Entradas seleccionadas

“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan

Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño

La ¿nueva? educación

¿Individualismo colectivo? 😮

Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado

¿Qué es eso de COO?

Habilidades para la vida actual

Etica empresarial ¿necesaria sólo por RSC?

Platón, el propósito y los beneficios…

October 29th, 2014|cosillas empresariales, filosofía, gestión, ideas, sociología, tendencias|

To explain “how great companies have great purposes,” the authors of CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM draw connections between Plato’s take on transcendental philosophy and modern-day brand strategy.Plato. Purpose. Profits. - Brand Autopsybrand ideal #1 : The GoodPlato believed the [...]

PSED: Los nuevos héroes

October 21st, 2014|cine, el critico como artista, ideas, psicología, sociología, tendencias|

Dr. House y su vicodinaDexter, el forense asesinoWalter White (Breaking Bad), el químico elaborador y traficante de drogaDr. Thackery, cocainómano en The KnickEl detective Rustin Cohle… y sus adicciones (True Detective).Todos tremendamente inteligentes, todos tremendamente [...]

When Peter Thiel, the man behind PayPal and Facebook talks, we listen

October 11th, 2014|cosillas empresariales, ideas, la vida misma, start-it-up|

blog.newhaircut.com1. If you didn’t create Google, you aren’t going toToday’s Larry Page isn’t working on a search engine and Steve Job’s counterpart isn’t working on personal computer, says Thiel, who writes about huge, singular achievements [...]

SME Instrument, actually smart money

July 12th, 2018|Comments Off on SME Instrument, actually smart money

Origen: Presenting Europe's Innovation Kitchen - SME Instrument Report 2018 - European Commission Since its start in 2014, the SME Instrument has invested €1.3 billion in a unique selection of 3.200 small and medium-sized enterprises [...]

”…technology alone is not enough –it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”
~Steve Jobs