Entradas seleccionadas
“Política”, “filosofía” y cómo los extremos se tocan
Cambiar las cosas es posible, el encanto de lo pequeño
Fallar y “hacer lo que amas” está sobrevalorado
Advice is Cheap — Context is Priceless
“let me show you an example from someone we both know who’s doing it right.”He laid out the ideas so cohesively that it felt like a polished board deck. He cussed, but wasn’t disrespectful. He [...]
Want to Achieve Something Big? Think Small.
"A hard problem is usually a combination of many smaller ones."Want to Achieve Something Big? Think Small. | Big Think
The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need
Officevibe – The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need1. Being Self-AwareHow To Build This SkillPractice mindfulness regularly, it has been shown to be linked to self-awareness1Keep track of things to optimize your habits. By [...]
8 Powerful Words to Include in Your Sales Vocabulary | Pipedrive Blog
8 Powerful Words to Include in Your Sales Vocabulary | Pipedrive BlogClarity. Trust. Respect/Mindfulness. Certainty. Brevity. Urgency. Optimism. Focus.
Top open source project management tools of 2016
Top open source project management tools of 2016 | Opensource.com. MyCollab Odoo Taiga OrangeScrum Tuleap Open ALM Agilefant Redmine ]project-open[ OpenProject LibrePlan ProjectLibre
40 Years Later: Apple 3.0 (Jean-Louis Gassée)
immense @gassee 40 Years Later: Apple 3.0 | Monday NoteSimplifying, but without distorting the key concept, humankind needed a more flexible means of expression than hieroglyphs, mere pictures on a cave wall, and invented alphabets and numerals, [...]
PSED: La investigación debe estar abierta #science20
En algunas conversaciones sobre "innovar" he dicho abiertamente que si se investiga con dinero público el resultado debe ser público y que así las empresas pueden innovar alrededor de esa investigación.Esto supondría que las universidades [...]
Company culture
En esta esta entrada sobre Netflix. ya hace un tiempo reflexionaba sobre la importancia de una fuerte (y, mucho mejor, escrita) cultura de empresa.Viene esto al caso al llamar Alvaro González nuestra atención al respecto del "handbook" [...]
De la teoría a la práctica en tu vida
Algo en su interior les impide o les hace desconocer cómo ponerlo en práctica. Ese algo se llamo miedo y suele estar conectado con la siguiente lista de emociones (según el maestro Rafael Bisquerra):En un [...]
When Revenue Isn’t The Answer
Interesantísimo artículo. He visto lo que cuenta…When Revenue Isn’t The Answer — MediumYou became so focused on closing deals and winning customers that you missed finding real product/ market fit. Only after you raised your [...]
The Steve Jobs You Didn’t Know…
The Steve Jobs You Didn't Know: Kind, Patient, And Human | Fast Company | Business Innovation
The Employee Engagement Problem No One Is Talking About
The Employee Engagement Problem No One Is Talking About. Ways To Improve Employee Engagement 1. Collect Frequent Feedback 2. Offer Development 3. Have Meaningful Perks 4. Think about what these perks say to your employees. [...]
On where Artificial Intelligence went wrong
Interesting… although quite complex (for me) and long… Some qutesAlgunas citas de:Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong - The Atlantic"Behaviorist principles of associations could not explain the richness of linguistic knowledge, our endlessly creative [...]
Cómo estar en desacuerdo
On How to Disagree | The Book of LifeDisagreement is especially pressing now, because of certain large societal forces that have been building for the last couple of centuries.1. PoliticsThe developed world is now democratic. [...]
The Future: bigger companies, faster deaths… Jobs change
The Future: bigger companies, faster deaths - Growth ScienceWhat does it mean to live in a world with ever-more huge companies that live ever-shorter lives?1. The end of “lifetime employment” – for those few who [...]
The Tao of project management
The unnameable is the eternally real.Naming is the originof all particular things.What it means to be a project manager in an open organization | Opensource.comDon't let your job title define youThe tao that can be [...]
Whats your open source personality type?
