Growth is getting hard…

 from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation by @andrewchenGrowth is getting hard from intensive competition, consolidation, and saturation"The reason for the above is that there are multiple trends – happening right now – that impede growth for new products. These trends are being driven by the biggest players – Google/Facebook, et al – but also by the significant [...]

Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the city

LSE Business Review – Co-workers and makers: New public policies and corporate strategies for the cityOur seven propositions to make communities more open, sustainable and inclusive:More emphasis should be put on ‘infra-organisations’, i.e. transparent platforms designed for independent entities to share identity and governance.‘Infra-organisations’ provide infrastructural services without searching for the increasing returns likely to lead to a [...]

El efecto ROPO y showrooming para incrementar las ventas del lujo

 vía @luxonomy la barrera entre eCommerce y comercio físico está rota.Según el barómetro de consumo de Google, en España, durante el periodo 2014-2015, un 27% de consumidores realizaron esta práctica. En 2016 está cifra se ha elevado al 40%, y sigue en aumento. Para decantarnos más por la importancia del efecto ROPO, indicar que los consumidores [...]

Big Data para la venta de artículos de Lujo

 by @Luxonomy Big Data para la venta de artículos de LujoAquellas empresas que venden directamente al usuario o cliente final son las que más pueden poner en práctica y mayor utilidad pueden obtener de Data Mining  y  Business Intelligence, porque reciben gran información sobre los clientes y pueden redirigir sus campañas hacía estos. Big Data incluye varios [...]

innovación y desempeño económico en la empresa valenciana

 @isidremch, director del Master “ei” de la UV (Universidad de Valencia) presentó hace casi una mes el interesante estudio sobre la capacidad de innovación y el desempeño económico de la empresa valenciana entre 2007 y 2014.Se puede encontrar el estudio en pdf en este enlace.El primer dato importante que cabe resaltar es que el gasto [...]

AI, Apple and Google (by Benedict Evans)

Machine learning offers the promise that a lot of very large and very boring analyses of data can be automated - not just running the search, but working out what the search should be to find the result you want. That is, the eye-catching demos of speech interfaces or image recognition are just the most visible demos of [...]

2016-07-03T09:30:00+02:00July 3rd, 2016|apple, tendencias|

How yuppies hacked the hacker ethos (aeon)

 via @sgala… The gentrification of hacking is… well, perhaps a perfect hack. How yuppies hacked the hacker ethos – Brett Scott – Aeon  Brett en twitter: @SuitpossumI’m going to stake a claim on the word though, and state that the true hacker spirit does not reside at Google, guided by profit targets. The hacker impulse should not just [...]

Mindfulness in Modern Times

Buddhism and the Brain: Mindfulness in Modern Times | Big ThinkI’m very concerned with what I would call a decontextualized — or maybe the proper word would be recontextualized — consumerist notion of mindfulness, where mindfulness is about paying attention non-judgmentally in the present moment. That gets framed in terms of paying attention non-judgmentally in [...]

2015-07-31T17:24:00+02:00July 31st, 2015|filosofía, ideas, psicología, tendencias|

No te sientas (tan) mal si el trabajo domina tu vida

 tampoco dejes de intentar arreglarlo…We don’t realise to what an extent our feelings are guided by our sense of what is normal and of what we should expect from others. We are highly flexible creatures, but with a generally strong desire to fit in. There are many ways we could be living fine – if [...]

Is Remote Working Good For Business?

Is Remote Working Good For Business?Businesses with remote teams don’t have the luxury of as much face time as others, which is why they have to work harder to create strong cultures. …Culture is about understanding:Your values, vision and aims;The values and personal / professional goals of your team;How every decision helps or harms the [...]

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