Por qué fracasan las empresas, por  Jaume Llopis de @iesebschool

los fracasos de muchas empresas en los entornos tan cambiantes y dinámicos como los que estamos viviendo es debido a su incapacidad para escapar del pasado y a su incapacidad para inventar el futuro Origen: POR QUÉ FRACASAN LAS EMPRESAS – Jaume Llopis: Qué hacen los buenos directivos A) INCAPACIDAD PARA ESCAPAR DEL PASADO Los [...]

Un lugar de trabajo sostenible, estudio de @ieseinsight

En resumen, la virtud está en el término medio que diría Gracián. Teletrabajar dos o tres días a la semana, la opción óptima. Solo un 12% de los empleados afirma que le gustaría teletrabajar siempre y apenas un 4% querría trabajar todos los días en la oficina. Origen: IESE Insight Un lugar de trabajo sostenible [...]

How to use tools to remotely manage teams, @Siftedeu

Be strategically clustered That makes it easy to meet up for things like onboarding, team getaways or in-person brainstorming. Create a hybrid approach to onboarding If possible, meet your new team members in person, as it helps build personal relationships. Don’t expect people to know how a tool works …your company may use them differently to how [...]

El año de la eficiencia, por Simón Muñoz @simonvlc

Indirect costs compound and it’s easy to underestimate them. Esta frase, deberíamos tatuárnosla en la industria. Las conclusiones/resumen de Simón, son Origen: El año de la eficiencia - by Simón Muñoz Zuckerberg quiere aplanar Meta eliminando capas de gestión: Reconoce que se les ha ido de madre la estructura de la empresa añadiendo demasiadas capas [...]

Manifesto for the Data-Informed – by Julie Zhuo @juolee

Why is the promise of big data so much better than the reality? Data has been extolled as the vanquisher of uncertainty, the harbinger of a robotic future, a necessity in every role from product management to engineering, sales to design. Origen: Manifesto for the Data-Informed | by Julie Zhuo | Medium Yet many of [...]

Secular Outlook 2023 –the end of the peace dividend– by @juliusbaer

One major consequence of the global pandemic has been the transition from a world led by neoliberal principals, which is characterised by fiscal conservatism and falling inflation, to a world of state-sponsored capitalism, where expansive fiscal and monetary policies work together to reduce inequalities, ultimately reflating developed economies. Many of the developments in 2022, including [...]

Empathy in Product Management (by @romanpichler)

What is Empathy and What is It Not? Empathy is our capacity to understand other people’s feelings and needs, to take the perspective of another person. Empathy entails a warm-hearted, open, and kind attitude. This does not mean, though, that you must like the other person and that you must be happy and smiley all [...]

Radiografía de la inversión privada en I+D+i + TIC en la Comunitat Valenciana, 2022 por @FundaciónLAB 

Empresas innovadoras con sede en la Comunitat Valenciana y gasto en I+D+i que realizan sobre el total nacional Origen: Informe 2022 - Fundación LAB : Fundación LAB La inversión de I+D+i + TIC sobre la inversión total de la Comunitat Valenciana es del 18,5%, por debajo de la media nacional (19,6%) y de las regiones [...]

The future of remote work, according to 6 experts – Vox (@voxdotcom)

Five years from now, what percentage of the US population will work remotely? Origin: The future of remote work, according to 6 experts - Vox I think that number will never exceed 30 percent fully remote. What percentage will have some remote work? Probably 60 to 65 percent. There are some roles that will never [...]

How we work

Distributed work is an approach to work, not just 'working from home.' Origen: How we work   Here are some principles of distributed work: ✅  What is distributed work Hiring and working from all over the world instead of from one central location. Flexible working hours over set working hours. The results of work over [...]

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