El paciente del futuro @Ethic_

Cura a veces, trata con frecuencia, consuela siempre. ~ Hipócrates de Cos Origen: Foro de salud Healthinking de Abbvie: El paciente del futuro - Ethic : Ethic Apelar al humanismo es, quizá, la tarea más imperiosa en un mundo dominado por el dato. Esta revolución tecnológica coincide, además, con una deriva demográfica de envejecimiento progresivo, [...]

Por qué las generaciones más jóvenes tendrán menos dinero y poder

Origen: Por qué las generaciones más jóvenes tendrán menos dinero y poder - technology review …al final, no son los jóvenes los que toman las grandes decisiones, sino las personas de mediana edad. Las personas entre 45 y 65 años gobiernan nuestras sociedades: la media de edad de un nuevo senador de EE. UU. es [...]

The Invention of Money – @NewYorker

worth read article on this interesting system we all live into, built upon trial and error. …the man who almost bankrupted a country and the supreme advocate of bankers’ bailouts would be amused to see just how little we have learned… Origen: The Invention of Money | The New Yorker How did these once wild [...]

With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America (by @filloux)

With Greed and Cynicism, Big Tech is Fueling Inequalities in America – Monday Note, Frederic Filloux…In the end, local taxpayers will subsidize Amazon shareholders…Hi-tech firms are prominent among recent tax-break “megadeals” awarded by cities and states. Tesla’s battery factory ($1.3bn from Nevada), Foxconn’s display-screen plant in Wisconsin ($4.8bn) and Apple’s data centre in Iowa ($214m) [...]

How To Become A Centaur (by @ncasenmare)

 AIs are best at choosing answers. Humans are best at choosing questions.via @mit_jods How To Become A Centaur by Nicky Case…we’ve told ourselves that our relationship between ourselves and our AI is like a chess game: Zero-sum — one player’s win is another player’s loss.…They invited all kinds of contestants — supercomputers, human grandmasters, mixed teams of humans and AIs [...]

Carlos Barrabés entrevistado por Iñaki Gabilondo

 Gracias a @raulmartincalvo por la recomendación de esta interesante entrevista (en 4 partes) de Iñaki Gabilondo a Carlos Barrabés en 2010… ¡2010! hace más de siete años; sorprende ver algunos temas sobre la mesa ya entonces.Me ha servido para encontrar de paso la "continuación", con una primera parte muy centrada sobre China, y una segunda parte más global.Muy [...]

2017-12-25T10:00:00+01:00December 25th, 2017|internet, la vida misma, tendencias|

7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For

 @glassdoor "And just say no to places who define “hard work” as 15-hour days and long weekend email threads." 7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For1. The High Turnover OutfitRed flags: Key roles pop up consistently on a company’s job site.2. The Culture Clash CorpRed flags: Negative employee reviews, lack of focus on a true employee [...]

Cuando la carrera cobra más importancia que el destino

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; Tierra de los hombres, 1939"El uso de una herramienta inteligente no te ha convertido en un aburrido técnico. Me parece que esos que tanto se espantan de nuestros progresos confunden el fin con los medios. En efecto, quien siembra con la única esperanza de lograr bienes materiales no logra nada por lo [...]

5 ways to get out of your own way and communicate clearly

by @saralindberg13I still find some trouble listening to the intent behind the words and not making assumptions.Headspace blog – 5 ways to get out of your own way and communicate clearly BBe impeccable with your word.Avoid taking things personally.Avoid making assumptions. The problem with making assumptions is that they’re really only a version of our own observations [...]

2017-08-20T07:36:00+02:00August 20th, 2017|coaching, la vida misma, psicología|

How To Spot and Spark Flow

by @uicynthia Track and Facilitate Your Engineers’ Flow States In This Simple Way | First Round Review‘The more a job inherently resembles a game — with variety, appropriate and flexible challenges, clear goals, and immediate feedback — the more enjoyable it will be regardless of the worker’s level of development.’ ~ CsikszentmihalyiPerhaps more important than recognizing flow, then, [...]

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