Working for an open source company adds its own twist to the mix: Trying to balance out the drive to do what management has asked, with the direction a project is heading. This can be [...]
La ética en la empresa
Esta entrada fue originalmente escrita para Aprender y Emprender.La muestro aquí sin las ligeras modificaciones de maquetación que hubieron en su publicación en dicho site.Reflexionando sobre lo que escribí estos días he llegado a pensar [...]
Cargos por aduanas y plataformas de pago
He comprado iconic, un precioso libro sobre Apple, de Ridgewood Publishing. La compra fue sencilla en la página web de la editorial, metí la tarjeta para el pago y a esperar (impaciente).Cuando llegó Correos para entregar el [...]
Menos TED y más escribir (y leer)
MENOS TED Y MÁS ESCRIBIR - Agustín Peralt1.- Distingue inicialmente si el mail es interno o externo y quiénes son los destinatarios, pues las formas pueden o incluso deben ser distintas. 2.- Piensa en un asunto que refleje y resuma el propósito del mail [...]
Turn Data Into Visuals: 28 Apps that Generate Reports and Charts
Turn Data Into Visuals: 28 Apps that Generate Reports and Charts. Sushi Status Piktochart Sway Raven Zoho Reports SmartDraw LucidChart Measureful WebMerge Internal Reports for Your Team Status Panda Report HD UpdateZen Team Reporter Weekdone [...]
Open source realigns priorities for “work”
and innovation 😉 Open source realigns priorities for "work" | Opensource.com Although open source projects can assume "9-to-5 form," or even be organized into hierarchical structures, they offer an interesting alternative to the traditional work [...]
10 Rules of Running a Remote Team
10 Rules of Running a Remote Team Set both short and long-term goals Choose the right tools Make sure everyone knows the procedures Focus on communication and transparency Recognize the impact of inclusiveness Continuously track [...]
The journey to an agile organization by @McKinsey
agile organizations are characterized as a network of teams operating in rapid learning and decision-making cycles. Origen: The journey to an agile organization | McKinsey Agile organizations are different. Traditional organizations are built around a [...]
£1 million in new investments, the exciting business of arts & culture – by @artsculturefin via @Nesta_UK
Nearly £1 million invested across 5 innovative organisations by Arts & Culture Finance latest investment round. Origen: £1 million in new investments - the exciting business of arts & culture | Nesta two insights come [...]
How corporate incentives within the FTSE 350 inhibit innovation (@nesta_uk)
The study suggests that remuneration packages are dominated by measures that inhibit corporate innovation. One would expect that the incentives given to company management would, on balance, encourage innovation. Origen: The Invisible Drag on UK [...]
G7 Inequality: A persisting challenge and its implications | @McKinsey
While the wealth gap has narrowed globally, inequality within advanced economies has increased since the 1980s. My own take: G-7 is no more a convenient focus group for worldwide studies… <iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/1971571337001/HkOJqCPWdb_default/index.html?videoId=6049611314001' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe> Origen: [...]
Vinod Khosla on How to Build the Future
Excerpts from a @vkhosla interview selected by @jmegias (thanks). "If you want to achieve a really ambitious vision, then you have to get a think tank of unreasonable people together, and below that layer, set [...]
The Invention of Money – @NewYorker
worth read article on this interesting system we all live into, built upon trial and error. …the man who almost bankrupted a country and the supreme advocate of bankers’ bailouts would be amused to see [...]
11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson by @CBInsights Research
–Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive —instead, focus on market fit— –Growth isn’t always worth it Origen: 11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson - CB Insights Research Product development Keep your vision simple [...]
Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture
A company’s culture is its operating system. Everything that happens runs on it. Origen: Why the Most Effective Operations Managers Truly Value Great Culture The daily priorities for most organizational leaders and managers look something [...]
Europa: La pérdida de la inocencia por @XavierFerras
Enlazaba @nonoregaa esta entrada en respuesta a la reflexión de @AndresGReche que cayó ante mis ojos justo después de leer un artículo que ha estado bastante tiempo en una pestaña de mi navegador sobre la [...]