Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Notes of interest from Apple’s Q1 2016 results conference
Apple's Mac businessThough Mac sales were down slightly year over year, Apple still gained overall marketshare amidst a slumping PC market.Notes of interest from Apple's Q1 2016 conference callRevenue in China was up 14 percent [...]
Reduce Passive-Aggressive Behavior on Your Team
the path to increased productivity and decreased stress is more conflictReduce Passive-Aggressive Behavior on Your Team - Harvard Business ReviewYou can increase the likelihood of productive conflict by making team members feel more comfortable with [...]
Ayudando al equipo a manejar el stress, la ansiedad y a no “quemarse” (en)
“upgrading mental and emotional capabilities”Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout…certain types of development activities can effectively build the capacity for resilience. One approach is to focus on employees’ personal growth and development. …there are [...]
La innovación, más allá de las innovaciones
Sintetia – Las 9 características de las empresas del futuro: líquidas, abiertas y creativases más importante hablar de organizaciones que poseen la cultura de la innovación. Este tipo de organizaciones cumplen los siguientes requisitos:1.-Visión y [...]
Aaron Swartz on education
vía @jorgecortell Against School | New RepublicThe single-minded goal of maximizing test scores has been a blessing for the textbook market, which forces schools to buy expensive “evidence-based curricula” which has been “proven” to maximize test [...]
Conócete a ti mismo
Know Yourself | The Book of LifeKnowing yourself has extraordinary prestige in our culture. It has been framed as quite literally the meaning of life. This sounds, when one hears it, highly plausible, yet so plausible [...]
Glamorous tech startups can be brutal places for workers
vía @tecleandor "a career as a software developer or engineer comes with no guarantee of job satisfaction."Software firms are supposed to be a paradise for “talent”. Not only are their workers fabulously paid, but they [...]
The Post Smartphone Era
Interesting views about what will move business forward next years… vía The Post Smartphone Era | Tech.pinions - Perspective, Insight, Analysis. I want to make it clear when I say we are in the post-mobile [...]
No hay personas tóxicas
vía @vorpalina Guía de comportamientos tóxicos | iniciativa vorpalina…nadie -digo NADIE- tiene derecho a escribir un libro o mil para decirnos que usted o yo o esa persona somos tóxicos. Nada hay en excluir o apartar [...]
How to Be an Anticapitalist Today
How to Be an Anticapitalist Today | Jacobin1. Smashing CapitalismThe argument goes something like this: the system is rotten. All efforts to make life tolerable within it will eventually fail. From time to time small [...]
The Good Sides of Work
The Good Sides of Work | The Book of Life1. Helping Humanity2. Identity3. Sociability4. Control5. A Better Self6. Meaning7. Dignity8. Growth
Zygmunt Bauman: “Las redes sociales son una trampa”
El poder se ha globalizado pero las políticas son tan locales como antes.Zygmunt Bauman: “Las redes sociales son una trampa” | Babelia | EL PAÍS…el diálogo real no es hablar con gente que piensa lo [...]
De startups, ludditas y el fin de las (falsas) ilusiones
, que no de la felicidad.El 8 de enero empecé las noticias con la de CB insights RIP Good Times? Venture Capital Funding, Unicorn Births and Mega-Deals Plummet in Q4'15. Esta claro que el último [...]
Las cosas de Apple
He estado viendo el iPad Pro en el AppleStore… ya no entiendo nada, me acabarán quitando el carnet de "maquero"… bueno, el de Apple Fanboy, porque el Mac me sigue gustando mucho mas que los [...]
Do you have to love what you do?
Es genial @jasonfried Do you have to love what you do? — Signal v. Noise — MediumLove for their subject matter may or may not play a role in their stories, but hate for the existing [...]
Sobre perdonar
On Forgiveness | The Book of LifeWe know how to practise this attitude, for we already do it all the time quite naturally with children. Faced with an example of a child’s violence or unreason, [...]
Para reflexionar sobre el “hacktivism”
Aprovechando una inoportuna convalecencia, he sacado tiempo para ver un par de pelis que me interesaban… me han hecho reflexionar sobre la necesidad de militar más y mojarse más.Una es la "biografía" de Aaron Swartz, [...]
