La paradoja de las nuevas tecnologías ( by @KPMG_ES)

Los modelos de negocio actuales se basan, cada vez en mayor medida, en la innovación. Dicha innovación se consigue, entre otras acciones, aplicando nuevas tecnologías (emergentes) a la cadena de valor del producto en cuestión. Este camino, que ofrece tremendas oportunidades, no está exento de riesgos, algunos de ellos todavía por explorar, pero quizá sea [...]

2019-04-29T21:57:45+02:00April 6th, 2019|innovación, tecnología, tendencias|

Shouldn’t we be investing more in quantum computing? (by @azeem )

Exponential View #174 – Dept of quantum computingBCG reportGiven the large potential of quantum computing, the actual investment levels are low (with one exception, see at the end of this). We reckon, from a rough LinkedIn count, that fewer than 2,000 people are involved in companies working in any part of the quantum stack (and [...]

Global Innovation Index 2018 (by @WIPO )

Global Innovation Index 2018The 2018 edition of the GII reveals that China broke into the world’s top 20 most-innovative economies as Switzerland retained its number-one spot. Rounding out the GII 2018 top five: the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Singapore.  A group of middle and lower-income economies perform significantly better on innovation than their level of [...]

2018-07-14T08:39:00+02:00July 14th, 2018|innovación|

7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury Industry (by @cbinsights)

 Luxury is finally getting its tech upgrade. From renting designer clothes to personalized products and lab-grown diamonds, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping the luxury sector.The Future Of Luxury: 7 Trends Reshaping The Luxury IndustryAs corporate activity accelerates and startups targeting the luxury sector emerge, we look at 7 trends that are reshaping [...]

How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce (by @cbinsights )

 Retail’s Adapt-Or-Die Moment: How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Commerce"Traditional and new-school retailers alike are using AI and robotics to automate various parts of the retail chain, from manufacturing to last-mile delivery."Despite the rise of AI-based solutions, only a handful of traditional brands have been effectively implementing AI strategies to drive business efficiency. But AI is reshaping [...]

A Look at How Technology is Reshaping the Global Economy (by @maxmarmer )

 via medium – The Industrial Era jobs and institutions decline towards death and the Information Era matures and blooms. The decline of the Industrial Era may have been subtler, and easy to ignore in years past.The global economy as a whole will also be in precarious place if Information Era companies do not continue to produce [...]

eHealth Market worth 132.35 Billion USD by 2023

 via @marketsmarkets According to latest research report "eHealth Market by Product (EHR, PACS & VNA, RIS, LIS, CVIS, Telehealth, eRx, HIE, Patient Portal, Medical Apps), Services (Remote Patient Monitoring, Diagnostic Services) End User (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Payers, Pharmacy) - Global Forecast to 2023", is expected to reach USD 132.35 Billion by 2023 from USD 47.60 Billion [...]

How To Become A Centaur (by @ncasenmare)

 AIs are best at choosing answers. Humans are best at choosing questions.via @mit_jods How To Become A Centaur by Nicky Case…we’ve told ourselves that our relationship between ourselves and our AI is like a chess game: Zero-sum — one player’s win is another player’s loss.…They invited all kinds of contestants — supercomputers, human grandmasters, mixed teams of humans and AIs [...]

How Likely Is Your Industry to Be Disrupted? (via @HarvardBiz)

 “Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood” ~Marie Curie, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911, had that point of view which would serve today’s business leaders well.Understanding where your industry sits in terms of its susceptibility to disruption will help [...]

9 frameworks to master Product Management (by @firstround)

 #mustread … The best companies are most often built by extraordinary product minds. Even if you’re not a PM right now, you can benefit from adopting the habits and strategies that make talented PMs successful.17 Product Managers Who Will Own the Future of NYC Tech — and the 9 Frameworks They’ll Use to Do It [...]

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