no apoye sus creencias…El sesgo del hogar. Los inversores tienen una tendencia natural a invertir en aquellas acciones con un componente nacional. El sesgo de manada o tendencia es uno de los más potentes en [...]

2017-11-12T20:58:00+01:00November 12th, 2017|economía|

Growth is getting hard…

 from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation by @andrewchenGrowth is getting hard from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation"The reason for the above is that there are multiple trends – happening right now – that impede growth for new products. These trends are being driven by the biggest players – Google/Facebook, et al – but also by the significant [...]

The Friendship of David & Goliath

 @daphnipolis uses to send a weekly newsletter, always interesting but with an editorial I think they do not publish in the internet… so I will, as it is a very good article, interesting as it backs the (not so) new trend accelerators are promoting, some of then even changing their current business model… by Paul [...]

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

LSE Business Review – Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the cityOur seven propositions to make communities more open, sustainable and inclusive:More emphasis should be put on ‘infra-organisations’, i.e. transparent platforms designed for independent entities to share identity and governance.‘Infra-organisations’ provide infrastructural services without searching for the increasing returns likely to lead to a [...]

10 Revealing Statistics About Compensation And Benefits You Should Know

@officevibe is always interesting, check this infographic. You have deeper explanations on each issue and links @ the end of the original post:10 Revealing Statistics About Compensation And Benefits You Should KnowThis infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the engagement software that shows you how to be a good leader for your employees.

Trump y los negocios en USA

 algunas notas de la interesante charla en la Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros "La era Trump y los negocios en USA" (a cargo de Ramón Trénor, de Garrigues NYC).Lo divertido y alternativo ya no es pedir cerveza artesana, sin Coca Cola mexicanaRefugiados: Reducción a 50.000 (el problema es que se habla de motivos "religiosos"… [...]

PSED: Todo el problema… cortoplacismo

Me ha dicho que se pide aval de socio porque el dinero se le anticipa a la empresa, no al cliente de la empresa: "entonces, yo he visto que el cliente es solvente y lo acepto (el factoring) pero el anticipo requiere aval del socio en cualquier caso por la razón indicada.Normativa del Banco de [...]

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