Usar la tecnología de forma saludable
vía @vorpalina: "tiendo a confiar en mayor grado en aquellas personas continuamente conectadas consigo mismas"Cómo usar la tecnología de forma saludable | iniciativa vorpalinaQueremos hablar rápido y de todo: Para pasar a otra cosa, mariposa. Dejamos así [...]
How to Tell If a Company Is Good at Innovating or Just Good at PR Harvard Business Review rigorous innovators direct innovation strategically, with innovation efforts integrated into strategic planning and resource allocation systems. They pursue innovation rigorously, with [...]
Four fundamentals of workplace automation
The bottom line is that 45 percent of work activities could be automated using already demonstrated technology. Four fundamentals of workplace automation | McKinsey & Company. Our research is ongoing, and in 2016, we will [...]
Del Capitalismo al Capital-humanismo
En definitiva, desarrollar valores, pensamientos, sentimientos, así como políticas, procesos y procedimientos que alineen los legítimos derechos, libertades y desafíos empresariales con los también legítimos derechos, libertades y retos sociales.Growth Management: Del Capitalismo al Capital-humanismo [...]
On Career Crises
Change begins when the fear of not acting at all at last outstrips the paralysing fear of making a mistake.On Career Crises | The Book of LifeIn 1700, in Western Europe, there were some 400 [...]
What the legendary Clayton Christensen gets wrong about Uber, Tesla and disruptive innovation – The Washington Post
What the legendary Clayton Christensen gets wrong about Uber, Tesla and disruptive innovation - The Washington Post. Google, Facebook, SpaceX, and Oneweb are in a race to provide Wi-Fi Internet access everywhere through drones, microsatellites, [...]
How Metrics Dashboards Keep Teams Accountable – OpenView Labs
How Metrics Dashboards Keep Klipfolios Team Accountable - OpenView Labs. In this post I’m going to share our own dashboards. Some are very specific to a cloud based SaaS business but many apply to any [...]
The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos
Origen: The Seven Things A Highly Agile CEO Does: Jeff Bezos A customer-first mindset A focus on the road map for the future Continuous creation of new businesses Creating multiple paths to yes Acting as [...]
Applying AI for social good | McKinsey
Origen: Applying AI for social good | McKinsey Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to help tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems. To analyze potential applications for social good, we compiled a [...]
Sign in with Apple (@trendwatching’s take)
The must read trend watchers have considered Apple's Sign in with Apple as their June, 6th (2019) "innovation of the day" 😊 Origen: Sign in with Apple: our take This is a monumental update, here’s what [...]
Empathy-Driven Development by @AndreaGoulet via @FirstRound
Following the interesting Andrea Goulet article about technical debt, First Round brings another surprising and indeed very interesting interview with Andrea Goulet. Origen: Empathy-Driven Development: How Engineers Can Tap into This Critical Skill | First Round [...]
Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations
Adoption and application of AI technologies 18% Pioneers: Understand, adopt, and invest in AI 33% Investigators: Understand AI but have not deployed beyond pilot stages 16% Experimenters: Are piloting AI projects but still learning its [...]
Every company is bound by its capabilities…
…but the best companies re-shape these bounds because they are defined by priorities. Origen: The iPhone is the most successful product of all time (by @asymco) | appletalk:entremaqueros Excerpts on "innovation drivers", taken from Horace [...]
Markets Are 10X Bigger Than Ever (by @eladgil)
& I'd dare to say that more competition is also on the way. Markets are bigger and faster than ever before. In general, software markets and businesses are 10X bigger than they were 10-15 years [...]
Behavioral Economics y nuestro yo futuro: Reflexiones sobre la procrastinación del ahorro (by @tcanalysis)
…mostrar imágenes renderizadas de nuestro yo futuro influye positivamente en nuestra propensión al ahorro dedicado a la jubilación. Origen: Marketing News, citado en "Qué leemos en The Cocktail" En Behavioral Economics se estudian en profundidad toda [...]
Guide to a product manager’s daily routines: tools, processes and tips
If you want answers to the following questions, go deeper in the links 😉 1. Is it even possible to be a remote product manager? 2. Daily Schedule 3. Weekly Schedule 4. How to improve [...]