El mercado del iPad y el tablet…

Desde que Apple presentó una menor venta de iPads en sus resultados trimestrales la pasada semana… es la comidilla en internet el asunto del éxito del iPad (y el tablet por extensión).Antes de los resultados, en previsión de esa menor venta, ya escribió sobre el tema Jean Louis Gassée en su Monday Note:The iPad’s limitations [...]

2014-04-28T15:29:00+02:00April 28th, 2014|apple, informática, tendencias|

Google just revealed the incredibly simple formula for killer résumés – Quartz

Google just revealed the incredibly simple formula for killer résumés - Quartz How do you write a good résumé?“The key,” [Bock] said, “is to frame your strengths as: ‘I accomplished X, relative to Y, by doing Z.’ Most people would write a résumélike this: ‘Wrote editorials for The New York Times.’ Better would be to say: [...]

The End of Solution Sales – HBR

The End of Solution Sales - Harvard Business Review"The hardest thing about B2B selling today is that customers don’t need you the way they used to. In recent decades sales reps have become adept at discovering customers’ needs and selling them “solutions”—generally, complex combinations of products and services. This worked because customers didn’t know how [...]

When Marketing Is Strategy – Harvard Business Review

Interesantísimo artículo… como suele pasar con el "sesgo cognitivo" tanto más interesante cuánto más refuerza tu pensamiento, jjjjj When Marketing Is Strategy - Harvard Business ReviewConsider a consumer’s purchase of a can of Coca-Cola. In a supermarket or warehouse club the consumer buys the drink as part of a 24-pack. The price is about 25 cents [...]

Why executive coaching is worth $500 an hour – Quartz

Why executive coaching is worth $500 an hour - Quartz…“In general… coaching is an effective tool for improving the functioning of individuals in organizations.”…coaching makes people measurably more effective at their jobs, yielding a quantifiable, positive return on investment for most investments in coaching (pdf.) But there is a great deal of variability between studies [...]

2013-12-15T16:26:00+01:00December 15th, 2013|coaching, ideas, psicología, sociología, tendencias|

The Sharing Economy – The Rise of Invisible Work – Emily Badger

The Rise of Invisible Work - Emily Badger - The Atlantic CitiesSo far, the sharing economy’s impact has been largely unseen because we (and the Bureau of Labor Statistics) are used to counting employment in whole jobs, or part-time jobs, not something-I-do-on-the-side-while-I-freelance jobs. Currently, companies like Airbnb, and Etsy, and Sidecar enable tens or hundreds of thousands of people [...]

PSED: Estimulando el crowdfunding

Actualizando: Se empieza a regular el crowdfunding, en el blog salmón (25/10)Y otra actualización vía El Blog Salmón, hoy 27 de de octubre: Experiencias de crowdfunding en el Estado español y Cataluña.El estudio en pdf.Esto se mueve y me encanta.--------------------Aquí el artículo antes de los updates.Vía @Prodigia leí a principio de septiembre "El 'crowdlending' español revoluciona la empresa: [...]

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