Secular Outlook 2023 –the end of the peace dividend– by @juliusbaer

One major consequence of the global pandemic has been the transition from a world led by neoliberal principals, which is characterised by fiscal conservatism and falling inflation, to a world of state-sponsored capitalism, where expansive fiscal and monetary policies work together to reduce inequalities, ultimately reflating developed economies. Many of the developments in 2022, including [...]

Empathy in Product Management (by @romanpichler)

What is Empathy and What is It Not? Empathy is our capacity to understand other people’s feelings and needs, to take the perspective of another person. Empathy entails a warm-hearted, open, and kind attitude. This does not mean, though, that you must like the other person and that you must be happy and smiley all [...]

Radiografía de la inversión privada en I+D+i + TIC en la Comunitat Valenciana, 2022 por @FundaciónLAB 

Empresas innovadoras con sede en la Comunitat Valenciana y gasto en I+D+i que realizan sobre el total nacional Origen: Informe 2022 - Fundación LAB : Fundación LAB La inversión de I+D+i + TIC sobre la inversión total de la Comunitat Valenciana es del 18,5%, por debajo de la media nacional (19,6%) y de las regiones [...]

The future of remote work, according to 6 experts – Vox (@voxdotcom)

Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely? Origin: The future of remote work, according to 6 experts - Vox I think that number will never exceed 30 percent fully remote. What percentage will have some remote work? Probably 60 to 65 percent. There are some roles that will never [...]

How we work

Distributed work is an approach to work, not just 'working from home.' Origen: How we work   Here are some principles of distributed work: ✅  What is distributed work Hiring and working from all over the world instead of from one central location. Flexible working hours over set working hours. The results of work over [...]


El SCRUM es un marco de trabajo prácticamente aplicable a cualquier equipo de personas en entornos productivos en los que la demanda del cliente evoluciona rápidamente, centrándose en los equipos de las personas más que en los procesos. LA GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS ÁGIL NO SE FORMULA SOBRE LA NECESIDAD DE ANTICIPACIÓN, SINO SOBRE LA DE [...]

The Future of Manufacturing Technology by @CBinsights

Facing enormous pressure to stay competitive, manufacturers are turning to technology to digitize and automate operations. We take a look at the evolution of manufacturing and where technology is bringing it next, from human-powered exosuits to collaborative robots and beyond. Origen: The Future of Manufacturing Technology • CB Insights Demand side Global competition drives demand [...]

Los sesgos cognitivos de la empresa (@CreditoyCaucion)

Los sesgos cognitivos basados en experiencias y pre-juicios que nos condicionan a interpretar parcialmente la situación y por lo tanto a errar en las respuestas. Origen: Los sesgos cognitivos de la empresa - Blog CyC   Los psicólogos han definido decenas, vinculados con la autoestima, la zona de confort, el miedo al cambio, la necesidad [...]

Business Trends 2022: Putting Sustainability into Action (by @iesebschool)

10 Business Trends for 2022: Sustainability for a better world Origen: Business Trends 2022: Putting Sustainability into Action – Now 1. Get ready for growth. 2. Adopt a sustainable leadership mindset. 3. Pinpoint what your business can do. 4. Set ambitious, science-based targets. 5. Move from strategy to operations. 6. Incorporate the circular economy. 7. [...]

5 tipos de consumidores españoles (by @ThinkGoogleES)

En esta nueva edición de "El consumidor ante la recuperación” hemos analizado el impacto de la pandemia en los consumidores. Hablamos de sus hábitos, su estado emocional y su comportamiento. Origen: 5 tipos de consumidores españoles - Think with Google 1 El consumidor empoderado 23% de los españoles en la actualidad, son los que tienen [...]

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