Will the EU unlock private capital for European tech?

In the European tech bubble, not many have heard of the term “capital markets union” (CMU) — but in Brussels, Eurocrats have been talking about it for almost a decade. This jargon-ish slogan is an umbrella term to describe a set of ideas designed to help unlock additional pools of private capital for EU’s most [...]

Building startup ecosystem stars

The global race for innovation The world of innovation is not “flat”. The attention of global "innovation hunters" (VC funds, large corporates, etc.) today tends to gravitate toward a selected few global hotspots distinguished by a high density of scaleups, capital, and talent: Silicon Valley, Israel, and probably less than another dozen of hubs across [...]

Orden de ENISA sobre Criterios de evaluación del carácter del emprendimiento innovador (via news.pcuv.es)

En su newsletter, el Parque Científico de la Universidad de Valencia informaba de la reciente publicación de la "Orden PCM/825/2023, de 20 de julio, por la que se regulan los criterios y el procedimiento de certificación de empresas emergentes que dan acceso a los beneficios y especialidades reconocidas en la Ley 28/2022, de 21 de [...]

start (it) up

Recupero una página de un viejo blog que ya no mantengo… empezó en 2013 y la actualicé por última vez en 2016. Febrero 2013: Hablando en #MITEDP (el Entrepreneurship Development Program @ MIT-Sloan) con Paul Maeder, co-fundador de Highland Capital Partners, se le preguntó: "aprovechando que hay aquí una nutrida representación de una determinada región y algún [...]

2023-07-08T16:16:37+02:00July 8th, 2023|start-it-up|

The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? by @oreillymedia

Understanding four trends that may shape the future of Silicon Valley is also a road map to some of the biggest technology-enabled opportunities of the next decades: Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution. Internet regulation is upon us. Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local. The [...]

Corporate innovation in the entrepreneurial age (a @dealroomco report)

In summary. Nearly everything’s about software (except handbags and champagne) Scale is a commodity. Competition is about entrepreneurship Talent is flocking to startups. And startups are built from anywhere More than ever, corporates would benefit from partnering with startups, and strong ties with entrepreneurial ecosystems Origin: pdf report   The tech boom: tech companies globally [...]

Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle, by @gabekleinman 

The reason VC’s are gaining ESG altitude is simple: institutional investors and family offices are now leaning in. Origen: Solving VC’s ESG Puzzle. Upstream investment strategy remains… | by Gabe Kleinman | May, 2021 | World Positive Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) standards are having a moment with climate change (and climate risk), broad socioeconomic [...]

Diseccionando unicornios: mitos vs. realidades; by @SamuelGil 

Todos sabemos que la valoración no es la única ni quizás la mejor métrica para definir el éxito de una empresa. Pero, ante la ausencia de datos sobre ingresos, beneficios o impacto social, parece un proxy razonable. Samuel resume magníficamente, no te pierdas sus conclusiones, el libro Super Founders: What Data Reveals About Billion-Dollar Startups de [...]

Post-pandemic Technology Trends: What to Watch by @thealeph_report

The ethics of such (AI) systems will most definitely be a hot topic this year. a two-part report summarizing some of the biggest trends during 2020 and the beginning of 2021. For the first part, check the geopolitical trends. Origen: Post-pandemic Technology Trends: What to Watch - The Aleph Report EXCERPTS a brief analysis of [...]

“Mis (7) predicciones para 2021” por @mike_arias

7. Me equivocaré en al menos 3 de estas 7 predicciones. Origen: Mis predicciones para 2021 - Emprender a golpes Junto con la masiva digitalización y el cambio de paradigma del trabajo presencial, llevo unas semanas dando la tabarra sobre la tormenta perfecta de disrupción que se avecina con el IOT, y todas esas cosas [...]

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