Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth (by @nikhyl via @firstround )

The ability to iterate on something until it works is underrated. …a PM who’s taken a product from version two to eight at a smaller startup, vs. someone who’s worked at scale, but only shipped initial versions and then moved on. Origen: The Phases Product Teams Go Through, From Product/Market Fit to Hypergrowth | First [...]

Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” by @siftedeu

“We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund in Europe.” Origen: Launching Europe’s “unicorn factory” | Sifted …a €10bn war chest, run by the European Innovation Council (EIC), to back his plans. “The EIC should become Europe’s unicorn factory,” he tells Sifted in an interview. “We are creating possibly the biggest deeptech equity fund [...]

11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson by @CBInsights Research

–Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive —instead, focus on market fit— –Growth isn’t always worth it Origen: 11 Lessons From Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson - CB Insights Research Product development Keep your vision simple at the beginning Early revenue growth isn’t always a positive — instead, focus on market fit “A hard charging sales [...]

The hidden history of how Government kick-started Silicon Valley ( @hope_reese )

Dwight Eisenhower never declared, “I shall build a science city in Northern California.” Yet the military spending and space program spending that started under Eisenhower was the launching pad for Silicon Valley’s rocket. @medium: The Hidden History of How the Government Kick-Started Silicon Valley So in Silicon Valley, or the tech industry more broadly, you [...]

How to build a Startup ecosystem

vía @trustedinsight @Forbes - How To Build A Startup Ecosystem Startup ecosystems are popping up all across the country and the world, with varying levels of success.  I wanted to talk about the mix of ingredients that are needed to make a startup ecosystem thrive over time.  So, leaders in your local communities can have [...]

How Did I Get Here? (by @juliemariemeyer)

 There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. ~Niccolo MachiavelliHow Did I Get Here? * You didn't choose the entrepreneur life; it chose youWorking with a start-up through their near-death experiences to their [...]

Stay hungry, my friend (by @asanwal)

 from his @cbinsights June, 6th newsletterBeing hungry means many things.It is ambition, resourcefulness, scrappiness, having a get-isht-done attitude, etc.It is very tied to humility as well, because it means realizing that no matter how many nice things people now say about us, we’re still 0.1% of the way towards what we could build. Hunger hates [...]

Radiografía del ‘business angel’ español ( by @IESEInsight & @AEBAN_es )

Datos del Informe business angels 2018. La inversión en startups: actividad y tendencias, elaborado por el profesor Juan Roure y Amparo de San José, directora de la Red de Inversores Privados y Family Offices del IESE.IESE Insight ¿Cómo es y qué le interesa al 'business angel' español?El perfil del business angel español gana en consistencia, ya que acumula más operaciones y años de experiencia a sus [...]

A Look at How Technology is Reshaping the Global Economy (by @maxmarmer )

 via medium – The Industrial Era jobs and institutions decline towards death and the Information Era matures and blooms. The decline of the Industrial Era may have been subtler, and easy to ignore in years past.The global economy as a whole will also be in precarious place if Information Era companies do not continue to produce [...]

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