¿Cuándo perdimos la ilusión por la tecnología? por @ShannonVallor en MIT Technology Review

El objetivo del desarrollo de la tecnología de consumo era bastante simple antes: diseñar y construir algo de valor para las personas, dándoles una razón para comprarlo. Origen: ¿Cuándo perdimos la ilusión por la tecnología?, por @ShannonVallor traducido por Ana Milutinovic – MIT Technology Review en español El objetivo del desarrollo de la tecnología de consumo [...]

El ¿alto? salario de los desarrolladores no es una burbuja, solo la realidad (@david_bonilla)

Una interesante primera parte de #labonilista sobre el salario de los programadores. El COVID no ha hecho más que acelerar las cosas, imponiendo a las empresas una digitalización y —sobre todo— una deslocalización a marchas forzadas, pero todo este ruido no debe impedirnos ver la imparable tendencia que hay detrás: cada año hacen falta más programadores y cada [...]

The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It? by @oreillymedia

Understanding four trends that may shape the future of Silicon Valley is also a road map to some of the biggest technology-enabled opportunities of the next decades: Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution. Internet regulation is upon us. Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local. The [...]

Análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación

A continuación, un extracto de las conclusiones del diagnóstico en el contexto actual del análisis de la economía valenciana y el sistema valenciano de innovación (pdf) para 2021. Los énfasis son míos ;-)   Los sectores que más destacan en la estructura productiva son servicios tradicionales —comercio, transporte y hostelería— industrias de bienes de consumo, como [...]

Post-pandemic Technology Trends: What to Watch by @thealeph_report

The ethics of such (AI) systems will most definitely be a hot topic this year. a two-part report summarizing some of the biggest trends during 2020 and the beginning of 2021. For the first part, check the geopolitical trends. Origen: Post-pandemic Technology Trends: What to Watch - The Aleph Report EXCERPTS a brief analysis of [...]

What do open source product teams do? by @opensourceway

the role of product management within the product team Origin: What do open source product teams do? • Opensource.com EXCERPTS: …a subset of tasks that are applicable in open source products: Market problems: Talk to customers and figure out what they need Product roadmap: Determine what features will be added to the product and when [...]

Apple  Hypercompetitive vs Anticompetitive(by @stratechery’s @benthompson via @aleks_muse in @AngelList )

…to draw the line between anticompetitive behavior, which is illegal under federal antitrust law, and hypercompetitive behavior, which is not. Origen: Apple, Epic, and the App Store – Stratechery by Ben Thompson   What makes this distinction particularly challenging is that the question as to what is anticompetitive and what is simply good business changes [...]

Portal Economics by @future_crunch

We’re not going back to normal. Origin: Future Crunch - Portal Economics   Part 1   &   Part 2 When this is all over, we’ll take longer walks, watch our parents read to their grandchildren, laugh at our friends, and never take hugs for granted again. The uncomfortable truth though, is that as this first wave [...]

A time-traveller from 2025 (by @varun_mathur)

A plausible dystopian future after COVID-19 via tweets. Folow the thread… I am a time-traveller from 2025. I lived through the events of 2020 which ruptured the fabric of society as we knew it then. As humans, we adapted, and survived. Here is what my world looks like now. This is my new normal. A [...]

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