Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations

Adoption and application of AI technologies 18% Pioneers: Understand, adopt, and invest in AI 33% Investigators: Understand AI but have not deployed beyond pilot stages 16% Experimenters: Are piloting AI projects but still learning its relevant applications 34% Passives: No significant understanding or adoption of AI Origen: Steps to Exponential Growth in Enterprise Organizations Six [...]

Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019 (by Gartner)

The tech trends and the recommendations to follow on them… Autonomous Things Consider how AI-driven autonomous capabilities could integrate with a physical object in your organization or customer environment. Remember — these devices are best used for narrowly defined purposes. Augmented Analytics Make sure your digital transformation strategy takes advantage of augmented analytics to deliver [...]

2019-04-29T22:01:18+02:00April 14th, 2019|technology, trends|

The Most Hyped Technology of Every Year From 2000-2018 ( by @visualcap )

A retrospective look ( by Visual Capitalist via @exponentialview ) at which trends scaled the summit of the Hype Cycle each year since 2000. Origen: The Most Hyped Technology of Every Year From 2000-2018 - Visual Capitalist As the media search for the next big thing, certain technologies tend to dominate the headlines. Meanwhile, venture [...]

2019-04-29T22:03:30+02:00April 7th, 2019|technology|

La paradoja de las nuevas tecnologías ( by @KPMG_ES)

Los modelos de negocio actuales se basan, cada vez en mayor medida, en la innovación. Dicha innovación se consigue, entre otras acciones, aplicando nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) a la cadena de valor del producto en cuestión. Este camino, que ofrece tremendas oportunidades, no está exento de riesgos, algunos de ellos todavía por explorar, pero quizá sea [...]

2019-04-29T21:57:45+02:00April 6th, 2019|innovación, tecnología, tendencias|
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