The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam by @susie_c

 What came next wasn’t sharing. Power and control wasn’t decentralized — it was even more concentrated in the hands of large and valuable platforms.The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam – OneZeroEarly sharing champions were ultimately correct about technology enabling a shift away from an ownership society, but what came next wasn’t sharing. The rise [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00March 10th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan (por @harari_yuval en @elpais_inter )

 La propaganda y la manipulación no son ninguna novedad, desde luego. Antes actuaban mediante bombardeos masivos; hoy, son, cada vez más, munición de alta precisión contra objetivos escogidos. Yuval Noah Harari: Los cerebros ‘hackeados’ votan | Internacional | EL PAÍSLa democracia liberal se enfrenta a una doble crisis. Lo que más centra la atención es [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00February 17th, 2019|Sin categoría|


En estos casos siempre recuerdo el chiste de la película Philadelphia.–¿Qué son dos abogados en el fondo del mar?–…–Un buen comienzo.¿A qué viene esto? A cuenta de que el conflicto entre los VTC y los taxis se deriva, primero, de una regulación (excesiva) y, segundo, de una regulación absolutamente arbitraria.Y la regulación suele ser cosa [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00January 27th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Managing Remote Teams, a Crash Course – by Andreas Klinger

#mustread  from: Startup Lessons Learned Overall hiring remote is about four things: - being able to hire the best possible people independent of where they (or you) are - optimizing for the quality of life - tuning your personal performance - having long-term team retention …(imho) what most people are missing… is not the costs… [...]

2019-01-20T11:10:20+01:00January 20th, 2019|Sin categoría|

I have a 300-year plan ~Masayoshi Son

 via @exponentialview Why SoftBank's Masayoshi Son is Silicon Valley's power broker by @fastcompany‘The entrepreneur’s ambition is the only cap to the company’s potential,’ There is no one on the planet right now in a better position to influence this next wave of technology as Son. Not Jeff Bezos, not Mark Zuckerberg, not Elon Musk. They might have the [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00January 20th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship

via @detoolbox Building a Bulletproof Startup: Business Model Canvas vs Lean Startup vs Disciplined Entrepreneurship:An in-depth overview of the methodologies reveals a hidden truth: none of them is universally valid. As I said, there is no one Startup Bible that guarantees redemption from uncertainty and the perilous journey. Each of them focuses on very different aspects [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00January 19th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Jean-Louis Gassée’s memories on Apple

 excerpts from @Gassee memories on its years at AppleStarting Apple FranceAfter two rounds of interviews, I sign my employment agreement over dinner at the (now defunct) Le Duc restaurant in Geneva on December 12th, 1980… the very day of Apple’s IPO.…Undeterred, I land at SFO in February, 1981, and immediately drive down to Apple’s Silicon [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00January 18th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Time for us to quietly contemplate who and what we are.

 by @gassee Valley Spirituality – Monday NoteWhile our range of worship choices is, in general, commendable, it’s easy to become disconcerted by the anything-goes, make-your-own-religion attitude. But I’m not completely confused: Even if they intersect, I don’t equate religion with spirituality. Actually, I fear the excesses of organized religions, amply documented over centuries of oppression and [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00January 9th, 2019|Sin categoría|

Why do digital health startups keep failing?

Origen: Why do digital health startups keep failing? Digital health products need to appeal not just to individual consumers but to a complicated landscape of stakeholders–from doctors and patients to regulators and insurers–all of whom have a say in whether a new technology is adopted. Products, especially those considered medical devices, may take years of [...]

2019-01-07T07:33:51+01:00January 7th, 2019|Sin categoría|

La Educación

No soy filósofo, ni sociólogo, pero creo que el conflicto armado, la disputa con las manos, la intolerancia, la violencia … no son posibles cuando entre las dos partes en confrontación se es capaz, a través de la educación, de diferenciar la diversidad de opiniones de la necesidad de liarse a tortas.Un poco por estas [...]

2019-03-31T19:43:01+02:00December 30th, 2018|Sin categoría|
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