UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists (by Paige Nuzzolillo)

…being aware of how to ask semi-structured and open-ended questions, making as few assumptions as consciously possible, understanding my own subjectivity… Origen: UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX Researchers with Anthropology Backgrounds | by Paige Nuzzolillo | Oct, 2020 | Medium Synthesis and Storytelling Skills UX Researchers are [...]

Design Thinking Case Study: Innovation at Apple

Apple’s history with innovation provides a clear lesson about how design and innovation can turn company failure to market success and a leading position in a competitive market. Design thinking helped Apple to innovate while placing their consumers at the heart of the process. Origen: Designorate – Design Thinking Case Study: Innovation at Apple   [...]

A time-traveller from 2025 (by @varun_mathur)

A plausible dystopian future after COVID-19 via tweets. Folow the thread… I am a time-traveller from 2025. I lived through the events of 2020 which ruptured the fabric of society as we knew it then. As humans, we adapted, and survived. Here is what my world looks like now. This is my new normal. A [...]

¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! (por @javicreus en @idees_cat)

Arquitectura vegetal, criterio humano, potencia artificial. Origen: ¿Inteligencias? ¡Las necesitamos todas! – Idees El ciclo de desarrollo basado en los combustibles fósiles se agota. Hemos desenterrado reservas que tardaron decenas de millones de años en formarse y las hemos proyectado en forma de plásticos y gases a los confines de la Tierra y a la [...]

“I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros

Origen: “I really want to be able to use this for mail while sitting on the toilet” ~Steve Jobs | appletalk:entremaqueros The story of the iPad goes way back beyond before the phone. It started out as this project called Q79. Q79 was the product that was built around multitouch exploration. So we were, at [...]

Forget thinking “outside the box”. This is why the box is useful (by @siftedeu )

…‘design thinking’ often misses a lot of the business realities and leaves them as problems for others to solve. This institutionalises the typically high failure rate in innovation. … ~ Todd Rovak Origen: Forget thinking "outside the box". This is why the box is useful | Sifted We believe the business problem and customer problem [...]

The streaming business has a problem on the horizon, and so does the music business. ( @nytimes )

Have we entered into an age of music where artists are afraid to alienate people? Since the country is so polarized, am I afraid to alienate the other audience? Am I afraid to alienate a sponsor from my Instagram? Origen: Jimmy Iovine Knows Music and Tech. Here’s Why He’s Worried. - The New York Times [...]

Seguridad Apple: El espíritu de Apple o el fin de una era

La industria de los ordenadores personales ha continuado creciendo y cambiando desde la introducción del Macintosh original. Apple se ha convertido [en 1988] en una empresa de cuatro mil millones de dólares, y a menudo me temo que han perdido el contacto con sus valores originales. Sin embargo, recuerdo haber tenido preocupaciones similares justo antes [...]

2019-12-31T08:38:46+01:00December 31st, 2019|apple, gestión, innovación, innovation|

Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu

“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC should become Europe’s unicorn factory,” he tells Sifted in an interview. “We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund [...]

Disney’s secret sauce

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. Because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt E. Disney Origen: CB insights newsletter – Disney's secret sauce   Curiosity wins Here’s the winning quote. “Around here, however, [...]

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