We Stopped Using The Term HR (And This Is What Happened)

Via @officevibe We Stopped Using The Term HR (And This Is What Happened)Why Does A People-Centric Culture Promise Harder Workers? Because people are happier. Whether it’s by offering them unlimited vacations, allowing them to work remotely, giving meaningful feedback or constant recognition, it is about showing them through concrete actions that they really matter. There need to be traits [...]

2017-03-04T09:13:00+01:00March 4th, 2017|cosillas empresariales, gestión|

Five Reasons You Need an Independent Director on Your Board

Five Reasons You Need an Independent Director on Your Board | OpenView Labs1. Independents are impartial2. Independents want to be there3. Independents bring expertise to bolster where you have room to grow4. Independents are the key to conflict resolution5. Independents can mentor and share their network

Management skills are support skills; people skills.

@Trello's People VP talks about how the company is doing with on boarding, management, performance reviews, company culture and goals and compensation setting…Management skills are support skills; people skills. It’s about figuring out what makes someone tick, understanding their concerns and figuring out how to make them better at their job.An interesting "case study" from [...]

5 ideas para comprender por qué la sensibilidad y los negocios será el binomio del futuro

 @sintetia 5 ideas para comprender por qué la sensibilidad y los negocios será el binomio del futuroSer PAS es un reto diario, no es fácil ni todo es color de rosa. De hecho lo fácil es que si eres PAS te sientas muchas veces mal (muy mal), incomprendido, con ganas de aislarse, desconectar de una cabeza [...]

Trump y los negocios en USA

 algunas notas de la interesante charla en la Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros "La era Trump y los negocios en USA" (a cargo de Ramón Trénor, de Garrigues NYC).Lo divertido y alternativo ya no es pedir cerveza artesana, sin Coca Cola mexicanaRefugiados: Reducción a 50.000 (el problema es que se habla de motivos "religiosos"… [...]

La vida del COO

 Dadas las muchas areas que salpican el trabajo y las atribuciones que competen a un director de operaciones… este es un puesto que requiere gran esfuerzo y adaptabilidad, así como una visión holística  ;-) Un trabajo algo desconocido… que empezó a dejar de serlo cuando Tim Cook substituyó a Steve jobs como CEO. Decía en [...]

Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?

 HBR – Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?Because they’re focusing only on Esther’s sociability, sensitivity, and likability, they’re missing critical elements of emotional intelligence that could make her a stronger, more effective leader. A recent HBR article highlights the skills that a kind, positive manager like Esther might lack: [...]

The Downsides of Being Very Emotionally Intelligent

by @HarvardBiz ¡Vaya con Gemma!Though definitions vary, EQ always comprises intrapersonal and interpersonal skills — in particular high adjustment, sociability, sensitivity, and prudence. Thousands of scientific studies have tested the importance of EQ in various domains of life, providing compelling evidence for the benefits of higher EQ with regards to work, health, and relationships. For example, [...]

PSED: Todo el problema… cortoplacismo

Me ha dicho que se pide aval de socio porque el dinero se le anticipa a la empresa, no al cliente de la empresa: "entonces, yo he visto que el cliente es solvente y lo acepto (el factoring) pero el anticipo requiere aval del socio en cualquier caso por la razón indicada.Normativa del Banco de [...]

Make Operations Your Secret Weapon – Here’s How

 @firstround Make Operations Your Secret Weapon - Here’s How | First Round Review& more https://hbr.org/2006/05/second-in-command-the-misunderstood-role-of-the-chief-operating-officerKozlowski is part of a new crop of COOs who are harnessing know-how from a range of roles to create systems that elevate the entire company. At places like Evernote and Alibaba, she’s held leadership roles in global expansion, marketing, public relations, customer [...]

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