Stay hungry, my friend (by @asanwal)

 from his @cbinsights June, 6th newsletterBeing hungry means many things.It is ambition, resourcefulness, scrappiness, having a get-isht-done attitude, etc.It is very tied to humility as well, because it means realizing that no matter how many nice things people now say about us, we’re still 0.1% of the way towards what we could build. Hunger hates [...]

Radiografía del ‘business angel’ español ( by @IESEInsight & @AEBAN_es )

Datos del Informe business angels 2018. La inversión en startups: actividad y tendencias, elaborado por el profesor Juan Roure y Amparo de San José, directora de la Red de Inversores Privados y Family Offices del IESE.IESE Insight ¿Cómo es y qué le interesa al 'business angel' español?El perfil del business angel español gana en consistencia, ya que acumula más operaciones y años de experiencia a sus [...]

7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury Industry (by @cbinsights)

 Luxury is finally getting its tech upgrade. From renting designer clothes to personalized products and lab-grown diamonds, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping the luxury sector.The Future Of Luxury: 7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury IndustryAs corporate activity accelerates and startups targeting the luxury sector emerge, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping [...]

How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce (by @cbinsights )

 Retail’s Adapt-Or-Die Moment: How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce"Traditional and new-school retailers alike are using AI and robotics to automate various parts of the retail chain, from manufacturing to last-mile delivery."Despite the rise of AI-based solutions, only a handful of traditional brands have been effectively implementing AI strategies to drive business efficiency. But AI is reshaping [...]

Benefits of the Purpose-Driven Workplace

5 Studies on the Benefits of the Purpose-Driven Workplace - IDEO U1. Lower Risk of Death2. More Fulfilled at Work3. Higher Employee Retention4. Meaning over Recognition5. Higher Returns for Purpose-Driven CompaniesThe Invisible Hand: Companies & PurposeIn The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith introduced the idea of “the invisible hand,” how markets and [...]

A Look at How Technology is Reshaping the Global Economy (by @maxmarmer )

 via medium – The Industrial Era jobs and institutions decline towards death and the Information Era matures and blooms. The decline of the Industrial Era may have been subtler, and easy to ignore in years past.The global economy as a whole will also be in precarious place if Information Era companies do not continue to produce [...]

eHealth Market worth 132.35 Billion USD by 2023

 via @marketsmarkets According to latest research report "eHealth Market by Product (EHR, PACS & VNA, RIS, LIS, CVIS, Telehealth, eRx, HIE, Patient Portal, Medical Apps), Services (Remote Patient Monitoring, Diagnostic Services) End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Payers, Pharmacy) - Global Forecast to 2023", is expected to reach USD 132.35 Billion by 2023 from USD 47.60 Billion [...]

Si alguien trabaja más por la parte variable es que no es un buen profesional (por @RafaelOliverTDC )

Si alguien trabaja más por la parte variable es que no es un buen profesional | Dirección Comercial BlogEl argumento base es de libro, si no me pagan un variable sustancioso no trabajo más allá del mínimo legal/moral. … Los que piensan que los salarios con parte básica y variable convienen a las empresas se [...]

2018-02-22T23:10:00+01:00February 22nd, 2018|cosillas empresariales, gestión|

A Taxonomy of Troublemakers (via @firstround)

 “If in workplace after workplace you are the only one who's right and everyone else is a jerk, schmuck or idiot, take note: there’s a common denominator and it’s you,” says Foster.A Taxonomy of Troublemakers for Those Navigating Difficult Colleagues | First Round Review Here’s a list of eight difficult personality types — and how [...]

How Likely Is Your Industry to Be Disrupted? (via @HarvardBiz)

 “Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood” ~Marie Curie, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911, had that point of view which would serve today’s business leaders well.Understanding where your industry sits in terms of its susceptibility to disruption will help [...]

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